Chapter 5: The Dark Mark

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The match was amazing, (Y/n) was on the edge of his seat the entire match, and when Ireland had won he pulled Hermione into a tight hug and jumped up and down.

The party walked back to their tent still celebrating and having fun. Ron spent most of the time pining of Viktor Krum.

They did eventually fall asleep, but (Y/n) was awoken soon after by a loud bang. (Y/n) jumped out of his bed, shoved his glasses on and snatched up his wand.

"What's going on?" He asked Mr Weasley who had just walking into the tent.

"No time to explain, grab your wand and stick together!"

(Y/n) followed Harry, Hermione and Ron out of the tent, and saw that there was fire everywhere, and that there were people wearing familiar dark robes, with equally familiar masks.

(Y/n) clenched his fist by his side, and made to run towards them.

"No!" Hermione yelled at him grabbing his arm and pulling him away.

(Y/n) fought against her and tried to break his way out of her grip, however she was stronger than he had expected.

Harry and Ron then grabbed (Y/n) under the arms and dragged him towards the nearby forest.

"What was that all about mate?" Ron asked him after he had stopped fighting.

"A death eater killed my mum! I'm not just going to sit here and let them terrorize all those people!" (Y/n) shouted getting to his feet.

Harry tackled him to the ground, and Hermione grabbed his wand from his hand.

"Hermione!" (Y/n) said through gritted teeth. "Harry! Let me go!" He trashed around on the ground.

"(Y/n)! Stop think about it! What are you going to do against full grown death eaters?" Hermione reasoned with him.

After a while (Y/n) stopped thrashing about, and Harry let him go. "Fine then. Besides the guy who killed my mum is in Azkaban"

They kept walking into the forest before they came into a clearing. Harry suddenly stopped.

"What's up mate?"

"I've lost my wand!" Harry said panicked, checking his pockets.

"Maybe it's still in the tent" Ron suggested.

"I'm sure it'll show up mate, but right now we've got bigger issues." (Y/n) said pointing to the sky, his hand shaking with anger.

Above them in the sky and large skull with a snake coming through its mouth was visible in the sky.

"What the.." Harry started he suddenly ducked down after hearing something in the forest. He pulled Ron down with him, and Hermione pulled (Y/n) down.

"STUPEFY!" A chorus of voices rang out through the forest.

"Stop that's my son!" A voice yelled. Mr Weasley ran up to them. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah I think so" Harry replied.

"WHAT do you think you're doing!" A familiar voice called out from the trees.

(Y/n)'s dad walked into the clearing, clearly mad.

"Which of you did it?" Mr Crouch walked out pointing his wand at (Y/n) specifically.

"That is my son Barty" (Y/n)'s dad said walking calmly towards him.

"And they were discovered at the scene of a crime Steven" Mr Crouch replied.

"And you think (Y/n) did it?" His Dad's voice was low and dangerous, there was clearly something between the two men.

"They were found at the scene of a crime, they are the only ones here. Ergo one of them must hav done it?"

"Why then did you focus on my son?"

"I did not focu-"

(Y/n)'s dad cut him off "You're wand was pointed directly at (Y/n)! You didn't think that was focusing on him?"

The two of them were now inches from each other.

"That's quite enough now" Mr Weasley said pushing his way in between them. 

"Maybe you hit someone with your stunners" (Y/n) suggested, trying to diffuse the situation slightly.

"Go check the woods" Mr Crouch said pointing at a few of the other people.

"I've got someone" Mr Diggory's voice called from the trees. "Blimey!"

He came back to the scene carrying the stunned body of a house elf. Crouch proceeded to question his own house elf for a while.

(Y/n)'s dad pulled him to the side.

"You alright (N/n)?"

"Yeah I'm fine dad. But what's going on, Winky didn't really do this did she?"

"I doubt it but Crouch will want to put the blame onto someone, and how better than an elf that can't defend herself."

His dad's voice was bitter and reproachfully. "Dad is there between you and Mr Crouch?"

He dad stayed silent for a second, appearing to contemplate something.

"He sent his own son to Azkaban you know. He's not the nicest man out there, he'll do anything to get results, even if that means hiding the truth" his dad warned him.

"Now then stay with Mr Weasley I've got some work I need to finish up here. Alright (N/n)?" He pulled (Y/n) into a tight hug and sent him off towards the Weasleys.

"That's not right! She didn't even do it! He treated her so terribly!" Hermione said as they walked back to the tent.

"I agree Hermione but right now it'd be best just to get back to the tent" Mr Weasley said looking tired.

"So what was the big deal about that mark?" Harry asked them as they got back "and who are death eaters?"

"Death eaters are he-who-must-not-be-named cronies" (Y/n) explained to Harry.

"That is he-who-must-not-be-named's mark." Hermione pick up after (Y/n) fell silent. "They cast it whenever they kill someone."

"Yeah imagine coming home and seeing that mark over you house. You'd know what had happened before you even entered the house" Mr Weasley said to them.

"Was anyone killed?" (Y/n) asked thinking about the little girl he had met earlier.

"None that we can find."

The trip back to the Burrow was less enjoyable than the one to the cup, but just as full of energy.

When they arrived back at the Burrow, Mrs Weasley was waiting for them at the door.

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