Chapter 1: Her First Friend

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It was another night that they were arguing. As usual,Nagisa ran up to her room and slammed the door,clutching the little Joltik in her 9-almost 10-year-old-arms."Don't worry,Joltie."She whispered."Mommy and Father will stop soon,then we can play."

Although only 9,Nagisa discovered that Monsters-or Pokemon,as she preferred to call them-were not the scary creatures the police and Pro Heroes called them.She found Pokemon to be a wonderful escape from the hellhole she called home.They were sweet,gentle and loyal to each other,most times they didn't push each other around like her own brothers did.Nagisa wanted her uncle,who had the same Quirk as her,except he couldn't communicate with them like she did.She wanted Uncle Sojiro.

BAM! A slamming of the door rang out. Nagisa wondered who was it. It was already 8 o'clock at night,and her parents hadn't had anyone over for months.

"ENOUGH!Nina,Ryuji,if you don't stop arguing,Nagisa will know you two are going to split!" 

Nagisa's heart thumped once,painfully.'Uncle Sojiro?It couldn't be!' Nagisa pulled her door open and dashed to the stair landing,only to see Sojiro standing near the door,with her parents,Nina and Ryuji,glaring daggers at him.No,wait,not daggers.Swords, more like.

Sojiro caught sight of Nagisa standing at the landing,staring at the trio,still holding Joltik.

"Ah,Nina.Hello,dear.Your parents are going to divorce."He stated.Nagisa tilted her head,confused.

"They're not gonna live together anymore?"She asked,confused."I read the dictionary."

Sojiro half-smiled.He started to speak before Nagisa's father broke in."Of course your mother and I are going to bloody well divorce,I'm taking my sons with me." He glared at her mother Nina as she started to protest.Nina fell silent under his glare. Nagisa felt a small burst of panic and fear.

"But where will I go?"She blurted,before cowering under her father's look of disgust.

"You'll go to an orphanage.Or into the foster system.Whichever's closer. I'm not letting this bitch take care of you."Ryuji snarled.Sojiro stepped in.

"No.I'll take Nagisa. We share similar Quirks,and I can train her."He glared back at Ryuji."My niece will never go into the foster system,of all places! How dare you say that to her!She's barely 10!"

Ryuji contemplated this.Finally he sighed and pointed at Sojiro mockingly."Fine.Try to be as good a father as me,why don't you?"he sneered.

Sojiro held his head high."I'll do better."He promised.

(Timeskip a couple months, and Nagisa is 10)

"Right, we're here!" Sojiro said cheerfully,as he parked his car in front of a building that had the shutters rolled down."My mechanics shop,to repair people's cars,gadgets and whatnots!"

So saying, he got out of the car, unlocked the shutter and rolled it up, as Nagisa also climbed out of the car and opened the boot.Chuckling, Sojiro helped Nagisa unload her two suitcases and bring them into the mechanics shop.He helped her haul the suitcases up a flight of stairs at the back,and brought her and them into a decently sized room

"This is your room! What d'you think?"He asked her.(picture ur dream room cause i suck at using tech)

Nagisa looked around wonderingly."It's perfect!Thanks Uncle!"She turned around and hugged his belly.Sojiro smiled and hugged her back fondly.

(Little timeskippu cause this is my first story and I'm kinda lazy to write everything in detail)

A few hours later,Nagisa was running around the abandoned field at the back of the mechanics shop.There was a forest at the far end of the field.It was actually a Monster Forest,which made Nagisa want to go there even more.But Sojiro said that she could only go when her Quirk got stronger,so she didn't.

(SIDE NOTE:Imagine the big Forests in the Pokemon games. Literally swarming with Pokemon.In this story,Pokemon are strange, abnormal and ferocious creatures that 'attack mindlessly and needlessly', according to the authorities and Pros.Monster Forests are off-limits,since there are so many mons in there.But the illegal group that Sojiro works for,they don't care about the rules.You'll find out about the group next few chapters.Chapters 1-3 are about Nagisa aging.Also Nagisa's Quirk"s a secret since catching Monsters and experimenting on or killing them is what the government's been doing.)

"Oof!" Nagisa exclaimed as she crashed into someone.They shouted similarly.The person Nagisa had crashed into was a slightly tired-looking boy with gravity-defying purple hair about her age."I'm sorry,are you okay?"she asked worriedly.The boy smirked,embarrassed.

"Yeah,I'm fine. Name's Hitoshi Shinso, what's your name?"Shinso asked. Nagisa smiled.

"I'm Nagisa Fukorine, nice to meet ya! You stay around here too?"She asked. Shinso smiled back.

"Yeah! I haven't seen you around here,did you just move here?"He asked.

"Yep,just a few hours ago.Do you wanna be friends?We can meet here if you want!"She replied, hopeful for a friend.

"Sure!What's your Quirk?"He asked. The two kids spent the rest of the day chatting about anything under the sun,and Nagisa revealed her secret Quirk to her new friend.When the sun started to set,both kids went home.

Oh my god first chapter.I absolutely suck at tech,so I'm waiting to learn how to upload shit.And I'm not good at endings,so if anyone reads this,please tell me if anything was crap.I'm an aspiring writer and this is my first Book on wattpad.Hopefully someone reads this.


PS:I'm a Singaporean.You don't know where Singapore is go check google.

Not All Of Them Are "Monsters" Bnha x Pokemon (BEING REWRITTEN ON AO3)Where stories live. Discover now