7 - Family Meal

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TW: Mentions Of  Abortion
Me and Becky got to choose the restaurant, Becky's mind went immediately to Wendy's but I was fancying something less fast foody. I said maybe we should go to Pizza Hut, luckily for me Becky agreed. We were almost there when both me and Becky's phones started to ring of course we both answered.

"Becky, Ashley?"

"That's us."

"We've heard of your recent release and as the WWE we were wondering if you would come back to work for us."

I heard Becky squeal first before practically screaming down the phone.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Lovely to hear your enthusiasm Becky, how about you Ashley?"

"Of course I want to come back, it's practically my home."

"Well I look froward to seeing you on Monday!"

"See you then."

I put the phone down and looked over at Becks.

"I wasn't sure if they were gonna take us back, I feel like crying."

"Well we are the innocent party after all."

Everyone is in such a good mood, but I honestly can't pretend I'm alright. I've just seen my son for the first time in two years, yes Becky and Ashley have been released from jail but my son is being put into the system. I can't help but feel angry and upset. Trust me I am trying to make myself seem happy but it's almost impossible.

I'm so happy, the WWE have allowed me and Ashley back. I want to wrestle I'm really not ready to be a mother. Once I get a minute I'm gonna call the hospital, book an appointment and get this whole thing over and done with. I jump out of the car and help Ashley with the twins, it's really odd seeing Joe and Ashley holding hands. Don't get me wrong of course I'm happy for her but it's just a bit strange. Colby hops out of the car and intertwines our hands, I feel a warm fuzzy feeling maybe I should talk to him about the baby. No, I can't he'd never let me do what I want to do. Hopefully I'll be able to forget about this just long enough so I can get through this meal. I look over at Krisi who looks like she would rather be anywhere but here. I try to ignore that too, I really don't want to deal with any more problems today. I just want to have a good time which so far is proving to be more difficult than I thought it would be.

Becky is not her usual self, yes I understand that she's just got of jail but surely she would be more herself now then ever. I've just got to give her some time to adjust and not apply to much pressure on her. Perhaps she's not pregnant and that's why she's upset, I better not pry at her because we'll just end up arguing and I don't want to spoil this day for her. I'm glad Joe and Ashley have finally got there act together and have admitted that they love each other. Yes I'm joes friend but it's highly irritating sometimes when he just doesn't admit how's he's feeling. I could tell that he hasn't been happy with Galina since the day he married her but he just couldn't admit it so I'm happy he's found someone that makes him really happy.

It was hard telling Galina that I didn't want anything to do with her anymore, but I really don't. I love Ashley and if Galina can't see that then to hell with her. I will fight her for the custody of my children, she doesn't think I have a chance of winning but I have an incredibly strong woman on my side and I think I can do anything with her there. Our waiter has just directed us to our table , she gave us one of the big round ones and is getting high chairs for the twins. It's crazy that the twins turn one on Tuesday,
Luckily neither me or Ashley is working then so we can have a proper celebration. I'm actually pretty excited to just be able to be with my family, the waiter comes over to take our orders of course I order a sharing pizza with Ashley.

*1 hour later!*

The night has been gong really well, we've just ordered the desserts. The twins even seem to be having fun, Krisi is starting to look more happy. I know we've all had a hard and long day so I understand why she may not be in the best of moods. Becky and Colby have actually been acting like a proper couple for most of the evening, normally there arguing about something so pointless. But tonight - oh wait I spoke too soon.

I can't wait any longer, I need to know if Becky is pregnant. It's killing me not knowing, I don't get why she can't just tell me. I lean on her just enough so that I can whisper in her ear.

"Becks please, I can't take this anymore are you pregnant?"

She didn't reply, she just continued to eat her nachos.

"Becky, please!"

"Fine, yes."

I felt a wave of relief cover me, I felt overly happy. I wanted to give her a hug and then take her home to treat her to all the nice things in the world. But then she said something that filled me with dread.

"I'm not keeping it."

I almost spat my food out which instantly drew the attention to us. I felt the frustration being to build in my chest, I don't understand why she would want to kill our baby!

"Did I I hear you correctly?"

I spoke loudly because at this point I didn't really feel like keeping my mouth shut. I saw her expression change, she went from happy to extremely pissed off.

"Yes, now Colby keep your mouth shut."

"Did Ashley know of your plans!"

"No, now seriously shut up."

"Why should I be the one who has to keep my mouth shut. You just told me your planning on getting an abortion!"

I heard the gasps and watched as a tear rolled down Becky's face. I watched as she got up.

"Thanks a lot for that Colby. We're done."

She took of her ring and threw it in my face. She went to walk away but dropped to the floor and started to have a seizure, Ashley practically jumped over Joe to get to Becky. I slid off the chair and picked up the ring and didn't know what to do. She just dumped me and I really don't know how to help her.

"Colby! Call an ambulance for god sake!"

I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled 911. I felt awful as I told the responder what was going on, he replied saying an ambulance was on its way and I should try not to worry. I sat down in the booth and placed my head in my hands, this was all my fault. If I'd just left it none of this would've happened! Becky would still be my fiancé and she wouldn't currently be having a seizure because of me.

I heard the sirens before I saw the lights, it wasn't long until paramedics were tending to Becky. They asked me to take a step away and knew I couldn't walked away. Luckily for me I have Joe he pulled me up, I was overwhelmed with my emotions and started to cry. Joe pulled me into his arms and I buried my face in the crook of his neck, I've never in my life seen someone have a seizure before, so it's pretty damn scary when your best friend has one. I notice the paramedic is about to inject Becky so I quickly tell them that she's pregnant.

I open my eyes and I'm in a hospital bed in different clothes. My head is banging, the last thing I remember is being in Pizza Hut. How the hell did I get here?

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