Chapter Seven

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****Trigger Warning : this chapter contains some scenes of sexual harassment****

You and Lana finally get inside the club and head straight for the bar. "Lord knows I need something to drink," you yell over the music. Lana laughs and agrees with you. You join yet another line and wait to be served at the bar. While you're waiting you scan the club, looking for the guys. How the hell did they get in so easily? You had so many questions, and it seems every time you see them you had even more. 

You and Lana managed to get to the front of the bar, you ordering a double vodka and lemonade, Lana ordering a rum and coke. You girls collect you drinks and you down yours in a matter of seconds. You needed the alcohol to be fast acting, you were supposed to be having fun and forgetting about all this confusion shit, but now you were just even more bewildered.

Lana quickly downs her drink as well, "let's go dance!" you say in Lana's ear so that she can hear you. Lana agrees and you take her hand, leading her to the dance floor. The music pounded through the air, the floor and walls vibrating with the bass. You could feel the sound waves travel through your chest and it made you feel alive. You couldn't stop smiling. You and Lana squeeze through the dancing bodies, apologising repeatedly to the people you accidentally bumped into. You girls find a good spot and start dancing.

You let yourself go. You started to move your body to the beat of the blaring music. Lana looked amazing, her sexy dance moves almost turning you gay. A guy tapped Lana on the shoulder, getting her attention as she spun to face him. He was a really attractive man, didn't look too much older than us. Lana smiled widely, and they started dancing together. You were happy for her, it wasn't uncommon that guys would dance with or kiss Lana while you were together on the dance floor. You didn't mind, you wanted to see your best friend have fun. 

Lana and the guy continue dancing with one another, their dance moves starting to become sexier including Lana grinding down on him. You were laughing, cheering her on. They eventually began making out and you couldn't help but cheer out loudly. You just kept on dancing, not caring that your best friend was sucking some other guy's face off. You were actually enjoying yourself. 

You start getting thirsty again. You didn't want to *disturb* Lana, but you just said "I'm going to get a drink!" in her ear. She doesn't stop kissing the guy, but sticks up her thumb at you, indicating she did hear you. You laugh and push your way through the crowd, bumping into almost everyone, apologising as you go. 

You finally break free from the crowd and head back to the bar, standing in the line that was now not very long. You bop your head to the music as you wait. "Hey, how's it going," you hear someone say to you. A guy appears at your side. He's taller than you, quite muscular, but just not your type. Nevertheless, you were still friendly, as weird as it sounds you loved talking to random strangers in the club, the conversations were almost always very entertaining. "Hey, it's going great thanks," you reply back. 

"You here alone?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "Nah, I'm here with my friend I'm just getting a drink."

"Oh, let me get it for you," he starts to pull out his wallet. "No, no, it's ok really. Thank you though." You didn't like people buying you drinks. You felt like if someone bought you a drink it meant that you owed them something in return. Let's just say, one night stands were not something you were interested in. You step forward in the line, leaving the man behind and order a double vodka lemonade like you had done when you had arrived.

You watch the bartender make your drink before paying. You take your drink and stand off to the side of the bar, sipping your drink slowly. You bop your head to the music, quite happy to have this moment to yourself.

You are almost done with your drink before you see the man from before walking towards you. You internally roll your eyes, just leave me alone dude. "You're standing all alone again," he says. You sip your drink. "Yep." Now fuck off. You turn away from him, not looking at him and hoping he will get the hint and leave you alone.

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