Chapter Sixteen

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"you did WHAT?!" Lana screams over the phone.

You laugh, covering your mouth in embarrassment. "You heard me,"

"Oh mY GOOODDD" Lana completely freaks out at the news about what happened between you and Jungkook last night. Of course you had to tell her every thing, every detail, but you left out what he had told you in confidence about his childhood, you couldn't betray him like that.

"I actually can't believe you guys finally got together! I knew it from the start!" 

You laugh. "He asked me on a date too,"

"Oh my god! I'm obsessed! This is too cute, my heart can't handle it!" Lana gushes over the phone.

"So what exactly happened at Jason's party then?"

Lana clears her throat "ah, well. I only remember bits and pieces but I definitely remember Jungkook looking for you. He was stumbling all over the place and Yoongi and Tae were getting pissed off at him because of how drunk he was. I didn't hear what they were saying but I could just tell by their faces that they were super pissed off. Jungkook told them to fuck off and then he saw me, came over to me and was asking where you were. I told him you weren't there and that you were probably at home. He seemed really desperate to find you. I didn't think he would actually go to your apartment though!"

You take in the information and were kind of surprised. Jungkook definitely didn't seem like the type to get smashed off his face at a party, that just seemed so beneath him or something. You smiled at the fact that he was searching for you and that he indeed did end up finding you, in your own home. "Wow..."

"Well I'm glad he, uh, found you" You can hear the smugness of Lana's voice through the phone.

You shake your head. "Yeah, yeah."

"So what are you guys like together now or?"

You paused for a moment, thinking. You didn't actually know. Obviously it was nothing official but you couldn't deny your feelings for Jungkook. You also couldn't forget what he confessed to you last night. "I don't know... at least not official or whatever, but he didn't run away and I did make him breakfast this morning so... hopefully that's a step in the right direction."

"Right, right. Don't worry, he'll definitely propose to you in like the next 48 hours or so,"

You laugh. "Right. Well, that's that."

"Oh my god, I can't believe it I'm so happy for you! I gotta go now but I'll see you tomorrow."

"thank you so much! I'll see you tomorrow!" You hang up, feeling like a little schoolgirl who's crush had just asked her out for the first time. The intense pleasure Jungkook had made you feel kept playing over and over in your head. No one had ever made you feel like that, ever. The feeling was indescribable, the closest word you could think of to describe it was ecstasy. Complete, pure ecstasy. 

Your happy thoughts suddenly turn curious. There was still so much you didn't know about Jungkook. His 'work' or whatever he calls it seems really sketchy to you. Him and his whole group of friends are definitely involved in something. You just had no idea what.


~ Jungkook's POV ~

I knocked on the door just like I had done many times before still wearing last night's clothes. There was still a lingering scent of her on my shirt. My mind went back to last night. I haven't been that drunk in years, having ward off alcohol after seeing my father like he was. I never wanted to be like him. I would rather die than be anything remotely like him. 

I would never have gone to her place sober, I was just tired of having her consume my thoughts 24/7 and doing absolutely nothing about it like a pussy ass bitch. I couldn't deny my feelings anymore. Last night was probably the best night of my whole life. Don't get me wrong, I've fucked plenty of desperate girls in the past but nothing like last night. I never used to even kiss them. Last night, it felt so different, nothing like I have ever experienced. It was pure euphoria. I have never stayed the night at a girl's place, after we would fuck I would leave. But this is the second time I've stayed the night at her place. The first time I freaked out in the morning and left. But goddamn, it felt so good to cuddle her. Have my arms wrapped around her, keeping her safe. That was a feeling I can't explain.

The door swings open and I meet eyes with Taehyung. "Thanks for joining us," he snidely remarks. "Stopped being a little bitch have we?" 

I ignore him and his stupid comments, pushing past him and entering the hideout. The boys are sitting around the table, waiting for me like they usually do. "Holy shit, what the fuck happened to you last night?" Jimin remarks. I roll my eyes at him. "None of your business. I went home." I lie. No way in hell am I telling them I spent the night at her place. 

"Sure you did." Hoseok winks. I ignore him. "You were being a right bastard last night, you know? Stumbling all over the place, acting like a fool." Yoongi says coldly. I know I was a total dick to them last night. I don't care, they deserved it. Trying to tell me to calm down and shit, telling me to stop drinking. 

"Can we just get on with whatever it is we are here for?"

Jimin sighs. "We have received intel that the RSM is getting closer to us. They were spotted about an hour outside town." Jimin slides some photos across the table and I study them. Sure enough, there he is. The mighty Kim Namjoon and his right hand man Kim Seokjin, wearing their signature look of black suits and black sunglasses. "Some of our guys spotted them and snapped these photos for us."

I sigh deeply. Fuck. They better not find us or we're all basically dead meat. "Why can't we just move locations?" Taehyung chimes in. "No. We won't let them continue to push us away. We just have to keep a low profile. I don't think they'll find us here anyway, this place is top secret. Besides, we can take them. I don't have a doubt in my mind. We have plenty of men that will fight with us." Yoongi says.

I nod, agreeing with Yoongi. I'm sick of moving around. We've been here for the past 6 months and they still haven't found us yet. "We just have to be on high alert. Try not to move around so much, keep our heads down." Hoseok says. "What are we supposed to do? Stay in this shitty building forever?" Jimin asks. The guys all had seperate apartments, making it harder for the RSM to catch us all together, but this was the place we all met up to have your meetings without fear of being bugged or recorded. 

"Just carry on as normal, try not to leave your place as much. If you're going to leave, make sure it's at night preferably, wear dark clothes and hoodies and shit so that people can't easily identify you." Yoongi says. "Is that why we're having this meeting in broad daylight?" I question. 

"It was urgent, we didn't have time to wait. We had to take the risk so that everyone knew sooner rather than later." Hoseok says. My heart starts to race a little. What about Y/N? I suddenly became infuriated with myself. If Namjoon or Seokjin finds out about her, she could be in real danger. I can't believe I couldn't control myself. I should have just left it, ignored my feelings and stayed away from her. My jaw starts to clench and my hands turn into fists.

"What the hell's wrong with you?" Taehyung asks me. "Nothing. Is this over?" I say bluntly. "One more thing," Jimin says. "There will be another deal taking place at Jason's. Next week. But we'll discuss it when it is closer to the time."

"Right then, well if that's everything," I stand up, leaving the room without a second glance. 

What a fucking mess.

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