27 - Smashed Glass and Broken relationships

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I pushed off of him, he looked shocked that I moved away.



I slapped him right across the face. He looked mortified with me and it just pissed me off all the more, I grabbed a photo frame and threw it at him.

"What the hell?!?"

"You've got to be fucking kidding me Colby! Why are you even here? You said all that stuff earlier, I'm not just gonna take you back and you can't act like nothing has happened!"


"Don't even try to explain yourself, I do not care. Go back to whatever hole you came from because I don't need you!"

"Becky just give me a chance!"

"No, you lost every right to even come close to me earlier on."

"I was just trying to keep appearances up!"

"What half arsed excuse is that! I'm your wife Colby and more importantly the mother of your child!"

"Becky you don't understand!"

"Yes I do, you don't want me anymore you want Pauline. Colby if you were upset you could've come to me, if you were angry you could've come to me, if you were horny you should've come to me, you shouldn't have gone a fucked some other chick!"

"I never-."

"Just go...please I don't have the strength."

"Becky please you don't know what it's like!"

"Being a cheating lowlife, no but I do know what it feels like to be a mug, I was humiliated in there with that beautiful curvy girl staring me down."

"She's nothing compared to you!"

"Stop please, I really can't do this not now nor ever. You've broken my heart Colby."

"Just hear me out, please."

"You have a minute."

"I don't want to be with her, I lied about you so she wouldn't try and find you. Me and Pauline go back years, she's always wanted me and I've never liked her. I was vulnerable and she saw that and took advantage of it, she made me do things I didn't wanna do today being one of those. She has cameras watching me constantly, she might've even followed me here. Please believe me, I would never cheat on you."

I don't know whether to believe him, he looks genuinely upset but my heart is being pulled in so many directions I don't know which one to trust.

"You've got to help me please...I can't be there anymore please!"

"I can't just forget everything you said Colby I don't k-."

"Please! I can't take it anymore..."

He was breaking down at my feet and that's when I saw through everything, he's being honest with me. I slid down to the ground beside him, I pulled him into my chest and just held him. He looks scared and it does break my heart, I wish he could've just found some way to tell me.

"Come on, let's go."


"The police."


"Colby you have been held against your will for the last few weeks, I'm pretty sure that's illegal."


"I know what I'm doing Colby, let's just go and file a report. I'll be there the entire time okay?"

He nodded his head and I slowly got to my feet, helping him up not long after. The drive to the police station was quiet which was understandable, I could feel how scared Colby was. I could hear how fast he was breathing and how much he was shaking.

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