Chapter Eleven

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Your eyes flutter open. You are immediately hit with an aching head. You felt like pure death.

Everything comes flooding back to you. You and Lana going to the club, the boys arriving and acting suspicious, the man assaulting you, Jungkook saving you, the kiss. Everything. 

You turn your head to see your bed empty beside you. Jungkook no longer beside you in the bed. You weren't sure if you were expecting him to be there or not, but you were kind of disheartened. You saw a different side to him last night; a kind-hearted, caring side. 

You sit up in your bed, looking around your room. You see your black shirt and sweatpants folded up neatly on the end of the bed, with what looks like a note on top. You crawl over to the clothing pile, reading the note.

"Thanks for lending me the clothes. I hope you are feeling better. -JK"

You smile like a schoolgirl at the note. It was simple, but it still warmed your heart a little. You decide to call Lana, tell her everything that happened last night including the kiss with Jungkook.

You look around for your phone, realising you left it in your bag last night. You had 8 missed calls and 10 text messages, all from Lana. 

10 Missed Calla: Lana 

Lana sent you a message
9 more message notifications


Call me!

Are you ok?!



Y/N PLEASE call me!

Are you alive???

Dude answer your phone!

Tell me Jungkook isn't actually a serial killer and hasn't killed you



You quickly press to call Lana, she's probably getting ready to call the police right now.

She answers on the first ring.

"Y/N! Freaking finally what the hell have you been doing?! I've been calling and texting all night!"

"I'm so sorry Lana I left my phone in my bag and I guess it was on silent. I'm ok though."

"Well, I forgive you I suppose but if you ever give me this heart attack again I swear-"

"I won't! I'm sorry!"

"Anyway, you want to tell me what the hell happened last night?"

You explain to Lana what happened when you went to the bar, and how Jungkook saved you.

"Oh my god... that's fucking awful! I can't believe I let you go to the bar by yourself! I should have gone with you then none of this would have happened I'm so sorry," Lana starts to get choked up, almost crying over the phone. She blames herself but you knew it was no one's fault apart from the man who assaulted you.

"Lana, please don't blame yourself. It was my decision to go alone, and I'm fine, nothing serious happened, ok? It is not your fault please. Also, I asked the others to find you, did they?"

"Yeah, they found me and it was super weird, they wouldn't tell me anything, except that something happened to you. They just said I had to leave now and that they'd take me home. I only went with them because I recognised them from the party, and they were very adamant that I left immediately. It kind of freaked me out to be honest."

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