Chapter Twenty One

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Lana had just left. You had told her everything that had happened since you last spoke to her. She was really happy for you. She was also shocked at the bruising on your neck, which you explained. You also apologised to her for not seeing her as often anymore. She understood, she was busy with her art final too. Jungkook had texted you and you asked him if he wanted to come over later. He agreed and would come over later this afternoon.

You spent the rest of the afternoon deep cleaning your apartment. You bleached pretty much the entire bathroom, untangled all of your hair utensils and stacked them neatly in your bathroom drawers. You washed your bed sheets, vacuumed and mopped the entire place, tidied your wardrobe and gave the kitchen a good cleaning. You worked up a sweat after all that work. You showered and then finished writing up one of your final assignments for the semester. It was just about semester break and it couldn't come soon enough.

You had just submitted your assignment when there was a knock at your front door. You were excited that Jungkook was here and rushed over to open the door. The person you were met with was not Jungkook.


"Yeah, hi. I won't be here for very long I just had something I wanted to say."

You raised an eyebrow. Your anxiety instantly rising, causing your heart to thump in your chest. How did he know where you lived? 


"I hope you make Jungkook happy."


You tilt your head, waiting for him to elaborate.

"I hope he makes you happy, too. But I just wanted to tell you, he isn't being truthful with you. He is hiding things from you. All sorts of things. Do you really want to be with someone that lies to you constantly?"

You had no idea what to do or how to react to this. Was he being serious? Was he joking? You stare at him blankly. "What are you talking about-"

"And if you ever feel like backstabbing him, don't. It will have consequences for the rest of us. It's not just you who will be affected." 

With that he walks away. Without another word. He just leaves you dumbfounded in your doorway. What the fuck is he talking about? Is he implying that Jungkook is cheating on you?

You are still mulling over everything that just happened when you see Jungkook step out of the elevator. He doesn't look happy. He is walking fast towards you. 

"Why did I just see Taehyung in the lobby? Did he come to see you?" Jungkook looks at you intently. You didn't know what to tell him. Do you lie? 

"Um, yeah, he was here." Your face says it all. Confusion. Shock. Curiosity.

Jungkook waits for you to say something else. When you don't say anything he speaks. "What happened?" 

"He told me you were lying to me. Hiding things from me." You can feel your eyes start to fill with tears and you look down. You didn't want to believe Taehyung, but why would he lie about it? 

Jungkook sighs, shaking his head. "I could kill that motherfucker-" 

"Jungkook are you seeing someone else?" You look up at him.

Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, completely thrown off guard. "Baby, no. I would never do that to you. I don't want anyone else. I want you. Please, forget what Taehyung said. He's trying to take you from me. He's mad at me and is taking it out on you," Jungkook says, his voice full of desperation. He places his hands around your arms. You feel a tear roll down your cheek. 

"If you don't want to see me anymore, I understand-"

"Absolutely not. I only want you. Please. Please believe me. Look at me, baby," he places a finger under your chin, tilting your head to look at him. "I would never cheat on you. How could I? I have the perfect girl right in front of me. I can't even look at another woman. I only see you." Jungkook is begging you, now. It is pulling on your heartstrings. More tears fall down your cheeks.

"Ok. Ok, I trust you." You say. Jungkook wipes your tears with his thumb. He pulls you into his chest, hugging you tight. You take a deep breath, trying to stop the tears. Jungkook kisses the top of your head. "Why would Taehyung say that?" You ask into his chest, getting upset again at the fact anyone would make something like that up. 

Jungkook sighs, you just know he's pissed off. "I don't know. He's pissed at me. He's jealous, that's all. You have done absolutely nothing wrong. Ok? Don't worry about it." Jungkook hugs you for a while longer, until you stop crying. 

"Let's go watch that shitty show that you love," Jungkook says and it makes you laugh. He holds your hand as you go inside your apartment. You both snuggle on the couch, your head resting on his chest as his arm is wrapped around you protectively and you watch your programme.

Jungkook makes you laugh again with his snide comments at the show. You are already feeling better and are starting to forget what Taehyung said to you. You end up kissing Jungkook, which turns into making out. Jungkook puts his hands all over you, touching every inch of your body. You tangle your hands in his hair, your favourite place for them. You both make out for a few minutes, all of your anxiety melting away. His lips are like therapy to you. So soft, moving expertly against your mouth. It completely relaxes you. You needed this. You craved his touch every second. You were falling hard for him, and falling fast. 

~Jungkook's POV~

I texted Taehyung to meet me in the park closest to the hideout. I waited until Y/N was sleeping before I left. I was going to completely destroy him. He really had some nerve showing up at her place, spilling out some bullshit she did not need to hear to pit her against me. I was absolutely fuming, I could barely walk straight. My jaw clenched so much that it was starting to hurt and my hands screwed up into fists.

I see Taehyung sitting on the park bench as I approach him, my feet stomping against the grass. He sees me coming and quickly stands. "You fucking bastard-" I spit as I walk closer to him. His face is blank and he seems unbothered by the rage painted across my face. I grab him by the shirt neck, "What the fuck were you thinking?!" I scream right in his face. It was taking everything in me not to fucking kill him right now.

"She had to know. You are no good for her." Taehyung says, raising his voice at me. "You fucking asshole that's not your decision to make!" I scream again, my voice travelling through the night. "She'll be better off without you." 

I can't take it anymore. I bring my fist up and punch him square in the face. Taehyung grunts and his head flies back with the impact. I let go of his shirt and he stumbles back. "Fuck you Tae!" I yell again before using all my force to push him to the ground. He doesn't have time to react and falls back, landing on the ground with a thump. Bright red blood is leaking out of his nose and I couldn't give a shit. I get down on my knees next to him and grab his shirt neck once again, his breathing heavy. 

"You better stay the fuck away from her. Do you hear me? If you pull any kind of this shit again, I will fucking kill you." I threaten, my voice dripping in pure anger. I shove him back into the ground before standing up. I walk away, leaving Taehyung with a bloody nose.

# I just want to say I love Taehyung it really hurt me to make him the mean one :'(  #

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