Chapter 8: SPEW

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After his talk with Richie (Y/n) headed back to the common room, and ran into Hermione on his way back. She was carrying a large cardboard box.

"You want some help with that 'Mione?" (Y/n) asked her as he caught up with her.

"Oh yes thanks (Y/n)" she said handing him the box.

"What's in here anyway?"

"I'll tell you once we get to the common room alright"


They made the short journey back in silence, and finally climbed into the common room.

"What's in the box?" Ron asked immediately as they entered the room.

Hermione opened the box and pulled out a pin, passing it (Y/n). The pin was bright blue, and had the letters S.P.E.W. Inside the box were around fifty other pins, in all different colors but with the same letters.

"Spew?" Harry picked up one of the pins looking confused.

"Not spew, S.P.E.W. It stands for the Society for the promotion of Elfish welfare." Hermione corrected Harry.

"Never heard of it" Ron said.

"Well of course not" Hermione said exasperatedly. "I've only just made it"

"How many people have you got?" (Y/n) asked here legitimately curious.

"Well if you three join then that makes four" Hermione Said a tad embarrassed.

"Here give me some" (Y/n) said grabbing a handful of pins. "I'm sure I can get some people to join"

"Thanks (N/n)" Hermione said with a smile.

"What you think people are actually going to walk around with badges that say spew" Ron said looking slightly disgusted.

"It's not spew, it's S.P.E.W. I was going to put 'Stop the Outrageous Abuse of our Fellow Magical Creatures and campaigner change in their legal status. But it wouldn't fit."

"I kinda like it, has a nice ring to it" (Y/n) said brightly, already having pinned his badge to his robes.

"Hermione, they like it. They like to serve humans." Ron said.

"Ronald how can you say that they like to be slaves?" (Y/n) said jumping in.

"I Dunno, I mean look at how Winky reacted when she was sacked" Harry said.

Hermione glared at them. "Our short term aims are to secure elves fair wages and working conditions. Our long term aims are to change the law about non wand use and trying to get an elf into the department for the regulation and control of magical creatures, as they are shockingly underrepresented"

"And how do we do that?" Ron asked, not convinced.

"Well we start by recruiting members. Two sickles buys a badge, Ron you're treasurer, I've got a collecting tin upstairs for you. And Harry you're secretary, so you should probably be writing down everything I'm saying as record of our meeting"

"Forgetting someone Hermione?" (Y/n) said.

"Of course not, you're the Vice President (Y/n)"
(Y/n) smiled at that.

"God Hermione they like this, they don't want to be free!" Ron said to her annoyed.

"Ron do you like the taste of spiders?" (Y/n) asked him.

Ron stared at him confused. "Of course I don't! What are you going on about"

"Hear me out Ron, have you ever actually eaten a spider?" Ron looked at him for a second.

"Well no I haven't but-"

"Then how do you know you don't like them? It's the same with elves, they've never been free they've only known slavery their whole lives, so how do they know if they would like being free or not. It's the only think they've known, so they should be able to experience what freedom is like. Then they can see what they prefer"

Hermione smiles at him. (Y/n) felt something in his stomach. He liked seeing Hermione smile, she had a very pretty smile.

"You alright mate?" Ron asked him.

"Hmm what's that?"

"Well it's just that you've been staring into space like a madman for a few minutes now"

"Oh sorry" (Y/n)'s face went red. "Just lost in thought..."

Their DADA classes kept ramping up, and the next time they had it Moody was now preforming unforgivable curses on them.

He went around the class casting the imperious curse on each of them. Eventually he came to Harry, who was able to almost fight it off.

"Look at that Potter fought it, and he damn near beat it. We'll try again in a bit Potter, what his eyes you lot, that's where you'll see it."

After a few more people it was (Y/n)'s turn. Moody pointed his wand at him.

Suddenly (Y/n) heard Moody's voice in his head. "Sing an opera, why don't you sing an opera"

"No I don't really like opera that much" his voice said in his mind.

"Come on sing opera, sing it!" Moody's voice pushed harder into him.

"Fine, only because I like to sing, but it won't be opera"

(Y/n) opened his mouth and started to sing. "There's a starman, waiting in the sky!
He'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he'd blow our minds!"

"Not bad (L/n) you did pretty well" Moody said, and (Y/n) was sure that he heard disappointment in his voice.

"It's only cause I like to sing Moody, don't go thinking you made me do it."

Moody then spent the rest of the class helping Harry to overcome and fight against the cure's effects.

(Y/n) thought it was a bit unfair that Moody focused so much on Harry, but what'd he expect he was THE Harry Potter.

"I told you bloody mental" Ron said as they walked out of the class.

"Yeah he sure is" Harry said slightly limping form the pain of ramming into a desk over and over.

"Well come on then, the cup will be deciding the champions soon, don't wanna miss that" (Y/n) said walking towards the Great hall.

He took a seat next to Hermione, and after everyone had arrived, Dumbledore put out the candles with a wave of his hand.

Mr Crouch then got up and gave a little speech about the tournament. (Y/n) didn't listen.

Soon Dumbledore was standing next to the goblet of fire. The blue flames suddenly turned a bright red, and a small piece of paper shot out.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum!"

The hall burst into cheers, and Ron shouted "No surprised there!"

Once the hall quieted down another piece of paper flew out.

"The champion for Beauxbaton will be Fleur Delacour!"

"I helped her sister at the World Cup!" (Y/n) explained to Hermione over the cheers from the hall.

Once more a paper shot into the air.

"The Champion for Hogwarts will be Cedric Diggory!" 

The hall once more burst into cheering.

"Very good very good, now that we have our champions I am sure I can count on you to support your champions and cheer them on. Now the first task will take pla-"

He was cut off as the goblet turned red once more and shot one more piece of paper out into the air.

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