Chapter Fifteen

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You and Jungkook are lying in your bed, facing each other. It was like deja vu. This time, Jungkook has his arm wrapped around your waist, stroking the skin on your back. You are snuggled into his chest and the gentle sound of his heart beat is lulling you to sleep.

"Jungkook?" you whisper.

"Mmmm," he hums and you can feel the vibrations from the sound on his chest.

"Are you still drunk?"

"No. I sobered up the second you straddled me."

You blush but chuckle. 

"Why did you hate me when we first met?" You dare to ask the same question to him again. Hoping this time he would actually give you an answer.

Jungkook takes a breath in, thinking for a moment. "I didn't hate you. It was the opposite, actually."

You furrow your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well... I, I don't know if you can tell but, I am not exactly the friendliest person. So when I saw you, I didn't know how to act. Being an asshole is pretty much the only thing I know how to be."

You screw up your face. "Well, I disagree on that part. I don't think you're just an asshole. You know, you are actually very kind in a sort of weird way."

Jungkook scoffs. "I don't know how to be kind. I was never shown kindness my whole life until I met Jimin."

You sit up and look at Jungkook in the eyes, your eyebrow raised. "Wait, what do you mean?"

Jungkook sighs. "I was homeless, Y/N. My father was a raging, abusive alcoholic and my poor mother took her own life when I was 11. I couldn't stay after that. I ran away and lived on the streets for a long time. I was 16 when Jimin found me. He took me in and saved me in more ways than one." He tells you matter-of-factly.

"Oh my god," you felt yourself tearing up, imaging helpless young Jungkook surviving on his own. You wished nothing more than to be able to help that lost little boy. And Jimin saved him? You had no idea that they were connected in such a way. "That's - that's horrible I'm so sorry,"

Jungkook caresses your cheek gently. "It's ok. I'm ok now. But yeah, that's why I am the way I am. My mother was my only kindness and so, I never felt love after she left. I don't know how to be kind or how to show love."

You shake your head. "Jungkook, that's not true. Look at you right now, holding me this way. Not to mention you protected me more than once. That's not an asshole. You are kind Jungkook. You just have a weird way of carrying it out." 

Jungkook chuckles and shakes his head. "I have never held anyone this way."

You lay back down next to him and snuggle tightly into his chest. "You are a natural."

You feel Jungkook kiss the top of your head as you fall into sleep.


Your eyes flutter open and you can feel Jungkook cuddling you from behind. His strong, tattooed arm wrapped securely around your torso and your back pressed against his front. You feel so protected. He is breathing softly and rhythmically, the sound very calming. You were half expecting to wake up to an empty bed, but you are so glad he is still here. You kept thinking about what Jungkook had told you last night, you couldn't believe he actually opened up to you. You still felt terribly sad for young Jungkook, you would do anything for him not to have gone through what he did. You still had many questions to ask him, but you didn't want to bombard him and scare him off. 

You also wondered what got into him, why he finally gave in to his feelings about you. Did he have feelings for you? Surely he had some kind of emotions towards you. What happened at that party last night that made him come here? You shake your head, you'll save these questions for another time.

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