Chapter 4: World Cup

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(Y/n) and Hermione followed Harry and Ron as they ran around the place. While Harry and Ron were buying souvenirs (Y/n) walked off to explore a bit on his own.

"Excusez-moi!" A voice behind him called. "Est-ce que vous parlez français?" (Y/n) turned around a saw a small scared looking girl. She couldn't've been more than nine.

"S'il vous pait, je ne peux pas trouver ma mère."

"N'inquiète pas, je peux t'aider de trouver elle" (Y/n) said to her.

His mum had been fluent in French, and before her death she would teach him. After she passed he had continued to learn the language, as it reminded him of her.

"Alors, sais-tu où est ta tente?"

The little girl shook her head, a tear growing in her eye.

"Allons, voici" (Y/n) stuck out his hand for her. She looked up at him and took his hand.

"Je m'appelle (Y/n), et tu?"

"Gabrielle" she said in a timid voice.

"Ah ça c'est un beau nom" (Y/n) talked with her to try and calm her nerves, stretching his French knowledge to the limits.

After a while of searching around, a young lady, with the same blonde hair as Gabrielle, ran up to them.

"Gabrielle! Gabrielle! Est-ce que tu ça va? Qui est tu?" She demanded turning on (Y/n), pulling Gabrielle's hand from (Y/n)'s.

"Oh uhh je m'appelle (Y/n). Je l'ai trouvè, et je l'ai aidè à trouver sa famille" (Y/n) explained to her, realizing how strange this could look.

After he explained the young lady bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

"Je te remercie, je m'appelle Fleur, et elle est ma petite soeur." She explained to him about how she had gotten lost, and that she and her parents had been looking for her.

She bent down once more kissing him on the cheek, before grabbing her sister's had and walking off.

(Y/n) waved to them as they walked off. He looked around and suddenly realized that in helping the little girl he had gotten himself lost.

"Bugger." He muttered to himself looking around. He had no idea where he was.

"Welp this way is as good as any" he said striding confidently off to the right. He kept wandering around until someone called his name.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" A bushy haired girl practically knocked him over. "We've been looking all over for!"

"Hey Hermione, how's it goin?" He asked her after he regained his balance.

"Why'd you go running off! You could've told us before!"

"Hermione it's not like I meant to get lost. There was this little girl, she had gotten separated from her family. I was just helping her find them."

"Oh alright then. Well come on the Weasleys are worried sick" Hermione turned to go, but suddenly stopped and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.

"Just so you don't go running away again"

Hermione half led, half dragged him back to the Weasley's tent. "(Y/n)! Thank god you are alright. I don't know how I would've explained this to your dad, let alone Molly" Mr Weasley said as he arrived back.

"Where'd you run off to?" Fred asked him.

"I had a good reason!" (Y/n) protested.

"Ohhh well let's hear it then" George said appearing next to Fred.

"Well you see there was this girl-"

"Ooooh a girl huh?" Fred mocked. (Y/n) went red slightly realizing how this must sound. Hermione let go off his hand, and (Y/n) could've sworn that she looked cross.

"No no not like tha-"

"Has little (Y/n) got himself a girlfriend?" George teased.

"No! She was just lost that's all, and I helped her find her sister! That was it!" (Y/n) said loudly, not helping his case.

For the next hour or so Fred and George pranced around him, making kissing noises and mocking him.

"God you try to do a good thing..." (Y/n) muttered as Fred and George made kissing noises right next to his ears.

"Come on then the match is about to begin!" Mr Weasley called getting up.

The Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and (Y/n) set off towards the stadium. (Y/n) grabbed Hermione's hand after a while.

"Just so I don't get separated" (Y/n) explained. Once they got to the stadium they climbed up towards their seats.

After they had gotten settled (Y/n) heard a familiar drawl. "Ah Potter didn't expect to see you here. How's your mum, oh wait she's dead"

Malfoy was standing at the end of the row. "Now now Malfoy you'll have time to catch up with your friends soon." His dad walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

Harry made a start, but Fudge came down and started to talk with the Malfoys before they left.

The cup started with the two teams bringing out their mascots. "Look they brought Veela" Ron said pointing excitedly.

They started to dance across the field, and both Ron and Harry stood up to get a better look. (Y/n) heard many catcalls throughout the stadium.

"Do ya think I'd get their attention if I jump?" Ron asked them climbing onto his seat.

"Sit down!" (Y/n) said pulling him into his seat.

"Look at them" Ron said practically drooling with his omniocular glued to his face.

"Honestly Ron look at yourself! And you're not that much better mate" (Y/n) said to Ron and Harry.

"At least one of you has the right mindset" Hermione said to them.

"Hermione look at them!" Ron said his eyes still fixed on the Veela.

"Yeah there alright looking mate, but not worth jumping out of your seat" (Y/n) said.

The Veela eventually stopped dancing, much to the disappointment of the crowd, and of Harry and Ron.

Next the Irish brought out their mascots. "Leprechaun!" Mr Weasley shouted to them.

They flew around the stadium dropping gold into the crowd. Ron picked up a handful of it and gave it to Harry.

Finally Fudge cried "Let the match begin!"

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