Chapter 9: Hogwarts Champions

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"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called to the silent hall.

"Pay up Hermione" (Y/n) said to Hermione. She just stared at him looking flabbergasted.

"Wrong time?"

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called again. Then upon turning the piece of paper over he added "and (Y/n) (L/n)"

(Y/n) sat there for a second. "Good one professor!" He shouted to Dumbledore.

"Mr (L/n) you would know if I were joking"

"This has to be a joke, I didn't put my name in there!"

"We can talk about this later Mr (L/n). Now I suggest you and Mr Potter join the other champions."

(Y/n) slowly made his way towards the champions room, with Harry in tow.

"What's wrong do zey want us back in ze hall?" Fleur asked them.

Next the Durmstrang headmaster burst in looking furious. "Did you do this (L/n)? I wouldn't put it past you!"

"Why'd you think I'd do this? Wait how do you even know who I am?!" (Y/n) replied startled.

"Igor that is enough" Dumbledore said as he walked into the room.

"He has cheated!" Igor said pointing at (Y/n) "Somehow he has!"

"I don't even want to be in this tournament! And how'd you even know who I am!"

"Calm down now calm down (Y/n) did you or Harry put your names into the cup?"

"Oh course not sir" Harry said speaking for the two of them.

"Did you ask an older student to put in it for you?"

"No sir"

"Zis is unfair 'ow can zere be three 'ogwarts champions?" Madame Maxime said.

"I demand you let us put more names in until there are three champions for each school!" Igor said outraged.

"That is not possible the cup has already chosen" Mr Crouch said from behind.

"Well then take us out of it!" (Y/n) said.

"I'm afraid that's not possible either, once the cup has made its decision there is no way out of it"

"But I didn't even put my name in there!" (Y/n) shouted getting frustrated.

"The rules are absolute Mr (L/n)." Crouch said.

"Well then as of tonight, Mr Diggory, Mr Potter, and Mr (L/n) are the Hogwarts champions"

Dumbledore then explained the three trials to them, and that the first one was to take place November twenty-fourth.

They turned to leave, but (Y/n) grabbed Igor's arm.

"Let go of me boy" he said coldly

"How do you know me? And Why'd you blame me specifically?"

"Let's just say I know things about your father" Igor said pulling his arm out of (Y/n)'s grip and walking away.

"What'd you think he meant by that?" (Y/n) asked Harry as they made their way back to the common room.

"Dunno, But Sirius said that he was a death eater. Maybe your dad arrested him, or something like that" Harry suggested.

"Hmm maybe..." (Y/n) said, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was going on. Sure maybe Igor didn't like him because of his father, but what about Moody, and how'd he know that he saw his mother die?

"How'd you do it?" Fred and George ambushed them as they walked into the common room.

"We didn't" (Y/n) said.

"Fine then keep your secrets" Fred said. The whole common room celebrated that they were champions.

"Alright I'm tired, no really George I'm going to bed!" Harry shouted after a while. (Y/n) followed him up and into the dorm.

They found that Ron was up there sitting on his bed. "Congrats" He said, but there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"What for?" (Y/n) asked him, knowing full well what it was for.

"For getting past the age line, you two were the only ones that did" Ron was smiling, but it didn't reach his eyes, and (Y/n) could tell something was off.

"We didn't Ron" Harry told him.

"Yeah I don't even want to be in this tournament" (Y/n) added.

"Then Why'd you put him in Harry?" Ron said rounding on him.

"What'd you mean? I didn't put either of our names on it" Harry said to Ron.

"I'm your mate you know, you don't have to lie to me" Ron said looking put off.

"Listen Ron, I'm not lying to you, neither is Harry we didn't put our names in the cup"

"I'm not stupid you know!" Ron yelled at them

"Could've fooled me" (Y/n) said darkly.

"Fine then you. If that all I am to you!" Ron lay down in his bed and rolled over. "I'll let you get some sleep, spect you'll need it for your photo shoot!"

Harry stormed off to his bed, and (Y/n) headed over to his.

The next few weeks were hectic as people either cheered on Harry and (Y/n), or shouted at them for cheating.

The worst of it came when Collin Creevey ran into their potions class and told them that Harry and (Y/n) were needed for an interview.

Harry and (Y/n) left the classroom, but surprisingly Hermione ran out and stopped him.

"You go ahead mate I'll meet you there" (Y/n) told Harry.

"What's up Hermione?"

"It's just your ties not straight" she said, standing on her tiptoes she reached up and straightened his tie.

"And your collar all wrong" she said fixing it.

"And here" she pulled out her wand and used it to get the dust off of his robes.

"Thanks Hermione" (Y/n) said.

"I just wanted to make sure you looked nice for your interview." Hermione said going slightly red.

She then quickly added "not that you don't normally look nice, it's just..."

(Y/n) simply pulled her into a tight hug, and she turned and made her way back to the potions classroom.

(Y/n) stood there watching her, and he once again got that feeling in his stomach. He had been feeling like this more and more often when he was around Hermione.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione's voice pulled him out of thought.

"(Y/n) you're going to be late!"

"Oh uhh yeah" was all (Y/n) could muster, going red in the face. He turned around and walked towards the interview.

Unknown to him however, Hermione was watching (Y/n) as he walked away, feeling very similar to him....

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