24 - Broken

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A/N: Get ready to hate me!
I had the paramedics and we were running, hoping to get to Krisi before it was too late. I rounded the last corner and saw her laying there lifeless, I felt my heart in my throat and I fell to my knees.


I got no response so I shook her shoulders, her phone fell out of her hand and hit the ground with a crack. I took a step back and the paramedics rushed in, I barely even know Krisi and seeing this breaks my heart. I tugged my hands through my hair as I heard the shocks.

"Charge to 180"

I watched them shock her, I feel horribly sick. Krisi cant die, not like this anyways. Luis needs her, Colby needs her. I hear the screams of Holly from down the corridor and I know I have to keep from seeing this in fear it will break her.


I caught Holly as she fell to the ground, I could feel every tear and every sob. She clung onto me as if I were her lifeline.

"Charge to 180 again."

Shock, nothing again.

"Please you need to save my daughter!"

She was desperately pleading with them now, I could see the sadness in there eyes. I knew at this point that Krisi was well and truly dead.

"No! No please not my baby...she can't be dead."

I let her go and she rushed to Krisi's side.

"Time of death 11:34am"

I stood up and took a step away, I watched Holly pull her daughter close. I wished for this to be a bad dream. A horrible day that could only be made in my imagination, but no. I'm standing in a hospital covered in Ashley's blood and Krisi's gone. I know I need to find Colby and Becky, then go see about Joe and Ashley. I went to leave but I heard Holly's broken voice.

"Please don't leave me..."

I crumbled to the floor myself, wrapping her in a tight embrace as I did so.

I couldn't find Rebecca anywhere, I dialled Joe and he answered. He sounded awful.

"Colby, where are you?"

"Looking for Rebecca!"

"You need to get down here right now."


I could hear the fear in his voice.

"It's Krisi,.."

"What's happened?"

I turned and saw Becky, I dropped the phone to the floor and rushed over to her bed. I could see how pale she looked and this just feared me even more. I intertwined our hands and felt her loosely squeeze my hand, I smile appeared on my face as I saw her start to stir. She slowly peeled open her eyes as soon as she saw my face her eyes went wide, bringing one of her hands to check my cuts.

"I'm okay Colby, we both are."

She snaked her arm around her stomach and grabbed my hand too.

"Look there kicking."

I felt myself light up and I hugged Becky. The armed officers ran down our ward but nothing could stop this moment.

Once this is over I can't wait to do all the things normal people do when there pregnant. Like have a baby shower and a late gender reveal, if this crazy time has shown me anything it's that I'm so lucky to pregnant. I'm scared and I will always be scared but I'm having a child so I should be happy. I heard the squeak of someone's shoes, I lifted my head slightly and saw Joe. He was running towards us face full of tears, I felt my heart stop in fear that I'd just lost Ashley.

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