Chapter 25: The graveyard

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Suddenly (Y/n) felt as if he was being pulled from the ground. It was the familiar feeling of a portkey.

He was the first one to let go, and landed on his back, in what looked like a graveyard. He let out a cry of pain as pain shot through his back like electricity.

"Did anyone tell you the cup was a potkey?" Cedric asked look at Harry and (Y/n). (Y/n) shook his head, he was in too much pain to speak.

"Is this still part of the maze?" Cedric asked.

"Is it cause we all took the cup? Some kinda of tiebreaker?" (Y/n) managed to get out through his pain.

"Someone's coming" Cedric said pointing to a man that looked like he was carrying a baby.

Then a cold voice said "Kill the spare" the man pulled his wand out "avada kedavra"

The green light hit Cedric square in the chest, he turned to (Y/n) as he fell, and (Y/n) watched in horror as he saw the look of realization on his face.

Harry then fell to the ground clutching his scar.

"Harry! Are you okay?" (Y/n) said pushing himself to his feet despite the pain and staggered over to Harry.

The man then waved his wand, and (Y/n) went flying into a grave stone, crying out in pain as his back slammed into the grave.

Harry was also slammed into a grave on the other side, and he was tied to it.

In between the two of them the man made himself busy with a cauldron. (Y/n) was able to make out his face beneath the hood he was wearing.

It was Peter Petigrew.

"It's ready master" he said, and the cold voice said "now" Petigrew dropped the baby into the bottom of the cauldron.

He then busied himself gathering various items from around the graveyard. "Bone of father unwilling given, you will renew your son"

He then pulled a knife out of his robes, "flesh — flesh of servant willingly given, you will revive your master"

He then used the knife to cut his own hand off. Petigrew let out an ear splitting scream that cut through the night.

He then staggered over to Harry "b-b-blood of enemy... for-forcibly taken... you will revive your foe" he then used the same knife to make a large cut on his arm.

Petigrew then walked back to the cauldron and let Harry's blood drip into the cauldron. Suddenly the cauldron bubbled and steamed, and then a man seemed to grow out of the cauldron.

The man stood, his body white and ghastly, his nose flat and snake like. "My wand wormtail" he said holding his wand out.

"M—my—my lord.." Petigrew stammered.

"Your arm" Voldemort Said.

"Oh thank you master thank you-" he said holding up his missing arm.

"Your other arm wormtail." He then slowly put up his left arm, that contained the dark mark.

"I wonder how many are faithful enough to return. And how many are foolish enough to try and hide"

He then turned and started talking to Harry. At this point (Y/n) had staggered to his feet.

"Oi snake face" he shouted at him.

Voldemort turned to him. "Ah yes (Y/n) (L/n) son of the traitor Steven (L/n)-"

"How'd you know my dad!" (Y/n) shouted cutting him off. Voldemort waved his wand and (Y/n) was thrown once more into the grave.

"Aughh!" He cried, and pain once more shot through his body, starting in his back and radiating out towards his finger tips.

Ropes then tied tied his arms and legs to the grave. Voldemort made his way over to him.

"Don't. Interrupt. You're better!" He spat into (Y/n)'s face.

"I haven't" (Y/n) replied through gritted teeth and the pain.

Voldemort laughed in his face. "I will give you a choice (L/n), either join me or." He pointed his wand at (Y/n) and white hot pain shot through his body.

(Y/n) did his best not to scream, not to give him the satisfaction, however he couldn't hold his scream in.

"I...I will never join you Tom!" (Y/n) spat in defiance.

Voldemort shook his head. "Stupid just like your father. You asked me how I knew him, he once stood with me-"

"Liar!" (Y/n) shouted at him. Once more Voldemort laughed.

"He followed his brothers' lead-"

"He was an only child!"

Voldemort shook his head and tutted. "So he hid that even from his own children. Your father is the youngest of three children. And the most cowardly.

"His brothers joined me soon after they left school. Steven was the youngest, by a large gap. However when he finished school he followed in his brothers footsteps.

"Your uncles brought him to me, they told me he was a great wizard, and that he would be an asset. And he was for a while.

"However when it actually came to killing a mudblood, he chickened out, he ran away like the coward he is."

(Y/n)'s head was spinning no that couldn't be true, his dad would never join Voldemort.

"He tried to get his brothers to leave along with him, and he almost persuaded one of them. Thankfully the other one, David (L/n), killed the doubtful brother before he could flee with Steven."

"How is this possible how could my uncle, that I only just found out about, kill my other uncle, his own brother" (Y/n) thought to himself.

"Your father then ran to Dumbledore" Voldemort scowled as he said Dumbledore. "He betrayed me, and since then he has been branded a traitor, I would advice you not to make the same mistake.

"I've heard you are smart, one of the brightest, and now that you know the full story I will give you one more chance. (Y/n) (L/n) will you join me? Join with your family, bring honor back to your name, meet your uncle, your family. Join me (Y/n) (L/n) make the right choice."

"NEVER! I will never join you! You killed my mum! You've tormented my dad I will never join your cult!"

Voldemort laughed once more. "I did not kill your mother, that was your father's fault, he knew the consequences when he betrayed me. Dumbledore protected that traitor and his wife, but after he war ended one of my faithful servants enacted my will.

"Dolohov went to Steven's house and killed her. So you see (Y/n) it wasn't my fault it was his."

"No. No. That is in no way his fault! You killed her!"

Voldemort shook his head once more. "A shame you couldn't see the truth like your brother"

(Y/n) was taken aback "my brother?"

Voldemort turned his back to him. "You never wondered where young Ben went after he learned the truth?"

(Y/n) though back to that night in his house when he had overheard Ben arguing with his dad. "That's what they must've been arguing about" (Y/n) thought.

"He came and sought out my servants, and he begged them to let him join. He brought honor to his family, but you..."

Voldemort pulled out his wand and pointed it at (Y/n). He felt a pain in his chest, as if a knife was cutting trough his flesh.

"You are a traitor" Voldemort said as he lifted his wand. He had magically cut the word traitor into his chest.

"Ah they're here" Voldemort said, as people in black robes apperated around the graveyard.

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