Chapter 11: Dragons

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It had been a few weeks and the first task was approaching quickly. (Y/n) was in the Great Hall when he saw Olivia fly by and land in front of him.

She was carrying a letter from his dad and he quickly opened it.

"Dear (N/n),
Don't listen to that Skeeter woman, she just wants to make trouble. She hardly ever writes the truth. As for your dress robes I have some replacements for you, I will send them to you closer to when you actually need them. (This way you won't burn these as well)

Stay well

Love dad"

"Well that's sorted" (Y/n) thought to himself and he got up and went to take a walk.

"Heya Harry!" (Y/n) called to Harry when he saw him by the forest.

"You alright mate?" Harry asked him.

"Yeah just thinking about the first task"

"Speak of the devil, Hermione just told me that Hagrid told someone, who told someone, who told someone, who told Ron that he wants to see us"

"Bloody hell, why didn't Hagrid just come see us?"

"When it comes to Hagrid, who knows"

That night (Y/n) and Harry made their way to Hagrid's hut.

"Heya Hagrid, looking good!" (Y/n) said finger gunning him. Hagrid had attempted to comb his hair and was wearing a suit. 

"Thank you (Y/n), oh and it'd probably be best to put yer cloak on now"

Harry pulled the invisibility cloak over himself and (Y/n). They walked on in silence for a while until they came across the large form of Madame Maxime.

"Oh, 'Agrid zere you are."


"Bon soir" (Y/n) hissed at Hagrid correcting him.

"Did you 'ear somezing 'Agrid?"

"Ah no must just be some of the creatures in 'ere" Hagrid glared a few feet to (Y/n)'s left.

They continued on till they reached a large clearing that was full of...

"Dragons!" (Y/n) said excitedly, and he tried to slip out to get closer to them, but Harry grabbed him before he could.

"Hagrid the first task is dragons?" Harry asked him clearly surprised.

"Yup there's one fer each of yehs. And look" he pointed to one of the large dragons. "It's Norberta!"

"Oh my! Look how she's grown!" (Y/n) said, patting Hagrid in the small of his back.

"You must be proud."

"'Agrid are you coming?" Madame Maxime called to him.

"Just a mo. Listen Harry, (Y/n) be safe out there alright?"

"Course we will Hagrid" Harry said to him.

"Yeah don't worry about us Hagrid."

By the time they returned to the common room (Y/n) was exhausting, and collapsed into his bed.

He and Harry filled in Hermione the next morning.

"Well we better start preparing"

"How'd are we suppose to deal with dragons!" Harry said.

"Well I think a nice cup of tea is a start, and maybe a spot of lunch. Perhaps we could just make friends with the dragons" (Y/n) suggested.

Hermione and Harry stared at him for a second before they headed off to DADA, but (Y/n) heard Harry mutter "he's mental" under his breath to Hermione.

"Polyjuice potion" Moody barked from the front of the classroom. "A very useful potion that can be used for dark matters."

"Death eaters and dark art followers can use polyjuice potion to trick others and take their place"

"(L/n)! Describe your father if you please"

"Umm well he's tall, he has (H/c) hair like mine, but with patches of white and grey-"

"Any distinguishing features. Any scars or tattoos?" Moody put extra emphasis on the last word.

"Tattoos? No I don't think so but he does have a sort of red scar thing on his left forearm"

"He does does he?" Moody said sounding interested. "And how did he get that?"

"I don't see what this has to do wi-" (Y/n) started but Moody cut him off.

"Just answer the question boy"

"He never told me, he just said that he made a  mistake when he was younger."

"Eh Well then, you should find out why he has that scar, could safe your life one day.

"Someone taking the polyjuice potion to imitate (L/n)'s father would obtain all those marks and characteristics on their own body.

"They would not however have the memories. This is one way to trip up people under the polyjuice potion."

All in all it was a strange lesson, but it was soon done, and afterwards Harry spotted Cedric and decided to tell him about the dragons, while Hermione and (Y/n) headed to the library.

When Harry joined them he told them of the strategy Moody had helped him come up with.

Before (Y/n) knew it it was time for the first trial. Unfortunately (Y/n) still didn't quite have a plan.

(Y/n) was waiting in a tent along with the other champions.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you there?" Hermione hissed from the other side of the tent.

"Hermione is that you?"

She pushed the tent aside and barged in, throwing her arms around (Y/n) and pulling him to a tight hug.

"Be safe (Y/n) alright"

"When am I not safe Hermione"

She glared at him. "Promise me"

"I promise Hermione"

"You do have a plan?"

"Of course I do. I just need to fit it all together and make it work"

Suddenly there was a flash of light, and standing near them was Rita Skeeter.

"Young love" she said holding up a camera

"You!" (Y/n) shouted at her, but she had ran away before (Y/n) could get to her.

"Gather round champions" Dumbledore called to them. "What are you doing here Miss Granger?"

"Oh I'll just go" she quickly kissed (Y/n)'s cheek muttering "for good luck" before she left the tent.

"Now the bag Barty" Crouch walks over carrying a purple silk bag.

"Miss Delacour if you will" Fleur walked up and stuck her hand into the bag, pulling out a small green dragon.

"The Welsh green, now Mr Krum you next"

"The Chinese fireball. Mr Diggory if you will"

"Ah the Swedish short snout. Next Mr (L/n)"
(Y/n) walked up to Crouch, stuck his hand into the bag and pulled out the Norwegian ridgeback.

"Yes the Ridgeback, then leaves Mr Potter with the horntail."

"Now then each of your models have a number around their necks. This is the order in which you will compete. On the sound of the cannon you will exit the tent."

"You goal is to retrieve a single golden egg that has been mixed in with dragon eggs."

(Y/n) waited nervously. First Cedric went, then Fleur, next Krum, and the Harry. (Y/n) sat in the tent listening to the cheers from the crowd outside the tent until finally.

"BOOM" he heard the sound of a cannon, and made his way out of the tent...

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