Chapter Two

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It is 9pm the next day. 

You and Lana have been getting ready for the party for the past 2 hours.

2. Hours.

Lana came over at about 6pm with all of her supplies, makeup, clothes, alcohol. You were downing another shot of tequila as Lana was finishing up her hair. "Man, I don't know why I do this to myself every.single.time." Lana huffs. 

"Girl I tell you every damn time to straighten your hair first BEFORE you start drinking. Then you don't have to keep burning yourself every 5 seconds." You laugh, flopping onto your bed.

You had about 4 tequila shots and it was starting to hit. You could feel your cheeks begin to burn with the alcohol running through your veins. Your body was starting to feel heavy. You were tipsy alright. 

"Ok bitch let's- let's freaking go" Lana stutters, pulling out her phone to order the Uber. You sit yourself up and grab your phone before stuffing it into your small bag. You make sure the straightener is switched OFF before you guys leave, locking the door behind you. 

"Where even is this place?" You ask Lana after you jump into the Uber. "It's like the other side of town, out in the country sort of. I guess they must have a big plot of land or something"

The Uber finally stops after about 25 minutes and you exit the car, thanking the driver as you go. You step out onto the driveway and can already hear the music blasting from inside the house, people walking in and out of the house, people stumbling around and laying on the front lawn, and it's not even 10pm yet.

"Woah check this place out," Lana gawks at the big building. Double story, with a sizeable front lawn. You could only image what the inside looked like, not to mention the backyard. You and Lana begin your walk into the house, the smell of smoke strong in the air. The music becomes louder as you enter. A sea of bodies dancing, a crowd of people playing some sort of drinking game, people kissing, grinding, people yelling, singing, just a whole lot of sensory overload. The inside of the house is quite large, though the lights were dimmed so it was hard to see a lot in detail. 

"Let's go get a drink!" Lana yells over the music and you take her hand, following her to what you assume is the way to the kitchen. Not that Lana knows where the kitchen is. You end up squeezing past people and bumping into somebody who death glares you even after you had apologised. 

You manage to find the kitchen and a table which displayed various snacks and drinks. Lana grabs two cups and opens two cans of some kind of beverage. 

(never take a drink that has been opened, never accept a drink from someone you don't know)

She hands you a cup and you thank her, before gulping down the liquid. You grimace. It tastes awful. "Jesus Lana what the fuck is that?!" you cough. "No idea babe" she nonchalantly replies.

"I believe it's rum." A deep male voice takes you by surprise. You turn to see a tall guy holding a can of some kind of alcoholic drink in one hand, blonde hair, and the fullest lips you have ever seen. 

You are breathless for a moment, taking in his angelic appearance. 

"I'm Jimin" he introduces himself confidently. 

"Lana" she sticks her hand out to shake his. Lana is more confident than you are, especially around boys, but alcohol gives you more confidence than usual, however this man is making you forget how to speak.

Jimin looks at you hopefully, waiting for your name. 

"I - I'm, (Your Name)" you try to act as normal as possible.

"It's lovely to meet you ladies" Jimin sticks his hand out to shake yours. "What brought you two lovely girls here tonight?" he takes a sip of his drink. So seductive. 

"Well, it's our old friend from school, Jason's party," Lana answers sweetly. 

"Ahh, I see." Jimin takes another sip of his drink. His black button down shirt clinging nicely to his toned physique, his ripped black jeans showing off his muscular legs. You continue to gawk at him. "You guys go to uni here?" Jimin looks at you, silently wanting you to talk this time. Jimin is giving off a certain energy. You can just tell by his aura alone that this man knows exactly how to charm anyone.

"Yeah. Lana's an art major and I'm an education major," you answer cooly "I also work in a cafe." 

"Oh no way. That's freaking awesome, can I come and see you at work some time?" Jimin smirks seductively and you feel like you might melt into the floor at any moment. His hand rests cooly in his pocket, his stance casual but confident. "Absolutely. I make an incredible strawberry frappe." You grin widely.

"I can't wait to try it." He says. Lana stares between you two and she can't help but smile happily at your interaction.

Another tall man hastily appears next to Jimin. This guy is taller than Jimin. He has dark hair, deep brown eyes and is dressed in all black, similar to Jimin's outfit. You notice tattoos inked onto his hand. This guy looks annoyed, his expression unimpressed. You can't help but be absolutely stunned by this man's beauty. It feels like everything is in slow motion. You aren't thinking about anything else but his face and how you'd like to kiss it. 

"Jimin, where have you been? What the fuck are you doing? We're not here to socialise" the sex god says to Jimin, not even acknowledging you and Lana.

You can't stop boldly gawking at this man. "Jesus Jungkook relax. I was just talking to Y/N and Lana here. Ladies, this is Jungkook". 

"Hi," Lana greets the gorgeous man, but you can't manage to get a word out. Jungkook locks eyes with you for a moment, your stomach erupting in butterflies. His brown eyes pierce into the very depths of your soul.

Jungkook moves his eyes away and glares at Jimin, his jaw clenched. Jimin rolls his eyes at him, "fine" he sighs "I'll see you ladies around" he winks. He walks away, Jungkook following behind him. You think Jungkook is going to walk right by you but instead he stops right in front of you, towering over you. You lock eyes. His expression is blank, unreadable. You can see the whole universe in his eyes. What the fuck is happening? He starts leaning in. Electricity is coursing through you. Your heart hammering in your chest. You stop breathing. He gets closer and closer to your face. Are we about to kiss right now? 

You close your eyes, preparing for impact.

"Quit staring at me" his hot breath hits your ear as he whispers, walking away.

Your body is totally frozen. Your eyes flutter open.

You can barely hear Lana beside you. "What the fuuuck!" She is absolutely beaming, her smile is from ear to ear. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.

"What just happened?"

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