Chapter 1: Letters

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Dear Hermione,

How's your summer been 'Mione? Are you joining us for the quidditch World Cup? Ron told me he invited you and Harry.

Over here things've been alright, Richie's hasn't stop talking about the World Cup, dad was able to get a few tickets, although Ben said he's not going So Rose is bringing Marc instead.

He can't wait to go, he adores quidditch and that Victor Kram or whatever his name is.

Rose has been at Marc's a lot, I think they might be getting serious, wink wink. I haven't seen much of her, but she seems to be happy so that's good.

Dad's been at work a lot, apparently there has been a lot of unrest lately. I'm worried about him, he's starting to look tired and sick.

He's still as lively as ever, but he seems more worn out. He's been arguing with Ben a lot as well, although they are careful not to let us know what they argue about.

Ben's been keeping to himself, he hasn't left his room for a while, and he's distanced himself from the rest of us. I'm starting to worry about him too. I hope he's alright.

That's all that's new with me, oh and to answer you question no I haven't lit anything on fire.


Hopefully I'll see you at the Burrow, I miss you 'Mione.

From (Y/n)


How's it goin' mate? Are your aunt and uncle treating you well?

Anyway I glad your coming to the cup with us, Ron invited me by the way.

Do you know how we're getting there? Ron hasn't told me yet. Anyway there's not much new here, hope you're doing alright. See you soon mate.


Oi Ronald,
You never answered my last question! How are we getting to the cup?

Are your brothers gonna be there? I still haven't met Bill or Charlie yet.

Which one of them works with dragons again? Do you think you could ask them if they could get me a dragon?

I know the last time it burnt down our shed, but I think it'll be better this time.

Anyway I heard that quidditch player you like is playing in the cup. What was his name? Victor Kram, Krem, Krim? Probably one of those.

Anyway tell Gred and Forge I say hi, oh and your mum as well, she's always so nice to me.

Alright then that's about all, see you soon mate.


Dear Luna,
Heya Luna how's it? Have there been many Nargles? I think I might've found a few this summer. Then again it could've just been Richie messing with me.

Oh yeah I keep forgetting to ask, could you get me a subscription to the quibler? I'll send you the money for it with this letter.

I've asked dad but he keeps "forgetting" to do it. You've got to tell me more about these Blibbering Humdingers and what was it? The crumple horn snorkack?

Well I'll be seeing you soon Luna! Oh yeah I'm heading to the World Cup along with the Weasleys, are you going too?

Alright see ya Luna,

From (Y/n)

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