Chapter Twenty Six

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~ Your POV ~

You have been sitting here for god knows how long at this point. You were literally terrified of what was going to happen to you. You were also scared for Jungkook. Did he even notice that you were gone? You were pretending to be asleep the last time you saw him. You also knew that this Namjoon guy was after him but that they got away. "Keep running Jungkook, get as far away as you can" You wanted to tell him.

Your wrists and ankles were practically numb at this point. The rope tightly holding you to the chair so that you couldn't move. Your mouth was incredibly dry and your head was starting to ache. You really needed water. Maybe if you called out someone would hear you.

"Hey," you say weakly. "Can I get some water?"

No response. You roll your eyes and try again. "Hey!" you yell a little louder this time. You hear footsteps coming toward you. "Can I get some water?" you say. You breathe a sigh of relief when the person that appears in front of you is not Namjoon. It's another tall man, but he has dark hair and plump full lips. "You want water?" he asks, his expression disinterested. "I'm thirsty," you say, unsure of what was going to happen.

"Namjoon!" He yells. You hear another set of footsteps enter the room, assuming it is Namjoon. "Seokjin? What is it now?" he sounds irritated. Good. Fucking bastard. "She wants water." Seokjin gestures to you as if you aren't even present. Namjoon sighs in frustration. You stare up at the two intimidatingly scary men.

Namjoon steps towards you, bringing his hand up to your face. You flinch, expecting him to slap you again but he caresses your cheek instead. You gaze up at him. He smiles menacingly at you. "We can get you some water, baby girl, of course." He says gently, his tone frightening.

You say nothing as Seokjin hastily walks away, you assume he is going to get you some water. Namjoon removes his hand, sticking it in his pocket. "You know. You are very beautiful, I know why Jungkook would go for you." He says. You look away, staring at the floor. What is he doing? You say nothing, not wanting to interact with him at all.

Seokjin comes back with a bottle of water, unscrewing the lid. He steps towards you, "open up". You reluctantly open your mouth, letting Seokjin pour some water into your mouth, the cool liquid coating your dry throat. You pull away, swallowing the water before opening your mouth again, Seokjin pouring more water into your mouth. "You look so sexy when you open your mouth up like that," Namjoon comments as you swallow another mouthful of water. His remark made you sick to your stomach but you ignored it, knowing it would get you into trouble if you said anything. You take another mouthful of water, savouring it, swallowing it slowly as Namjoon approaches you.

He leans down to get to eye-level with you. "Why don't you suck daddy's dick? I'll let you off easy. What do you say?" You are so disgusted by his proposition that you use the last bit of water you're holding in your mouth to spit it in his face. He squeezes his eyes shut, his head flinching back slightly. "Namjoon-" Seokjin says.

Namjoon wipes the water from his face using his hand. Your heart is racing, knowing you'll probably pay for that. Namjoon lunges forward at you, wrapping his hand around your already bruised neck. You squeak as he leans down, merely centimetres from your face. "You should be thankful that I haven't killed you yet, you know that? Pull something like that again and you won't get away with it so easily." he threatens through gritted teeth. He gives your neck a hard squeeze before releasing you, leaving you gasping for air. He leaves the room, Seokjin following behind.

You sit in the room, in silence. You started to get worried. What the hell was going to happen to you? Would they find Jungkook and kill him? Kill you? Your heart started to sink.

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