Chapter 12: First Trial

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(Y/n) stepped out into what looked like an arena. In the middle of the area was a large dragon.

(Y/n) quickly ducked behind one of the conveniently placed rocks.

"Okay, okay calm down now (Y/n). It's just a dragon nothing to worry about. You've kept one in the shed... before it burned that down." (Y/n) muttered to himself.

He looked out from behind the rock and saw the dragon open it's mouth, ready to breath fire. 

He point his wand at its mouth and shouted "incendio!" A ball of fire flew from his wand tip, and into the dragons mouth.

He waited for a second, but all the happened was the dragon spat fire at him. He ducked back behind the rock, and put out his sleeve, which had caught fire.

"Well so much for fighting fire with fire then"

"Okay what I can I do?" (Y/n) hated to admit it but that was his only plan. He didn't know why but for some reason he just thought fire would work.

"God I'm such an idiot!"

Fire spewed from either side of the rock he was hiding behind.

"Umm What can I do against a bloody dragon!"

There were a few laughs coming from the crowd now, and (Y/n) heard Malfoy's voice shout. "What's wrong (L/n)? Can't deal with a lizard?"

(Y/n) sat down on the ground and tried to think of something, of anything. Then an idea popped into his head.

"I really hope this works cause it's the only plan I have!"

"Expecto Patronum!" He shouted pointing his wand off to the side. His silvery raven shot out of his wand tip.

Over the summer he had decided to name him Edgar, even though he wasn't a real living raven, he still thought he needed a name.

Thankfully his plan worked, and the dragon was distracted by Edgar.

He ducked out from the rock and tried to put together a plan. He was pulled out of thought, when Norberta, frustrated that she could not get Edgar, squashed one the eggs.

"Damn" he pointed his wand toward the eggs and said "Ebublio" all the eggs were encased in a large bubble, leaving only the golden egg uncovered.

"Alright now I just need to get the egg"
(Y/n) strolled out from behind the rock, but was smacked by Noberta's tail as she turned around still distracted by Edgar.

"Ahh!" (Y/n) yelled, feeling something crack in his chest. He was thrown to the side and landed on his stomach.

He struggled to get to his feet. Every breath felt as though a knife was stabbing into his lung.

He staggered on his feet, and Norberta turned again, her tail coming towards (Y/n), but this time he was ready for it.

As the tail whipped towards him he jumped up and grabbed onto the tail. He felt himself soaring through the air, and he lost his grip falling to the ground.

"Arresto Momentum!" He slowed himself down, but still banged painfully into the ground, sending waves of pain through his chest.

The tail whipped over (Y/n)'s head, but he could care less. Every breath caused pain to radiate throughout his body.

He lay on the ground for a few seconds before rolling onto his back, and slowly staggering to his feet.

His breathing was heavy, and labored but he was determined. As the tail whipped around towards (Y/n) once more he stuck up his wand and yelled "Immobulus!"

It didn't work quite as intended as the tail continued to move, but it did slow it down long enough for (Y/n) to jump up and climb onto the tail.

He then ran up the back of the dragon and onto her back. He stuck out his arms to help balance himself.

"Alright just riding a dragon, completely normal just riding a dragon."

(Y/n) held on tightly on just sat on the dragon from sometime, trying to think of something to do.

"How the hell do I get the eggs now! Edgar's still distracting her, but what now! That's it, I need her gone!"

He pointed his wand at the chain that was holding Norberta to the ground. "Bombarda!" He then did the same thing to the chain on the other side.

Edgar then started to soar into the air, and Norberta spread her large wings out to the sides. (Y/n) slid off the side of her, loosing grip of his wand as she suddenly took flight.

(Y/n) fell to the ground landing painfully with his full weight on his ankle, quickly stumbled to his feet despite the pain, and snatched up the egg.

The crowd cheered, but (Y/n) couldn't care less, right now he just wanted the pain to end. Snape came out from the tent and helped support (Y/n) as he limped into the tent.

Madame Pomfrey was not too happy with him.
"Thirteen broken ribs, a punctured lung, and a broken ankle, you're lucky your lung didn't collapse, or else you might not be here right now"

She went about fixing his lung, ribs and ankle. All in all it didn't take too long to fix him up, although it did hurt quite a bit.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione shouted pulling him into a tight hug.

"Aughh! Hermione!" She quickly let him go.

"Sorry! I forgot!"

"You forgot I just got beaten up by a bloody dragon!" This got a laugh from Harry and even Ron, who had made up Harry, and presumably (Y/n).

"Oh you dropped this" Harry said handing him his wand back. "Dumbledore asked me to give it to you"

"Thanks mate. So how bad did I do?" (Y/n) asked them.

"Well they took points off for the broken egg" Hermione told him.

"Knew that was going to happen"

"And then some more for your injuries" Ron added.

"Hopefully they didn't dock me for each rib" (Y/n) joked laughing, before coughing. His ribs were healed but still hurt when he laughed.

"Did they disqualify me?" (Y/n) asked.

"Why would they do that?" Harry asked him.

"For releasing Norberta"

"No they didn't, although the dragon handlers were furious. They're still trying to find her now." Ron explained to him.

"Bugger I hope that would've gotten me out of the tournament. Well what's the placements anyway?"

"Well Harry tied with Krum for first. Then Cedric's second, Fleur's third and..." Hermione trailed off.

"And I'm last huh? Ah well. Hey Harry did they tell us what the next task is?"

"Nah just that it has to do with the eggs"

"Ah well that's bloody eggcellent"

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