16 - The morning after the night before...

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Ashley came over and snogged me after she'd finished her dance, I could taste the alcohol in her breath.

"Did you see? It wait we are incredible."

I push her off slightly, I'm not gonna lie all I want is a drink right now. She smiles before walking back to the dance floor, I break away and head to the bar. I go to order a gin and tonic but order a pint of Fanta instead. God I've drunk enough Fanta tonight to last me a lifetime. I hear Colby calling for me, so I make my way over to the door way he was barely standing in.

"Baby, it's time!"

He didn't even give me a chance to reply before he pulled me through the crowd of people and into the dance floor. I heard the start of our music start playing, I really don't know why we chose 'This is Gospel' but it just seemed right after the year we've had. Colby can barely stand so I'm doing most of the dancing. We were halfway through the song when Colby thought it was a perfect time to pick me up, he spun me around and lost his balance. Taking out the pizza table while he was at it, I heard laughter start to ring around the room. I quickly stood up and pulled Colby up and into my arms, the rest of the dance went as smoothly as possible. Once our dance was over I swiftly pulled Colby into my chest and gave him a proper kiss. I heard the cheers erupt, I could see Ashley grinning from ear to ear. Who knows if anyone except for me is sober enough to remember any of this tomorrow I knew exactly what I wanted, no exactly what I needed right now. I took Colby by the tie and pulled him out into the corridor and up the stairs to our room, I could hear Ashley and Joe's voices from down the corridor they must've slipped out the same time as us. I pulled my hotel key out of my bag and shoved Colby inside, once I shut the door Colby knew what was going on, he pushed me back slowly until I hit the door. He starting kissing me all over my neck. I pulled away so I could unzip my dress, luckily Colby knew what I wanted and undid it for me. Clothes were tossed to the floor and I've never enjoyed Colby's company so much.

I knew me and Joe had to get some alone time, we palmed off all the kids to my mum and dad and he took me back to his room. I could hear the faint giggling from down the corridor so I assume Becks and Colby have had the same idea. I untie the back of my dress and throw it on the bed, I pull the hair tie out of my hair so that it falls down across my chest. I sit on the bed and wait for Joe to finish locking the door, I see his jaw drop when he turned around. I also saw him bite his lip and throw off his own clothes. This has definitely been the best day of my life.

I was woken by Becky's mother opening the curtains, when I remembered neither me or Becks has any clothes on. I cough loudly to grab her attention, she turns and smiled.

"Good, your awake!"

I rubbed my eyes and motioned to the clothes on the floor she turned a bit red before speaking.

"I'll give you both a moment to get dressed."

I rolled over and saw Becky laughing.

"What? It's not funny!"

"Oh darling, it is."

She kissed the end of my nose before getting out of bed and dropping the blanket, I took a little breath and she turned and winked. I heard the door shut and feared that she'd gone outside naked, but I heard the shower start running. Barely a minute later I heard her shout.

"Babe can you scrub my back!"

Of course I jumped at the chance.

I heard the crying before I saw the twins, I checked my phone and it was 10:38am. I quickly pulled the blanket over my body and then saw it was just Ashley. My head is banging, I also feel terribly sick.

"How much alcohol did I consume last night?"

"Only a bottle or two of wine."

"Am I seriously that much of a lightweight?"

"I'm kidding, you put away half the bar last night. I won't be surprised if they don't have any alcohol left!"

I felt something hit my face and then realised Ash had thrown some paracetamol at me. I watched her and I grabbed the glass from my nightstand, I went to take a drink but smelt vodka I knew I had to be sick. I felt Ashley pull my hair back for me and rub my back, I'm never getting that drunk again.

We got out of the shower and I already had clothes set out. Today I'm wearing a blouse and maternity jeans, I do hate every item of clothing I own. They all make me look fat and ugly, Colby calls me beautiful but it just doesn't feel right. I've got an ever growing baby bump and I need to get used to it being there, I've never experienced this before and I'm terrified. I notice I've been staring in the mirror a little too long so I quickly give Colby a kiss before going to meet my mother. She was standing with my brother, I gave them both a hug and we sat down waiting for Colby. After five minutes he arrived.

"You two, I've got a surprise. It's something I think you'll like. So you know how you told me that you didn't have a honeymoon booked."


"Well I've booked you one, to Majorca for 6 nights, all inclusive and you get a 2 bed villa while your staying."

I smile spread it's way across my face, I grabbed my mum, brother and Colby and pulled them into a tight hug. I whispered 'Best Wedding present ever' I felt my mum squeeze my hand after I pulled away.

"And don't you worry about clothes, I sneaked into your room when I came round the other day. I got both of all your sizes. If you don't like them, well I tried. Now get going before you miss your flight, I'll hold down the fort here for you both."

She leaned forward and kissed both of our cheeks before handing us our suitcases. I do hope I like the clothes she's bought. I take Colby's hand and wave at my parents and wedding guests before jumping in our taxi. I felt my tears running down my face, and Colby wiped them off.

"Next stop Majorca."

I looked up and saw him grinning at me, we've needed a holiday for months. But I got arrested and everything just went wrong. But this time for once things are finally looking up. No more jail time, just me Colby and this baby sunning it up in Majorca.

I heard Annette speaking to Becky, I had the twins so I couldn't really go over. She actually found out and got me to help her shop for both Becky and Colby's clothes. I know they'll both like them and if they don't then I'll just blame Annette for the choice of clothes. I've left Joe in the room being sick, I don't know what he expected drinking all that alcohol. I feel sick don't get me wrong but I've never seen someone who's not pregnant that sick. I'm gonna miss Becky and Colby but mainly Becky, me and Joe are going down to Florida for a little bit. Less than a week just a few days, my parents are busy people so I can't dump the kids on them for more than I few days. The twins are only 1 and a half, so they still need me a lot. I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda scared, it's the first time I'm leaving them for more than 24 hours. But I'm looking forward to going to Florida, me and Joe can finally have some alone time. I know I've got to get back to my room to pack and I'm sure I could do it with the twins in the room, they don't scream as much anymore. I get back to the room and I hear romantic music, I see rose petals scattered across the room. I push the double pram through the door and Joe sat on the table with a flute of champagne and breakfast foods.

"Surprised you can stomach any food?"

"Not for me, the champagne is for you too."

I laughed and parked up the twins, I took my seat and took a bite out of the watermelon, best breakfast I've had in a while.

A/N: Finally felt motivated enough to write, sorry if this chapter isn't the best I just need to get back into the swing of things. Even if it wasn't the best I hope you still enjoyed, I have a big storyline planned so stay tuned! Bye!

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