Chapter 19: Fake Stories

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"(Y/n), Hermione you might want to see this" Harry said as they walked into the Great hall.

"What's wrong Harry?" Hermione asked him, in response he slid the Daily Prophet to them.

The article was titled, "Yule Ball Disaster" and there was a large picture of (Y/n) on the front.

"Oh boy what now?" He said exasperatedly, starting to read.

"The Yule Ball, a traditional part of the Triwizard tournament is supposed to be a night of fun and wonder; a night to hold that special someone tight and sway to and fro.

"And that was how it started out for Viktor Krum. Not only is he the seeker for the Bulgarian national quidditch team, not only is he the Durmstrang champion, he is also a handsome and strapping young man.

"The night started out well for Viktor, despite the fact that he asked Hermione Granger out to the ball, that is until he crossed paths with one (Y/n) (L/n) the illegitimate Hogwarts champion, and psychotic student who attacked me only weeks prior.

"(Y/n) furious with and jealous of Viktor decided to sabotage his night with the help of Hermione Granger. Miss Granger, despite having been asked out by arguably the most handsome and accomplished young wizard, second maybe only to Harry Potter, chose to ditch him for (Y/n) (L/n).

"Why she chose to do this, we may never know. Let's just say her choice would be the same as switching from a firebolt, the best broom on the market both fast and safe: the best of the best, for a cleansweep one, outdated and dangerous.

"Viktor then pulled (L/n) out of the hall to have a talk with him, about his actions. When they left the hall however, (L/n) began to gloat and brag, apparently attempting to goad him into a fight.

"He said things such as 'Go on hit me, beat me up' and said Viktor was 'too chicken' when he refused. Perhaps he was attempting to get Viktor into trouble. Although his efforts amounted to nothing as Viktor stayed calm and level headed, and kept their interaction peaceful.

"After Viktor had left (L/n) proceeded to insult him behind his back, calling him rude names such as an 'egg looking bald Bulgarian -' I refuse to put into writing the last word that he said, although I will say that it rhymes with witch.

"(L/n) seemingly acted for no reason, perhaps it was his psychotic nature, and he simply wanted other to get into trouble, or perhaps he went to the ball with the sole intent of starting a fight.

"For now we can not say. All we know for sure is that our thoughts are with Viktor, and we can only hope he will find someone better than Miss Granger, someone who is actually deserving of a young man such as him."

Hermione looked horrified, and furious. "Hermione that's not what happened, I swear she's trying to paint me as villain, just like dad-"

"I know (N/n) I know" Hermione said "I'm horrified that she would... that she could write something this fabricated. Anyone who knows you in the slightest won't believe this"

"Probably best to just ignore her" Harry said patting (Y/n) on the back.

"Why does she have it out for me though? For my family?"

"Probably because she knows you won't take it, and that you'll fight back" Hermione suggested. "That way she has more to write about" making a good point.

(Y/n) had not taken what Skeeter wrote sitting down and had acted out against her, why in turn gave her more to stories to twist.

"Well see you around then" (Y/n) said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Ron asked him.

"Eh I thought I might beat up some first years, or better yet terrorized some Bulgarians" (Y/n) said with a crazed smile and a wink.

(Y/n) made his way towards Flitwick's classroom.

"Ah Mr (L/n) how are you?"

"Well give what that Skeeter has written, not the best"

"Ah yes I saw that. Don't worry (Y/n), nobody in their right mind would believe that, now then what can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if you could teach me the bubble head charm"

"Ah I thought you might come for that"

"How'd he know I threw the egg in the lake?" (Y/n) thought to himself.

"Yes well you know technically teachers aren't suppose to help you, but let just say you wanted to further your studies." Professor Flitwick said with a wink.

"Now I'm sorry to say that the only time I am free is the next Hogsmead weekend."

"That'll be perfect Professor. Thank you"

"Ah yes anytime Mr (L/n), anytime."

(Y/n) left the classroom eager for the Hogsmead trip to arrive, although feeling nervous, as that would give him less than a week to find and solve the egg.

He went to look for the others but ended up running into a certain egg headed Bulgarian.

"Krum!" He called to him, a thought coming to him. "Why'd you lie about what happened?"

"What are you talking about (L/n)? I though you told her?"

"Why would I saw those things Krummy? It's obviously you who would paint yourself as such a great person!"

"I didn't talk to that Rita lady, I thought you did it to brag and gloat!"

"Wait if you didn't do it then who told her? We were the only there. Did you tell anyone Krum?"

"No of course I didn't, Why would I want to tell someone?"

"I don't know, but how else would she have known those details?"

Krum shrugged and walked away from (Y/n). (Y/n) was throughly confused now. "How could she know? Maybe she had been at the Ball, although I don't remember seeing her there, but there was no way she was close enough to hear us" (Y/n) thought to himself.

(Y/n) couldn't worry about this however, as he had bigger problems now, trying to solve the mystery of the egg, without actually being able to use the egg.

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