Chapter 14: Dress Robes

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"God why is asking someone out so hard" Ron complained. It had been a few weeks and none of them had gotten a date yet.

"Yeah fighting the dragon was easier" Harry said.

"Don't worry mate if you need a date I'll go with you" (Y/n) said happily.

"Cheers, but I'd rather not" Harry said bitterly.

(Y/n) still hadn't gotten the courage to ask Hermione to the Ball yet. He knew it'd be best to do it in person, but when and where?

"Ron I think that's Errol" (Y/n) said pointing to an owl that appeared to be falling. Errol crashed onto the table, and Ron took the box from him.

"Bloody hell mum's loosing it, here Ginny she's sent me your dress robes" Ron said handing the box to her.

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly" Ginny said disgusted.

"I think they're for you mate" (Y/n) said patting Ron's shoulder.

Olivia then landed on the table with a box for (Y/n). He opened it and then fell out of his seat. Inside were the black tuxedo, and (E/c) bow tie he had seen in the crystal ball last year.

"Are you alright?" Hermione said helping him to his feet.

"Yeah I'm fine, just saw something shiny on the floor."

"There's a note here" Ron said pulling out a small note from the box.

(Y/n) took it from him and read. "Here you go (N/n), your new dress robes! These were the robes is wore on my first date with your mum. We went dancing, so I thought it would be fitting. Please don't destroy them like the last ones. Be good.

Love Dad"

"That's unfair!" Ron said reading the note over his shoulder. "How come you get normal robes and I get a dress!"

(Y/n) just rolled his eyes. "I'm heading to the library. Care to join?" He asked turn to Hermione.

She nodded and the two of them set off, stopping at Gryffindor tower first so that (Y/n) could put his new robes in his trunk.

"So have you figured out the egg yet?" Hermione whispered to him as they sat down in the library.

"No yet, but I've been looking at different creatures that lay egg. Hopefully it's not a red herring"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out" Hermione said smiling at him. They sat in silence for a bit longer. (Y/n) stole glances at Hermione whenever he could.

She truly was beautiful, (Y/n) didn't know how he'd only recently realized this. He'd always know she was pretty, ever since he had met her. However it was only recently that he had seen how beautiful she truly was.

Her brown eyes had a warm and inviting air about them, and he could stare into them all day, although that would be creepy.

"H-hey Hermione" (Y/n) said timidly.

"Hmm" Hermione said not looking up from her book.

"Umm there's something I wanted to ask you"

"What's that?" She said looking at him.

"Well Umm I was wondering if maybe-"

A cough interrupted his attempted and he looked up to see Krum standing by them.

"Oh am I interrupting something?" He asked. "I was wondering if I could talk with you" he said to Hermione. "It's important" he added looking at (Y/n). 

"Umm alright then, I'll see you late then Hermione" he said getting up, relieved that he had more time to figure out how to ask Hermione to the Ball.

(Y/n) thought that seeing the Thestrals might calm him a bit and help him figure out a plan.

"Hey Luna!" He called seeing the familiar girl.

"Oh hello (Y/n)" she replied after he had caught up to him. "Going to see the Thestrals?"

"Yeah it's been a while since I've seen Ted" he said as they walked together into the forest.

"How's the tournament going?"

"Eh haven't died yet, so it's alright I guess."

"What you did with the dragon was impressive"

"What getting my ribs broken?"

Luna let out a little giggle. "No your patronus, I thought it was smart."

"Oh thanks Luna, I'm just glad Edgar was able to distract the dragon long enough"

"Edgar?" She asked inquisitively.

"Oh yeah that's what I named him" he said pulling out his wand and casting his patronus.

Edgar flew around for a bit before landing on Luna's shoulder.

"He's rather cute isn't he?"

"He really is"

They continued on in silence for a while. When they finally reached the clearing Edgar disappeared, and Luna called for the Thestrals.

"Have you found a date for the ball yet?" Luna asked him in her dreamy voice.

"You know about that?"

"Of course I do that's all everyone is talking about"

"Well there is one person I want to go with-"

"Hermione?" Luna said cutting him off.

"How'd you-"

"Just a feeling" she said mysteriously, continuing to pet the nearby Thestral.

"Whatever you do just don't ask around the Nargles."

"Thanks Luna. What about you? Anybody asked you?"

"No. I don't mind really. It's not really my scene, I think I might go back home for the holidays. It's quieter there I prefer that."

"I feel that Luna. Sometimes I just want to be left alone" (Y/n) petted Ted, thinking back to the article Skeeter had written, and how he just wished people would leave him alone the. 

"We should probably head back, it's getting dark" (Y/n) said a few hours later.

"Guess you're right" she said getting up and patting the Thestrals goodbye.

"I'll see you soon Ted" (Y/n) said giving him a kiss.

"Come on then" he said to Luna.

"Do you know what you have to do for the second task yet?" Luna asked him.

"Not quite sure but it has something to do with a golden egg. Don't suppose you know any creatures that lay golden eggs?"

"Well I've heard of a hen that laid golden eggs, then again I believe it was killed"

(Y/n) laughed. "Luna that's a children's tale."

"Sometimes fact is hidden within fiction"

"She's such a strange girl" (Y/n) thought to himself "strange and fun"

"Well I'll see you soon Luna" (Y/n) said to her as they reached the castle.

"Good luck with Hermione" Luna told him with a smile.

Book 4: Harry Potter male reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now