5 - On trial

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A/N: This ones a long one, but I hope you still enjoy
As I was putting on my all black suit, something caught my eye. I looked over and it was Becky's phone, she had hundreds of missed calls from her family, lots of Instagram tags, I quickly shut the phone off because I felt bad looking through it. There was a knock at the door and I wasn't sure if it was Joe or Krisi.

"It's just me."

I unlocked the door and Krisi was standing in her dark purple dress.

"It was the best I could do at short notice, it was this or a bright pink dress I wore on a night out."

She looked fine but I really wasn't in the mood for talking, I'm about to find out if my potentially pregnant fiancé is going down for 1 year or 8. Krisi just stood awkwardly as I didn't say anything, after a minute or two she mumbled something then went down the hallway. I started to walk down the stairs, trying to ignore all the pictures of me and Becky as they made me feel really scared about today. I reached the front door, I slowly opened and saw Krisi and Joe already in the car. I noticed Ashley' mothers car was already gone. I thought she was coming to court along with Ashley's dad. I didn't have time to find out where Ashley's mother was, so I just ignored it and got in the car. I don't know why but it feels like we're going to a funeral not a court case.

I understand why he's scared, I would be too if my fiancé was on trial. I hate silence, it just makes me feel weird. Luckily for me the journey to the court house is only ten minutes away from Becky's house and I'm driving so I can distract myself from the silence long enough. I pulled into the nearby parking lot and got out of the car. Joe got out not long after me., Colby sat in the car refusing to get out. I knew we were gonna be late if he didn't get out, so being the great sister I am I opened the car door and pulled him out.

"We're going to be late, so stop acting like a child."

It felt like I was scolding a child, but he did stop acting stupid so I guess it worked. I know we're feeling uneasy and scared but I can't even imagine what Becky and Ashley are currently going through, they both may go down for a very long time. Which would be awful for both of them, Ashley has twins and Becky was about to get married to my brother. If they go down, Ashley won't see her kids and I know how horrible it is when someone tries to take away your child. I have two reasons for coming back, one to help my brother and two to get my child back from the monster that is Lily Orton. We are met  with a long line of people trying to get in the courthouse, I see a line that says family and friends so I grab Joe and Colby and pull them over there and into the courthouse. I have a feeling that I'm going to be here more than once during my stay. A worker directs us to 'Courtroom 1' and opens the door for us. Luckily the trial had only just started, we quickly took our seats and watched as Becky was pulled up into the stand. I took my brothers hand because I could see he was visibly shaking, I knew he was nervous I heard him pacing up and down the corridor all night last night. Randy's family lawyer starting grilling Becky and I could see her brave facade start to fade, I was starting to see just how scared she really is. My stomach was twisting and turning the more the lawyer attacked Becky.

"That's enough with the questions!"

I watched as the lady of the courtroom shouted for Randy's lawyer to sit down. Meanwhile Becky's lawyer starting fighting her case. Saying stuff about Randy that I didn't even know and I have a child with him. He stated dates, saying that Randy and Becky were together. I knew I had to leave, he slept with me while he was still technically with Becky. I let go of my brothers hand and rushed out of the courtroom, I ran to the bathroom and was sick.

"Are you alright in there?"

"Just give me a minute."

I flushed the toilet and wiped my face, I unlocked the door and saw Lily. She looked just as shocked to see me, I desperately wanted to slap her. But instead I washed my hands and dried them and rushed back out. I practically ran out of the bathroom, I swung the door open and saw him my baby boy. I stopped dead in my tracks, I heard the door open behind me and I knew it was Lily. All I wanted to do was give my baby boy a hug, but I couldn't.

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