Chapter Twenty Five

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

"Can we make this quick? I've left Y/N asleep at my place," I say, Jimin beside me as we enter the hideout. Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi were already seated at the table. 

I notice that they have their guns laying out on the table. "Why did you guys bring guns?" I screw up my face in confusion.

"You're not gunna like this-" Yoongi is interrupted by loud banging noises coming from the front door. "What the fuck is that?" I furrow my eyebrows, my head turning to the source of the sound. "They're here." Yoongi says, his face full of concern. "We need to go, now." Taehyung says, his voice stern, a sense of urgency behind his words. "Go out through the back door" Yoongi stands up, grabbing his gun from the table. "Wait, what the hell is going on?" I say, raising my voice. The banging continues, sounding like someone is forcefully kicking against the door. "They know we're here, we need to go, now." Taehyung repeats himself.

Taehyung and Hoseok grab their guns while we head towards the back of the hideout. "Split up. We'll meet at Jungkook's," Jimin says, getting ready to open the back door. The back door swings open and we run for it. My legs are carrying me quickly down the street and I head for the first alleyway I see. We couldn't all just run together, it would be way too obvious, a group of guys sprinting down the street together would definitely draw attention. 

I sprint through the alleyway and start heading towards my apartment building, taking the random back streets to get there. My apartment is not far away, so I manage to reach the building in a matter of minutes. I hastily enter the lobby, my breathing heaving and my legs shaky. I get in the elevator and make my way up. Shit, what am I supposed to tell Y/N? I'll have to make some excuse as to why we are all gathered at my place. It's going to make her even more suspicious of me, and I knew I was already walking on thin ice about my secrecy. 

The elevator stops on my floor and I step out into the hallway, seeing that Taehyung and Hoseok were already waiting for me. "No sign of Jimin or Yoongi yet?" I ask, still slightly out of breath as I approach them. They shake their heads "not yet" Hoseok says.

I go to unlock my door to find that it is already unlocked. What the hell? I was sure I locked it after I left. "Guys, the door is unlocked." I tell Tae and Hoseok. They give me a look. I open the door, peering my head around, making sure there was no one waiting to jump out and kill me. I scan the dark apartment, satisfied that no one was there before I walked inside. "We're here," Jimin says, panting as he and Yoongi appear at my apartment door.

"Quiet, I don't want Y/N to hear us," I quietly warn them as they enter my apartment. I go to my bedroom, wanting to quickly make sure she was ok before we starting discussing what the fuck just happened. I slowly turn the door knob, careful not to make a noise as I carefully push the door open. I peer my head inside to find the bed empty. 

My heart drops. Maybe she's in the bathroom? I hastily walk over to the bathroom, my eyebrows drawn together in worry, knocking gently on the door. "Y/N?" I say before opening the door. It's empty. I panic and rush back into the lounge where the boys are waiting for me.

"She's not here. She's fucking gone."

They all seem confused. "What do you mean she's gone? Have you tried calling her?" Jimin says, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "She doesn't have her phone. It smashed when Mike attacked her last night." I bring my hands up and run them through my hair, anxiety running through my body. Where the fuck is she? "Fucking hell-"

"Don't panic, I'm sure there's an explanation-"

"The door was fucking unlocked when I got here!" I yell, stressed out of my damn mind. I swear if anything has happened to her because of me again-

My phone chiming once in my pocket causes me to almost have a heart attack. "Maybe it's her." Hoseok tries to reassure me, but it doesn't work. I quickly dig it out, seeing I have a message from an unsaved number. 

The text reads:

I have her. Come alone or she gets hurt. 

Along with an address.

My eyes widen and I instantly feel nauseous. All the blood drains out of my face. "Jungkook? What is it?" Jimin says, taking a step towards me.

"He's taken her"

"Wait, what? He? As in, Namjoon?" Taehyung asks.

"Who else would it be?" I raise my voice, completely terrified.

"Fucking hell.." Hoseok says quietly. "Where?" Yoongi asks.

"It's some random address. It says I have to go alone or they'll hurt her." My stomach churns at the thought of them even touching her. I swear if they lay even so much as a finger on her - I will kill them, or at least die trying.

Jimin sighs, pinching his nose bridge. Taehyung is quiet. He was right all along. He tried to get her to leave me but I was too selfish to let her leave me. He knew that me being with her would land us in the shit, he also knew that now wasn't the right time for I told you so's.

"So what do we do?" Hoseok asks. 

"We can't risk any harm coming to her. But we also can't leave Jungkook without any back up." Yoongi says. 

"I'm not leaving her there alone for another second," I start walking towards the front door. "Jungkook, wait, you can't just leave. We need to think of a plan." Jimin says before I reach the door. "I'm not just going to sit here while she's experiencing god knows what." My body cringes in disgust at the thought of what these men are capable of doing to her while she's alone and probably terrified.

Yoongi stands up from my couch. "I have an idea."

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