Chapter 23: Third Task

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The next few months went by quickly and the third task was almost upon them. One night (Y/n) and Harry were escorted to the quidditch pitch.

The other champions were already there along with Bagman. "There are hedges" Harry said point to one of the myriad plants that were growing on the pitch.

"Hello there!" Bagman called to them. "Growing nicely aren't they? Soon Hagrid will have them twenty feet tall!"

"So the third task is topiary?" (Y/n) said jokingly.

"Not quite Mr (L/n) not quite, any other guesses?" Bagman said.

There was silence for a while until Krum grunted. "Maze"

"No they're obviously hedges, not corn" (Y/n) said.

Bagman let out a slight chuckle "wrong type of maze Mr (L/n), and yes you are correct Mr Krum, the third task will be a straightforward maze."

"That's it just a maze?" Cedric asked him.

"Well there will be obstacles of course, spells to break and Hagrid has provided a lot of magical creatures for us.

"The champions will enter based on their current standing, first will be Mr Diggory and Mr Potter, then Mr Krum, then Mr (L/n) and finally Miss Delacour

"Now then that's all I have to say, shall we head back to the castle?"

Harry and (Y/n) started to head back to the castle but Krum tapped Harry on the shoulder.

"Can we talk?" He asked Harry.

"Uhh sure" Harry replied taken off guard.

"Can we talk alone" Krum said glaring at (Y/n).

Harry turned to (Y/n), who shrugged. "I'll see you in the common room mate" (Y/n) said before heading back to the castle.

"So the final task is a maze? Can't be that hard can it?" Ron said. He was sitting in a chair close to the fire, throwing small pieces of parchment into it.

"Yeah I guess not, plus if I get stuck I can always just burn the maze down" (Y/n) said proudly.

"Still I think we should prepare for this" Hermione Said, pulling out a piece of parchment.

"What's that for?" Ron asked her. Hermione started to write down different spells on the parchment.

"I'm making a list of spells that might help Harry and (Y/n)" she said not looking up.

The three of them spent a few hours writing down all the spells they thought might be of use.

Harry then burst into the common room, saying that Crouch had run out of the forbidden forest saying something about Voldemort coming back.

He then told them that Dumbledore had shown him some stuff in his pensive, and that Karkaroff and Snape had been death eaters.

"Not surprised there" Ron said darkly "Why'd you think Dumbledore's kept Snape?"

"Hey if Dumbledore trusts Snape then that's good enough for me" (Y/n) said.

The weeks past quickly, and as Ron and Hermione had to take their exams, Harry and (Y/n) spent their time practicing and learning new spells.

Before they knew it the day was upon them, and (Y/n) and Harry made their way down to the Great Hall.

When they got there (Y/n) was surprised to see his dad was there, along with Mrs Weasley.

"What're you doing?" (Y/n) asked him as he took a seat next to him.

"You could at least sound excited" his dad said rustling his hair.

"We've come to watch you two" Mrs Weasley said brightly. "It's a bit strange being back isn't it Steven?"

"Yeah especially sitting at the Gryffindor table" he said looking it up and down. "I'm used to seeing it from over there" he pointed towards the Slytherin table.

They sat there talking for a while, until (Y/n)'s dad suddenly grabbed his left forearm a let out a gasp of pain.

"Dad! You okay?" (Y/n) asked him worried.

"Yeah yeah course I am, just uhh hit my arm that's all" he said unconvincingly. "Say is that Severus over there? I think I'll pop over and see how he is" he said getting up quickly and walking by over to Snape.

"What was that about?" (Y/n) thought to himself.

"How'd your exams go?" Mrs Weasley asked Ron. He just shrugged.

"How are you holding up (Y/n)? I've read what Skeeter has written about you" Mrs Weasley said turning to him looking concerned.

He shrugged "I've been dealing with it I guess."

"Well just know that we don't believe a word she has said" Mrs Weasley said patting him on the back.

There was an announcement saying that the third task would be starting soon, and that people should make their way down to the quidditch pitch.

(Y/n) and Harry got up and made their way to the quidditch pitch where they were met by Bagman.

He led them into the changing room where they were given uniforms, in their school colors and house colors. Each of them had their last names embroidered on the back.

Bagman led them out and into the starting area. The stands around them were already packed.

A few Professor were also standing around them.

"We'll be patrolling outside the maze" Moody said in his gruff voice.

"If you get into trouble send up red sparks, and we will come and get you" McGonagall explained to them.

"Alright then if there are no questions, then will we begin soon" Bagman said before magically amplifying his voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen the third and final task of the Triwizard tournament is about to began! Now the Triwizard cup has been placed in the middle of the maze, the first champion to place there hand upon the cup wins!

"Now before we began let me recap the current point standings! Tied in first place are Mr Cedric Diggory and Mr Harry Potter, both from Hogwarts!

"In second place Mr Viktor Krum of Durmstrang! In third place Mr (Y/n) (L/n) from Hogwarts! And last but not least Miss Fleur Delacour from Beauxbaton!"

The stands erupted in cheers. "Now then on my whistle Mr Diggory and Mr Potter. Three...two..." Bagman blew a whistle and the maze opened up in the different places, into which Harry and Cedric ran into.

After the two had disappeared into the maze the hedges closed behind them.

(Y/n) waited a few minutes for Bagman to cue Krum, and then a few more minutes for Bagman to cue him.

His heart pounded in his chest, and he charged into the maze. This was the last task, and (Y/n) was ready.

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