Chapter 3: Portkey

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"(Y/n)!" A voice pulled (Y/n) out of his sleep. He quickly snatch up his wand and pointed it towards the voice.

"(Y/n) it's me!" Hermione shrieked raising her hands.

"Oh sorry 'Mione." (Y/n) said sheepishly lowering his wand. Hermione grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"What're you doing in the attic anyway? Mrs. Weasley said you were sharing a room with Percy."

"Well I was but he snores real bad..."

"So you came to sleep in the attic?"

"Well no first I tried to smother him in his sleep, but he didn't take to kindly to that so then I moved up to the attic."

Hermione let out a slight laugh, not quite sure if he was joking or not. "Come on get dressed we're leaving soon"

(Y/n) pulled himself out of bed, motioned to Hermione to leave the room and got dressed.

When he arrived in the ground floor he found that most of the Weasleys were already there and eating breakfast.

"Where's Bill and Charlie?" He asked as he walked down the stairs.

"And Per-per-perfect Percy?" Came a voice behind him, making him jump and topple down the last couple of steps.

Fred and George laughed as they stepped over (Y/n).

"Well since they're apparating, I thought they could have a little bit of a lie in." Mrs Weasley said.

"Why can't we apparate?" Fred asked grumpily.

"Because you haven't passed you test, and could splinch yourselves" Mrs Weasley told them.

"I'd give my left arm for an extra hour of sleep" (Y/n) said yawning.

"You have to pass a test to apparate?" Harry asked.

"Oh yes, very difficult thing apparition. It have nasty consequences if not done right." Mr Weasley explained to them.

(Y/n) stretched and sat down at the kitchen table next to Hermione. He looked up at the nearby clock.

It had a hand for each of the Weasleys. There was also a spoon spellotaped onto it with a picture of (Y/n)'s face on it. He had put it there the minute he had arrived.

"Well come on then it's about time to go" Mr. Weasley said standing up. "Don't want to be late." He grabbed a large backpack from a nearby chair.

"One sec!" (Y/n) called springing up from the table and running over to the clock. He moved his spoon so that it was pointed towards traveling.

"Okay ready to go!" He said grabbing Hermione's hand and dragging her out into the garden.

"So where're we going?" (Y/n) said as he followed Mr. Weasley.

"Not much farther now!" He called from the front.

They kept walking for a bit until Mr Weasley yelled "Amos!"

"Arthur! Good to see you!" A middle aged man called from atop the hill they were climbing. Mr Weasley shook hands with him and greeted him like an old friend.

"This is Amos Diggory" Mr Weasley said introducing the others.

"Are these all yours Arthur?" Amos asked them.

"Course we are. Can't you tell by the hair?"
(Y/n) said sarcastically pointing to his hair.

Mr Diggory looked at him for a second, (Y/n) wasn't quite sure if he was angry or disgusted. There was silence for a second.

Mr Weasley cleared his throat. "Mmhmm. Well as (Y/n) said only the red haired ones. Over there is Ron's friend Hermione Granger" Mr Weasley said pointing to Hermione.

She gave a small wave. "I've heard you're one of the smartest witches at Hogwarts." Mr Diggory said shaking her hand.

"This is Harry Potter" Mr Weasley said pulling Harry in front of him.

"Merlin's beard! Harry Potter! Cedric's talked about you of course. He's said you were a very good seeker."

"You know Ron of course"

"Yes of course. Cedric told me you. He said that you are a great chess player."

Ron blushed and smiled widely. "And that is (Y/n) (L/n)" Mr Weasley said motioning towards (Y/n).

"Ah yes." Mr Diggory said not quite as enthusiastically. "Cedric told me you have quite a knack for starting fires"

"Guess so." (Y/n) replied. He didn't like Mr Diggory that much, he seemed full of himself, and self righteous.

It seemed to (Y/n) as though he had already judged them all before he had met them.

"Oh and this is Cedric" Mr. Diggory said proudly pulling his son towards him.

"Well it's nearly time" Mr Weasley said. "Have you found it yet?"

"It's right over here. Cedric spotted it before you arrived" Mr Diggory said holding out an old moldy boot.

"Alright everyone grab ahold" Mr Weasley said.

"What for?" Harry asked.

"Just grab on mate" (Y/n) said pulling him closer.

"Alright then in three... two.... on-"

(Y/n) felt his feet lift up from the ground. This was his favorite bit about portkeys.

(Y/n), like usual, was the first to let go and landed on his feet in a clearing.

"Ah good I'm in the right place" he said looking around. "At least I think so, god hopefully it's not like last time."

He started to move, but suddenly a mass of bushy brown hair flung out of the air and collided with him, knocking him to the ground.

"Oh! Are you okay (Y/n)?" Hermione said climbing off of him and helping him up from the ground.

"Ugg I think you bwoke by nose Herbione"
(Y/n) said clutching his nose.

"(Y/n)! I'm so sorry!" She said.

"Bits alwight Herbione. But do you think you could fix bit?"

"Oh right right" Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it at his nose. "Episkey" There was a crack and (Y/n)'s nose snapped back into place.

"Ah cheers 'Mione, although you did break it in the first place."

"Well if everyone is here then let's go" Mr Weasley said motioning for them to follow him. "We'll see you at the match Amos!"

They walked for a while before coming to a small plot between to tents. Mr Weasley took off his bag, waved his wand and the tent from on top of the bag, unrolled itself and pitched itself.

They took a while to get settled in, and by the time they had unpacked and divvied up the beds Bill, Charlie and Percy had arrived.

"Ah boys you're here!" Mr Weasley cried as they entered.

"Hey Percy how's it goin?" (Y/n) asked walking from one of the other rooms carrying a pillow in his hands.

Percy let out a scream of fright and hid behind Bill. "Keep him away from me!"

"Oh come on Perc, I wasn't gonna hurt you, I was just gonna hold the pillow there till you stopped snoring. Honest mate"

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