Chapter Five

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You walk up the stairs leading up to the university library, your textbooks in hand and your backpack slung over your shoulders. You had an assignment to finish and you always felt like you got more work done when you went to the library. It was a large library, it was quiet and they had fast internet so you felt like it was the most ideal place to go. 

You walk inside and it isn't as busy as it usually is, you can see a few students scattered at the study tables, far away from one another. You find an empty table and put your books down and sling your backpack onto the floor under the table. You pull your water bottle and laptop out of your bag and get to work. You switch between flicking through your textbooks and typing on your laptop. It was just you, your water bottle and your laptop against the world. You are so concentrated on doing your work that by the time you look at the clock, almost 3 hours have passed by.

You realise you should stand up and stretch to relieve tension from your craning neck and back. You stand up, your arms stretching above your head before turning your neck to the side and hearing it crack. You already feel better. 

You notice a person walk by you, coming from behind you, wearing all black. The figure is tall and has a muscular build, so you assume it is a man, heading to the very back of the library. Something white falls out of his back pocket and he doesn't notice, continuing to walk away. You walk hastily over to the fallen item and pick it up. It's a folded up piece of paper. You start to follow the man, "excuse me" you whisper-yell, not wanting to get in trouble from the librarian. But he doesn't hear you. He disappears down the last aisle of books. You follow him.

You never came this far back into the library, it was kind of dark and creepy, you weren't even sure what books were kept back here. You round the corner and the man is still facing with his back to you. 

"Excuse me, you dropped this," You almost collapse when he turns around and you see his face and realise that it's Jungkook. His eyes widen in shock horror. "Are you following me?" he raises an eyebrow at you, his voice deep. You scramble for words, "no I- you drop-" 

Jungkook interrupts you "I knew you had a crush on me but damn, I didn't expect you to be a stalker." He tilts his head, his tone condescending. Your eyes widen in disbelief. This boy really has some nerve. "You really have the AUDACITY to call me a stalker? Who was the one trying to kiss me the other night?" You bite back. Jungkook looks at you with wide eyes, shocked that you spoke to him like that.

"You dropped this you fool, I was coming to give it to you," you hold out the piece of paper to him and he quickly snatches it from you. "You didn't open this did you?" His voice is so low, almost threatening, as he stares you down. His mood changed in a split second, going from cocky to deadly serious. "No, I swear I didn't" Your voice is quiet, you actually feel scared right now. "Did anyone see you?" he stares into your eyes intently. You shake your head, "No, there's barely anyone here-" 

"Y/N, if I find out you're lying to me-" his jaw clenches. "I swear, Jungkook, I didn't look." 

He sighs. "You should mind your business."

Your face is scrunched up in confusion. "What are you doing here anyway, do you even go to this uni?" 

Jungkook looks blankly at you, before walking away and out of the library, saying not a single word. You're left standing in an empty book aisle, completely dumbfounded. What in the fuck just happened? You realise that you've been asking yourself that a lot lately but there was really no other way to put it. 


After that weird incident with Jungkook in the library, you left to go to work. 

About an hour into your shift, you see Jimin coming into the cafe. You smile brightly, genuinely happy to see him. "Hi! You just can't stay away from me, huh?" you say playfully. Jimin chuckles. "I haven't stopped thinking about that strawberry frappe. I think I even dreamt about it last night." You laugh. 

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