15 - Cider and Sickness

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We arrived back at the hotel and somehow my mum and dad were already there with the twins. I grabbed the bottle of champagne and climbed out of the limo, I took Amber and handed her to Roman. Then took Leah and carried her in, music was already blasting through the stereo even though we hadn't had any food yet. Amber and Leah started crying in sync. I signalled to Becky and she ran over and turned down the music, after ten or so minutes the rest of our guests had arrived. I had invited someone who I didn't know, but Becky had her down in her phone as 'a godsend' so I invited her.

Me and Colby had some quality time while we were waiting for the guests to arrive, we talked genders and the possibility of having a gender reveal party. Colby knows I don't like baby talk and I assume Ashley wouldn't have told him the reason. I've still got to talk to him about that and what he told me earlier. I pour myself another glass of Fanta and see Natalie and TJ walk in. They came over and congratulated us before making there way to table 4. I thought everyone had arrived as food started to come out, I made a start on my starter. It's some weird cheese and ham fold? I don't really know to be honest and I chose the menu. I hear the door click open and look up. I see a woman I haven't seen in years and old emotions start to resurface. I grab my serviette and run out of the room.

I hear the whisperings as soon as Becky left running, I know I have to go after her. So I make my way to the door and to the bathroom. I can hear Becky being sick from outside the door, it must have just been the cheese thingys.

"Becks? You alright?"

"Do I sound alright Lopez?"

"Just unlock the door so I can help."

She hesitated for a moment before coming to unlock the door, she was crying. I opened my arms and she fell into them.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?"

"I'm sick."

"Well I knew that, but why?"

I know I can't tell him now, I don't want to ruin our wedding for him. So I know I'll just blame it on the baby and be done with it.

"This baby, ain't giving me a break."

I saw him frown before leaning down to speak to my bump.

"Hey you in there, give your mother a break yeah? It's her wedding day! Daddy wants momma to enjoy herself, so just for today don't make her sick."

For the first time I felt it kick, I'm only 17 weeks along so I'm rather surprised. I grabbed Colby hand and placed it on my stomach. I saw his face instantly light up and I wanted to cry but this time In tears of joy. I took Colby's hand before we walked back out and sat down. I just simply nodded at all the worried looks, I avoided looking at that woman at all costs. I began eating the cheese things but they've gone cold. I pushed them around a bit before someone came and took them away. Next up is a roast, I went for a chicken one but Colby went for beef.

I'm having a great day, the twins are pretty much behaving. The food is awesome, Becky had a little hiccup earlier but we're all good now. Ashley keeps on squeezing my inner thigh and I've almost spat out my food, I saw the devilish smirk on her face when I jerked backwards. I could feel myself burning up so I placed my hand on her thigh and saw her grip onto the table, she would tease and I would tease back. Finally we were on to dessert, I do love a good chocolate fudge cake heated with ice cream. It didn't take long for everyone to finish dessert, we pushed some of the tables back and suddenly we had a dance floor. I know mine and Ashley's dance is first just like our ceremony was, I'm excited to just dance one on one with Ashley. I keep on seeing this woman I don't recognise, I heard Galina's screeching voice before I saw her. She practically tossed my children at me and walked off. I hope she knows that's she got to pick them up! Ashley's parents are babysitting the twins tonight so me and Ashley could get some alone time. I watch as Ashley walks off and starts talking to the unknown woman, I go off to find Colby and Jon with my children.

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