Chapter Four

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It's been almost a week since that dreadful party. You tried not to think about the events that played out but for some reason you can't stop thinking about Jungkook. Even though he was a dick you can't help but think about the way he was leaning in to kiss you. When he was that close to you, you could really see all the details of his face. His eyes were beautiful, it felt like the whole universe was deep inside the chocolate coloured orbs. It gives you butterflies just thinking about it. You were starting to imagine what would have happened if you had just let him kiss you. You started imagining how his lips would have felt against yours, how you would have been able to run your hands through his thick hair. You were starting to regret everything about what you did that night. You wanted to hate him, but somehow, you couldn't.

Damn his beautiful face.

You were standing at the counter in the cafe you work in, staring off at nothing while daydreaming about you and Jungkook together, what your life could be like with him. In your mind, Jungkook is a nice boy who brings you flowers and tells you that you are the prettiest princess in the world. He surprises you with movie tickets and takes you on dates to nice restaurants. Also, you are married and have 3 children together by now.

The door to the cafe opening snaps you out of your imaginary life that you were creating. You can almost not believe it when Jimin walks into the cafe with Hoseok trailing behind him. Jimin is dressed more casual than when you saw him last. He's wearing an oversized striped shirt along with ripped jeans. Hoseok looks like a model in denim shorts and an oversized colourful bomber jacket. 

"Oh my god, Jimin, Hoseok, hey!" You say in disbelief. Jimin chuckles, "there she is!"

You laugh, the mere presence of Jimin brightening your mood. "How did you guys know I worked here?"

"We didn't. We've been going to every cafe in the area for days trying to find you."  

"No way! Damn, I really appreciate the effort. I'm guessing you're here for your strawberry frappes?" You raise an eyebrow. "Oh, you know it girl!" Jimin smiles knowingly. "Jimin has told me that it is your specialty, right?" Hoseok chimes in. 

"Absolutely. You guys take a seat and I will bring them out to you. It's on the house." You say, turning around to get started. "Gee, thank you so much!" Jimin says as they find a place a sit. The cafe isn't big, there only being 5 tables in the place. It's a Thursday afternoon, so it is totally empty except for Jimin and Hoseok. 

You get started on their drinks, pulling out 2 large glasses from the shelf. You grab the blender and start shoving in the correct amount of ice, strawberry puree, syrup and milk for the frappes. You can hear Jimin and Hoseok quietly chatting in the background, suddenly becoming self conscious. You have never made a drink for 2 deathly attractive men before and you were hoping they didn't think the frappes tasted like shit. Every customer that had ordered one had complimented you on your work, you were usually so confident with the recommendation but now you were second guessing yourself.

You blend up the ingredients before serving it in the glasses along with whipped cream on top and a cute cut-up strawberry to garnish. You pop a straw into each drink before you walk over the where they were sitting and their faces light up when you approach them with their drinks. "Here we go, gentlemen, 2 strawberry frappes."

You place the pink drinks down on their table. "Wooaahh look at these!" Jimin exclaims while Hoseok pulls out his phone to capture a photo of the aesthetically pleasing beverages. "I hope you like them!" You feel anxious. What if they don't like them?! 

You watch nervously as they take their first sip. They pause for a moment. Your palms are sweaty. Knees weak. Arms are heavy. 

"Oh my god...."

"It's freaking amazing" Hoseok sings. You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. Thank God.  You smile in relief, "I'm so glad you like it."

You chat with the guys as they gulp down their frappes, learning that Jimin dropped out of college in his first semester and Hoseok was a dance teacher in his spare time. You weren't surprised, his physique was *chef's kiss*, lean but muscular. You asked them about their day jobs and they go quiet, the atmosphere becoming thick. Jimin and Hoseok exchange glances. "Uhhh, just like, this and that." Jimin stares down into his drink. You furrow your eyebrows. What the hell does that mean?

Before you can say another word Jimin clears his throat, changing the subject. "I hope you're feeling better than you were at that party last week." 

"Oh, yeah. I'm ok, thank you. Just still embarrassed by the whole thing." You chew the inside of your cheek. "Nah, don't worry. Jungkook hasn't even mentioned it, so, you're good." Hoseok says, gulping the last mouthful of his drink. 

"Hmmm, Jungkook. Why does he hate me so much?" You couldn't work it out. He called you out like an asshole for staring at him but then was down to kiss you later on? 

Jimin and Hoseok look at each other and laugh. "What's so funny?" You question, raising an eyebrow. "Jungkook doesn't hate you specifically. He hates everyone." Hoseok casually mentions.

"He acts like a dick all the time don't worry about it. Actually I was surprised he went in for the kiss with you. He would normally never do something like that. He would probably storm off or say something rude. But, not with you. I guess he liiiikes you." Jimin wiggles his eyebrows at you and you can feel your face go bright red. You smack his arm playfully. 

"Hey! He so does not Jimin," you shake your head. What a ridiculous accusation. Jimin and Hoseok laugh at your reaction, playing it off as a joke. You cover your cheeks with your hands and they are burning hot. Calm down dude, what is wrong with you?

You sit with Jimin and Hoseok for another half an hour, just chatting amongst yourselves. Thoughts of Jungkook nagging you in the back of your mind. What is it with him? You had a feeling you were going to find out.

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