Chapter 21: Second Task

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"Repeat the clue again Harry!" Hermione told Harry excitedly. They were in the library, as Harry had figured out the clue the night before.

"Come seek us where our voices sound.
We cannot sing above the ground
And while you're searching ponder this
An hour long you'll have to look
And recover what we took
But past an hour - the prospects Black"

Harry repeated mechanically, for the umpteenth time.

"An hour, that'll be hard, but not impossible" Hermione commented.

"Hermione When was the last time you held your breath for an hour!" Harry said annoyed.

"We'll think of something Harry" (Y/n) said trying to encouraging him.

They spent the rest of the day and the next on trying to figure out how Harry could manage the task.

"I could try teaching you the bubble head charm, although it would take sometime to master it." (Y/n) suggested.

Fred and George then came up to them. "What are you two doing here?" Ron asked them.

"We're here for you" Fred said.

"To take you away" George added.

"What?" Ron asked them.

"McGonagall wants you" Fred said to Ron.

"And you" George said to Hermione.

"What for you?" Hermione asked them.

"No idea" Fred said with a smile.

"But she said it was urgent" added George.

"I'll see you back in the common room" Hermione said to Harry and (Y/n).

"We'll find something mate" (Y/n) said looking through a book of charms.

"It's hopeless, even if I find a spell there's no way I'll learn it by tomorrow" Harry said closing his book.

"Don't give up mate, I'm sure you'll figure it out"

"You don't have to wait up with me, you go back to the common room, get some sleep. At least one of us will complete the challenge."

"It's alright Harry, if worst comes to worst you could always just take a loss, you already have a pretty large lead"

"Thank (Y/n)" Harry said glumly. (Y/n) headed back to the common room. He couldn't find Hermione or Ron when he got back, so instead he sat and talked with Neville.

"Hey Nev! How's it going?"

"Not too bad" Neville said not looking up from his book.

"Whatcha reading? You're reminding me a bit of Hermione right now" (Y/n) said with a chuckle.

"It's this book moody gave me, its all about these really cool magical plants." Neville said enthusiastically.

"I forgot you actually like Herbology, good for you. Have you seen Hermione or Ron?"

"No sorry (Y/n), I haven't seen them. Although they're probably around somewhere."

"Yeah probably"

"Hey where's Harry?"

"Oh he's in the library getting ready for the second task."

"Oh anything I can do to help?"

"Well unless there's got some leaf that can let Harry breath underwater for an hour then no not really"

At this Neville's face lit up brightly and pulled the book open.

"No way!" (Y/n) almost screamed.

"Right here! Right here!" Neville said jabbing his finger at the page.

(Y/n) leaned forward and read about gillyweed, and how it could allow whoever eats it to breath underwater for an hour.

"What are the odds! Harry need to breath underwater for an hour, and you just so happen to have a book about a plant that'll let him breath underwater for an hour!"

"I've got to go tell him!" Neville said excitedly, as he grabbed his book up and ran out of the common room.

"It's a bit odd though" (Y/n) thought to himself. "I mean Moody gave Harry the idea to use his firebolt, and he gave Neville that book. It's almost as if he wants Harry to win."

(Y/n) spent the rest of the night practicing the bubble head charm, and the other spell he thought he might need.

After a while he still hadn't seen Hermione or Ron, and neither had any of the others in the common room and he was starting to worry a bit.

"They wouldn't" (Y/n) said to him. "There's no way that they're using people for this task. Is that what they took?"

He decided that it would be best to get some sleep so that he would be ready for the task tomorrow. He hoped that Harry would have been able to find some Gillyweed.

(Y/n) woke up a tad late the next morning, and he quickly got dressed, pulling on a pair of swim trunks underneath his clothes, and grabbing a pair of gloves.

He went down into the Great Hall and had a rushed breakfast, not eating a lot because of his nerves.

He looked around for Hermione, and saw that she still wasn't there. "Maybe she's helping Harry" he thought to himself. "Yes that's most likely"

After his hasty breakfast he went back up into the common room and nervously practiced a few spells, until he accidentally set one of the chairs on fire in his frantic practice.

It was almost time for the task to start and he hadn't see Hermione, Ron or Harry yet. Actually thinking about it he hadn't seen Richie at breakfast either.

He left the common room once more and headed out to the black lake, where a large set of stands had been set up, along with five different diving platforms.

"How fun could it be to watch this?" (Y/n) thought. "They're just gonna be watching the lake, it's not like they'll be able to see below the surface"

(Y/n) was the third champion to arrive, as Krum and Cedric were already there.

"You ready for this Cedric?"

He nodded "I think I know what I'm doing"

"Well that makes one of us" (Y/n) muttered, causing Cedric to let out a small laugh.

After a few minutes Fleur showed up along with Madame Maxime, and a few more minutes later the newly built stands were packed with students.

(Y/n) scanned the stands, but he couldn't find Hermione, Ron, or Richie.

"Have any of you seen Harry?" (Y/n) asked the other champions. They all shook their heads.

"I hope he's alright" he muttered to himself. He had take off his robes and was now standing in his swimming trunks with a tank top on that had the Gryffindor crest on its breast, he had left his socks on as well.

"Well the second task will begin any second now" Dumbledore said to the champions.

"But what about Harry?"

Dumbledore shrugged "all we can do is hope he will make it on time."

Dumbledore then magically amplified his voice and explained the second task to the audience, just as he was finishing (Y/n) saw someone running from the castle towards the lake.

"Professor!" He yelled to Dumbledore pointing at Harry.

They waited a minutes as he ran up to them, stripping his robes off as he ran, until he was at the newly made platforms in just his underwear.

Moody went over to get him, and gave him a tank top that looked the same as (Y/n)'s.

Harry then took his place next to (Y/n), and he gave Harry a quick thumbs up, before Dumbledore counted them down, and the second task began.

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