Chapter 17: Yule Ball

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(Y/n) felt extremely nervous as he entered into the Great Hall, with Lavender holding his arm.

He gingerly put his hand on her waist and together, along with the other champions and their partners, they started to ball.

After a while the songs started to speed up, and  (Y/n) moved with more confidence. Yet still with a lack of coordination.

At one point he attempted a flip, however he only got half way through when he hit the ground. He lay there on his stomach for a while laughing.

Lavender was loads more coordinated than he was, she didn't even fall once the whole time.

(Y/n) was throughly enjoying himself, and had a blast. He was dancing rather wildly in the hall, when he got his leg tangled with someone else's.

After he had fallen onto the floor, for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, he got back up and brushed himself off.

He then went to help the other person up and found to his horror that Moody was laying on his back, with one of his legs missing.

"Bloody hell I'm really sorry Moody"

"Just get my leg back boy" he said, and he crawled over to a nearby chair and hoisted himself into it.

"I'm sorry Lavender" he said once he found her "I've got to find a leg"

She looked at him like he was crazy, and then walked over to talk with Parvati and Padma.

"Hey have either of you seen a leg? A long wooden leg?" He asked a dancing couple.

They stared at him like he was insane "Umm I'll take that as a no then."

After a while he finally found that a group of sixth year had been using Moody's leg as a limbo stick.

He was able to convince them to give him back the leg. And by convince, he ended up pouring a drink on one of them and then nicking the leg in the confusion.

"Hey Moody I've got your leg!" He called out to him running back.

"Took you long enough boy. Give it here then" Moody snatched his leg back and clumsily putting it back on.

"Well then would you like to dance?" (Y/n) asked him holding out his hand.

Moody narrowed his eyes "sod off" was all he said before he got up and went back to dancing.

"Well that went well I guess" he looked for Lavender, but saw that she was dancing with a Durmstrang boy. She looked like she was having fun, and (Y/n) didn't want it ruin that for her.

After that he just bobbed around the crowd, dancing with anyone who needed a partner. He had a quick dance with Neville, who stepped on his toes quite a few times, while Ginny watched and laughed.

He a dance with a few Beauxbaton girls, which was quite fun, and to top it all off, he even was able to convince Flitwick to dance with him.

Granted he did sneak up behind him, pick him up and just swayed with him it was a lot of fun, and was well worth the two weeks of detention he got for it.

After a while he saw Ron and Hermione arguing and then saw Hermione run off crying. Despite the fact the he felt as if Hermione had betrayed him, he couldn't help but feel bad for he.

Yes it was true he would have rather gone with Hermione, and yes it was true that deep down he was angry at her, and in a way resented her, but he did not want to see her cry.

He was about to go after her, but was pulled into a dance by Hagrid.

"Oh Hagrid how's it going? Not dancing with Madame Maxime?"

"That's why I pulled yeh aside, I need yer advice"

"My advice? Why me?"

"Well you know yer smart, and I thought yeh might know."

"Is this about Madame Maxime?"

"Well yeah it is, do yeh 'ave any advice?"

"Pull her aside, go somewhere you can talk in private, make it a special moment. Then again what do I know."

"Thanks (Y/n) I'll try that" Hagrid said letting him go suddenly, causing (Y/n) to topple over into a crowd of fifth years.

"Oi watch it (Y/n), I'm tryna dance here!" Fred said pushing (Y/n) off him.

"Sorry Fred" (Y/n) said walking over to the side of the hall. "Probably best if I sit down now" he thought to himself. "I've fallen into enough people for one night"

That was when he saw Hermione sitting by herself. He could see that she had been crying. He wanted to avoid her, he didn't want to ruin her night, he didn't want his anger at her and Krum to ruin her night or anyone else's, but he couldn't just leave her like that.

"Hey Hermione are you alright?" He asked walking up to her.

"Oh it just Ron"

"He's being a git again?"

She let out a small chuckle. "Yeah. He was upset I went with Viktor. He said something about fraternizing with the enemy. I mean honestly this whole thing is about making friends with the other schools."

"Yeah I guess so" (Y/n) said. "But I'll never make friends with Krum" he thought to himself.

The band started to play a slow song, and to (Y/n)'s surprise it was a muggle song, and one of his favorites.

"Something in the way she moves,
attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me"

"Come on" Hermione said suddenly to his surprise holding her hand out to him.

"You sure?"

"Course I am" she said grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor.

The two of them started off fairly far apart, but as the song went on they unconsciously moved closer together.

"I am really sorry" she said to (Y/n), her head now on his shoulder.

"Hmm What for?"

"I wanted to go with you, I really did, but it's just Viktor asked me first, and I couldn't really back out of it."

(Y/n)'s heart jumped in his chest, she had actually wanted to go with him, he had just asked at the wrong time.

"Why didn't you say something 'Mione?"

"Well you seemed upset and I didn't want to make it worse. You went and attacked Skeeter, I didn't want to put anything more on your plate."

"Why would that put more on my plate?"

"Well I thought you might be upset, and angry at yourself for not asking sooner, and so I thought it'd be better if you were angry at me instead of yourself."

(Y/n) smiled. "Well at least we get this dance"
The song started to come to an end, and (Y/n) slowly moved closer to Hermione. She had taken her head off his shoulder now, and she moved in closer to him.

He felt his heart pounding out of his chest, he thought that it might explode.

"Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me"

They were inches apart now, and (Y/n) could hear Hermione's breath. She tilted her head to the side slightly, and he moved his head closer ever so slowly.

The two joined together as one connected at the lips. It only lasted for a few second, but   (Y/n) would remember this for the rest of time.

There were fireworks in (Y/n)'s head. It was the best moment of his life. He realized now that he had been waiting for this for a while now.

He felt as though his whole life had been leading up to this. His heart pounded in his chest, not like anxiety or fear, but something different, something new, something nice.

They pulled apart slowly a few seconds after the song had finished. He felt giddy inside, and smiled stupidly at her.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder pulling him out of his thoughts and out of the hall.

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