Chapter 13: Dancing

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The four of them heading back to the common room and where immediately pulled in, despite (Y/n)'s protests and cries of pain.

"You did it mate!" Fred said elbowing him in the ribs.

"Augh! Stop doing that!" (Y/n) protested in pain.

"Doing what mate?" George asked before elbowing in the ribs as well.

"Augh! You bloody prats, I'll get you for this." The twins gave him one more elbow in the ribs each before running off.

The common room celebrated their victory and after a while they were encouraging them to open the eggs.

"Oh go on then open it!"

"On three (Y/n)?"

"1...2...3!" Both Harry and (Y/n) unclasped their eggs and opened them, only to be met with an ear splitting screech.

They both quickly snapped them shut. "Ah great all that work and they're bloody broken!" (Y/n) said.

"What was that?" Said Seamus "sounded like a banshee, maybe you'll have to fight one of them next"

"It was someone being tortured!" Neville said, who had turned very white "you're going to have to fight the cruciatus curse!"

"I wouldn't put it past Moody"

"You know it sounded a bit like Percy singing... maybe you have to attack him in the shower."

"Well I'd rather the banshee than Percy, he'll I'd rather the cruciatus curse over seeing Percy in the shower" (Y/n) said before he snuck off to his dorm.

The next day Hermione wanted to show them something, something about the kitchens, but (Y/n) had left a few of his books in the potions classroom.

"I'll meet you guys later alright" he called to the others heading down to the dungeon.

When he arrived he found the door were already open, and so he made his way in without knocking.

He saw Snape sitting at his desk with his left sleeve rolled up. On the inside of his left forearm, was a strange looking red scar.

"(L/N)! What are you doing here!" He shouted shoving his sleeve back down.

"I left my books in here sir"

"Well get them and then get out, and give points from Gryffindor for your intrusion."

(Y/n) quickly found his books and ran out of the room. "Why'd Snape have that mark there. Strange it looks almost identical to dad's. And it was in the same spot" he thought to himself.

"Why do you suppose it's from?" Ron asked them after (Y/n) explained what he had seen.

"It's probably just from a potion mishap" Hermione suggested.

"But then why'd my dad have an almost identical one?"

"You said they were at school together right? Well maybe the did something together that caused it" Hermione said.

"Yeah you're probably right. What were the kitchens like anyway?" (Y/n) asked changing the subject.

"Brilliant! There was food everywhere, and the elves just let us take it-" Ron started

"It was horrible. They were stuck down there working." Hermione said cutting off Ron.

"Winky was the worst" Harry said. "She seemed angry at Dumbledore for hiring her. She kept saying that she missed Crouch and his son."

"Crouch has a son?" Ron asked.

"Wait that cant be right. My dad told me his son was in Azkaban" (Y/n) said thinking back to the World Cup.

"She probably just grieving. Grief can do a lot to your mind"

A few days later McGonagall has called all the Gryffindors to give them a message.

"On Christmas there will be a special celebration. The Yule Ball is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament"

"The Ball is only open to fourth years and above, however you are allowed to ask younger students if you wish"

"Dress robes are required and the ball will begin at eight o'clock on Christmas Day in the Great hall."

McGonagall then called Ron up to demonstrate dancing. "Put your hand on my waist Mr Weasley"

"What?" Ron blurted out.

"My waist Mr Weasley" she said sounding tired.

"Never let him forget this" (Y/n) said turning to the twins, who were right behind him.

"Never!" They replies in unison.

After Ron and McGonagall finished she called the rest of them up to dance, although no one made a move.

(Y/n) sighed "Come on Neville" he said, as Neville was the only other one who made a move.

Eventually everyone else came down and joined them and soon they were all dancing, rather awkwardly, yet they were dancing.

As everyone started to leave McGonagall called "Potter, (L/n) a word if you please"

She waited before everyone left before she spoke to them. "The champions and their partners-"

"Partners?" Harry interrupted her. (Y/n) slapped the back of his head. "Your dance partner idiot. It's called the Yule BALL for a reason"

McGonagall nodded to (Y/n) "thank you Mr (L/n)." She cleared her throat.

"Now then the champions and their partners will open the ball"

"How?" Harry asked.

"How thick are you mate, what do people do at Balls?"

"They dance" Harry said slowly.

"Exactly Mr Potter"

Harry went slightly red "but I don't dance Professor" he said quickly.

"Well you do now Potter. It's tradition" she said.

"Yeah no pressure mate but you'd look a right git dancing by yourself" (Y/n) said slinging his arm around his shoulders.

"But I don't dance" Harry said again stubbornly.

"Come on mate" (Y/n) said steering him towards the door. "Thank you Professor" he called to McGonagall.

(Y/n) knew exactly who he was going to ask. Someone who he had been having new feelings for recently. Now he just had to figure out how to do that.

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