17 - Back to square one...

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Hi, just quickly I honestly can't remember what month its meant to be in this story but I've had a look so I think it's April/May so yeah, I'll let you read the chapter now!

The last three days have been incredible, I'm 18 weeks pregnant and living my best life with my husband. It does feel strange to finally be able to call Colby my husband, after everything with Colby trying to you know and me going into a coma. I never really thought I'd ever see his smile or hear his voice and I'm still terrified that I'm gonna wake up and he won't be there anymore, he really will be gone. Majority of the clothes my mum bought are pretty, there's this one swimsuit that is red and has a pretty zip going down the front. Ooh and also my mum bought a light pink pool cover, the resort we're staying at is beautiful. Everyone is so kind and the pool of my god it is so amazing, don't even get me started on the food. Best double bacon and cheese burger I've had in years. Me and Colby have planned to go to the beach today, I've already picked out my clothes and his so we can be matching. When we get back home we've decided to let Ashley do a gender reveal party, I texted her the news and she sent me about twenty screenshots of her 'portfolio' of gender reveal ideas. I do love Ashley but she can be a bit hands on, like I want one gender reveal party and not twenty!

"Come oh babe, we'll miss the morning quietness!"

"Just give me a minute!"

I tied my hair up and threw my bag over my shoulder, my baby bump shows a  lot now. I keep on subconsciously putting my hand over the bump, I don't know if I'm trying to hide it from the world or protect it? I slip through the villa door and join Colby, lacing our hands together in the process. I knew that we were gonna stop off at a place called the 'Wild Swan' to get some breakfast, I'm not exactly looking forward to it. New food makes my stomach turn and I don't really like breakfast. But Colby wants too so I just agreed. It's only a 5 minute walk from here so I'm not too bothered, of course I'm a bit sweaty but things could be worse. By the time we arrived in the pub? My massacre had run all down my face!

"I'll be back now, I'm just going to powder my nose."

"Don't be too long, text me if you get sick."

I nodded and walked to the bathroom, I grabbed a cloth and wiped off majority of my makeup. I started to reapply my mascara when somebody knocked the wand out of my hand.


I couldn't place the voice, I've heard it before but I just can't picture who it is. I felt something cold press against my back.

"Don't move, don't call for help, don't do anything unless I say so!"

Her evil voice sent shivers down my spine.

"I know exactly what you are Rebecca, dirty little pathetic sl-"

The door swung open and she stopped dead in her tracks. The old woman walked past us and into the bathroom stall.

"Remember what I said Rebecca."

She whispered into my ear and it made me feel sick.

"Now you listen to me, your gonna get me what I want or you can say bye bye to everyone you love! Starting with that Colby of yours, then Ashley and then her boy toy. Then your parents and your brother and everyone who you care about!"

She grabbed me once more and pushed me out of the bathroom.

"Now you go act normal, but if you do anything stupid I won't hesitate to kill ya! Do you  understand?"

I nodded and she shoved me forward, I noticed there was 2 orange juices on the table.

"Uh Colbs who ordered these?"

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