Chapter Twenty Four

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You were woken up by hearing the door opening. It opened for a moment before quietly closing again. You opened your eyes, it was dark. It must be night time. "She's still sleeping," You hear Jungkook say. Who is he talking to? You realise now is your chance to get some answers.

You quietly swing your legs out of bed, ignoring the pain you were still in, tip-toeing towards the door before pressing your ear against it, hoping to hear something, anything useful. "Jungkook, it could be dangerous. We know they're getting closer." another voice says, it sounds a little like Jimin.

"We need to go and meet the others at the hideout, figure something out and hopefully get out of this fucking mess." Jungkook says, his voice sounding irritated. "Y/N should be ok here in the meantime. She will probably sleep through the night." Jimin says. "I don't want to leave her here alone, what if someone finds her here?" The worry is Jungkook's voice is obvious.

"She'll be ok. I have some of the guys coming over to check on her in an hour." Jimin says. What guys?

"Ok, let's go now and get this over with." Jungkook says, you hear some scuffling around before the sound of the front door shuts, then silence. Your heart races. Follow them. Something inside tells you to go after them. You see that someone, probably Jungkook, has left a pile of your clothes on the end of the bed and has brought your sneakers too. You waste no time, quickly slipping on your sneakers, not bothering to change and quickly open the bedroom door. You look around and make sure there is no one there, before rushing out of the apartment.

You want to catch up to them, but you knew you couldn't be seen by them or they'd tell you to go back. You quickly ride the elevator down, stepping out in the lobby just in time to see the back of Jungkook and Jimin walking across the street. Excellent. You follow them, careful to keep a distance between you. You looked insane, wearing a huge black t shirt, sweatpants and sneakers and your hair was probably all over the place. not to mention the bandages around your wrists. You probably looked like you had just escaped from an asylum.

You follow the boys down the dark, dimly lit street. Trying to stay close to the walls of buildings just in case they were to turn around. They walk for about another 5 minutes before ducking down an alleyway. You hide behind the corner and slowly peak your head around the corner. You can just see Jungkook knocking on a door, Jimin turning his head away from you and then he starts to move his head towards you. You quickly throw yourself back against the wall so that he doesn't see you. You stay there for a few moments before slowly peering around the corner again. They were gone.

You slowly, cautiously made your way to where they were standing. You see a door in the wall. Do I go inside?

The sound of a gun cocking at the back of your head causes you to completely freeze.

"Scream and you die." you hear a man with a deep voice say from behind you, pushing something into the back of your head.

You physically can't move, your legs feel like they are cemented to the ground. Your heart is hitting against your chest so hard that it's hurting. A cloth is shoved against your mouth from behind, causing you to fall back and collide into someone's torso. You can't help but breathe in some kind of substance that the cloth has been doused with. You start to feel drowsy, your eyes being forced shut. Your legs give way, but before you hit the ground you are hoisted into the air and thrown over someone's shoulder. All you can see is someone's legs, covered with black pants. There is another man, but you can only see the back of him, wearing some kind of black suit. You are trying to stay awake, but it is impossible. Your eyes shut completely, your mind falling unconscious.


Your eyes feel heavy, your head hanging forward, feeling like it weighed a ton. You can barely open your eyes, struggling to lift up your head. When you come around, you find yourself sitting up in a chair. You look down, your wrists stinging unbelievably as they are tied to the arms of the chair with rope, aggravating your already wounded skin. You see that your ankles are also tied to the legs of the chair. What? You look around, it looks like an empty warehouse of some sort with barely any lighting. You must be having a dream. Things like this don't happen to girls like you. Girls like you don't get kidnapped at gun point and end up tied to a chair like in some gang movie. The whole thing was ridiculous.

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