Chapter Ten

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Jungkook brings his large hand up to cup your cheek. He leans in, his soft lips brushing against yours causing butterflies to erupt inside you. His hot breath fans over your face before his lips fully crash onto yours.

You gasp, the impact taking you by surprise. Jungkook's lips against yours was something else, it felt like pure bliss. You instinctively moved your hand to his shoulder and then trailed your fingers up his neck before resting your hand on his cheek. Your breathing becoming heavier as Jungkook continued the gentle assault of your mouth. His soft lips gently moving against yours, his warm hand holding your face still as he maintained the tender movements. 

Fireworks were exploding in your stomach caused by the intimate actions being carried out. Jungkook glides his tongue across your bottom lip which causes you to let out a moan involuntarily. You open your mouth and allow Jungkook to slip his tongue inside. It had been a while since you had kissed anyone, so the feeling seemed more intense than you remember, or maybe it was because it was Jungkook kissing you. 

Your breathing becomes heavier, as well as Jungkook's, as the kiss becomes more heated. Jungkook gradually stops moving his mouth and gently pulls his lips away from yours, breaking the kiss. You both stay in the embrace you are in, your faces still centimetres apart. 

You stay like that for a moment while you catch you breath as endorphins are running all throughout your body, making it hard to focus on anything. "Damn," Jungkook whispers, his eyes still closed. You took your hand away from his cheek but he kept his still. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't tell if he regretted it or not. After all, he was lying in your bed.

"Jungkook," you breathe. Jungkook opens his eyes. "Why were you so mean? I mean, when we first met." 

He takes his hand away from your face, turning onto his back so that he's staring at the ceiling. He sighs deeply. "I don't know," Jungkook thinks for a moment before continuing. "Can we talk about something else?" he puts his arm under his head. You look up at him, disappointed in his answer but not really surprised. You could tell Jungkook was being closed-off right now, but you didn't want to push it and make him annoyed. Just because you kissed doesn't change anything, right?

Jungkook breaks the silence. "That guy, tonight at the club, what -" he pauses for a moment, taking a breath before carrying on, "what happened?" 

You remembered the events that transpired earlier that night, you could see his face as clear as day, the disgusting smell of this breath. You sighed before speaking. "I was lining up to get a drink at the bar. And, he came up to me, saw that I was alone and offered to buy my drink," Jungkook turns his head to face you. 

"I said no thank you, because I knew if I said yes he would have expected something from me in return. Which I wasn't into. So I just moved forward in the line, got my drink, and was standing off to the side so that I could drink it without getting in anyone's way,"

You could feel Jungkook's eyes on you as you continued. "He came up to me again, commenting on how I was alone, yet again. Then he- he grabbed my wrist and I told him to let go. He didn't. And then he got real mad that I was telling him to get off me. So he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me like- like some rag doll,"  you can feel yourself getting worked up talking about it so you take a deep breath before continuing, Jungkook not taking his eyes off you.

"Then he grabbed my ass, told me he was going to -" you stop, holding back tears this time.

"I was so scared. I thought he was going to -"

"It's ok. You don't have to say it." Jungkook rolls on his side to face you again. He can see the pain on your face. He rubs his hand gently on your cheek, comforting you.

"I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there," your voice breaks. It was true. You really didn't know and the possibilities are endless. 

"Hey. He's going to pay for what he did, ok? Don't worry. I'll make sure he can't do this again to you or to anyone. Ok?" It was strange for you to hear Jungkook speak to you like this. But you really were grateful for it. You also couldn't help but wonder what exactly he was talking about. "I'll make sure he can't do this again"  What is this the FBI? You wanted to confront Jungkook about it, but you didn't know how. You didn't know if you should. You saw him at times where he was terrifying, getting aggressive and violent, even if it was to protect you.

"Thank you," you find yourself leaning in to him once again, your foreheads touching. You brushed your lips against his, finding yourself craving the feeling of his lips once more. You kissed him softly, but that was it. He pulled away, whispering "Y/N..." 

You shut your eyes, waiting for what he was about to say. "I - I can't." he mumbled. You could feel your heart drop into your stomach. "Why?" your voice was barely a whisper, you could hardly get the word out. You wanted him so badly, you couldn't explain it. Jungkook was already an absolute god to look at, but the way he stood up for you and protected you really sent you over the edge. You had feelings for his man and you couldn't deny it anymore.

"I just - I can't. It's hard to explain let alone understand." You can tell Jungkook is frustrated, not with you, but more with himself.  He laid onto his back again. Why couldn't he kiss you? What was so bad that he wouldn't go through with it? You had so many questions to ask him. Jungkook was very mysterious, there is no denying it. You just couldn't figure it out. 

You both laid in silence for what felt like forever. The tension in the air was almost suffocating, you couldn't tell whether Jungkook was annoyed with you or not, but that fact that you just made out minutes ago was surely proof that there was some kind of feelings there. Hell, the fact that he stood up for you, twice, should have been enough proof. 

Your mind eventually slow down, as you fall into a deep sleep.

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