Chapter 29: Train Ride

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The headed down to the train, with the trunks in tow.

"'Arry!" A familiar french voice called.

Fleur came running down to say goodbye to Harry. She talked with him for a bit, before say goodbye to them all and leaving.

"How'd you suppose the Durmstrang students are getting back, now that Karkaroff's gone whose going to steer the boat?" Ron asked out loud.

"Karkaroff did not steer" a voice came from behind them. "He stayed in the cabin and let us do the work" Krum explained.

"I was wondering if I could have a word" Krum said.

"I'll let you guys be" (Y/n) said turning towards the train.

"Actually I was talking to you" Krum said.

"Oh Umm alright then" (Y/n) said following him.

"If I'm not back in ten minutes, then assume he killed me" (Y/n) whispered to Harry as he passed him.

"What do you want Krum?" (Y/n) asked him after they had walked for a bit.

"I don't like you" he said bluntly to (Y/n).

"Feelings mutual" (Y/n) replied bitterly.

"But I like Herm-own-ninny, as a friend" he added quickly seeing (Y/n) glaring at him.

"so for her" he stuck out his hand "I will tolerate you"

(Y/n) shook Krum's hand. "I can agree to that" (Y/n) pulled Krum close to him still gripping his hand.

"However" (Y/n) said his voice low "if I hear about you harassing her, or pressuring her or anything like that..."

He glared at him still holding his hand tightly. "She chose me, remember that"

"I know (L/n)" Krum replied to him, and (Y/n) let his hand go.

"And if you ever hurt her-"

"No need to worry about hat Krummy boy, that will never happen"

They nodded at each other, having come to an agreement and they walked back to the train.

They got settled down into the carriage and after a while their conversation moved to Skeeter.

"How come she didn't write anything about the third task?" Harry commented.

"Oh she won't be writing anything for a long time" Hermione said with a smile.

"Hermione! I didn't know you had it in you" (Y/n) said. "What'd you use poison? A knife? Holy water?"

"I didn't kill her (Y/n)" she said rolling her eyes.

"Good, means I still have a chance to" (Y/n) said mischievously.

"Skeeter is an unregistered animagus" she said pulling a jar out of her bag. "She can turn herself into a beetle"

"You're kidding!" Ron said.

"You haven't... she's not..." Harry said.

"Hermione, I don't say this enough. You. Are. Brilliant." (Y/n) said grabbing the jar from her and peering into it.

(Y/n) shook the jar violently, the others stared at him for a second in horror.

"What she deserved it" (Y/n) said shaking the jar again. Hermione quickly seized the jar from him, before he could kill Skeeter, much to his disappointment.

"Oh come Hermione can I keep her? Please? I promise to feed her" (Y/n) said.

"I'm going to let her out when we get to London, I've put an unbreakable charm on the jar so she can't transform back."

They talked for a while long before a familiar slimy git appeared in their compartment door.

"It's a shame Cedric died and not you Potter" Malfoy Said.

"Get out" Harry said angrily.

"It's such a shame he's back, better watch yourself Granger, he'll be after mudbloods soon"

(Y/n) stood and walked over to him. "Ah yes the one armed wonder, to bad it was your wand arm now you can't-"

But (Y/n) couldn't do no one would know, as (Y/n) punched Malfoy's throat as hard as he could.

Malfoy fell to the ground coughing and spluttering trying to catch his breath. Crabbe and Goyle then stepped up to (Y/n), trying to threaten him.

"Bring it on then, I could take you with one hand tied behind my back" he then held up what was left of his left arm.

"Speak of the devil, you might actually have a chance now"

"Com...come on" Malfoy spluttered as he got up, and the three of them ran away.

"Stuck up little git"

Fred and George then appeared at the door.

"Alright you guys?" Fred asked.

"We just Malfoy and his goons running away" George said.

They sat around talking for a bit before they too got up to leave.

"Wait up!" Harry called running out in to the corridor, (Y/n) got up and followed him.

"Take this" Harry said pushing his winning onto the twins.

"We can't take this Harry" Fred said

"And this" (Y/n) said giving George his.

"You're mental" George said looking at it with wide eyes.

"No were not" Harry said "you can use it a lot better than we can"

"Are you two sure?"

"Course we are." (Y/n) said.

"Just buy Ron some new dress robes" Harry said, and the two of them reentered their compartment, leaving a speechless Fred and George in the hall.

Finally the train pulled into King's Cross station and the four of them got off of it.

"See you mate" Harry said to Ron, as he was the first one to leave.

"Come with me" Hermione said grabbing
(Y/n)'s hand and pulling over to her parents.

"Hi darling, did you have a nice year?" Her mum asked her.

"I did mum"

"This is your friend... (Y/n) right? Hermione's told us a lot about you" Mr Granger said.

"Actually dad (Y/n) isn't my friend" she said squeezing (Y/n)'s hand. "He's my boyfriend."

"Am I?" (Y/n) said unable to help it.

Hermione stared at him. "Of course you are" she whispered to him.

"Is that so?" Mr Granger said, looking (Y/n) over.

"Well then it's nice to meet you (Y/n)" he said sticking out his hand. (Y/n) shook it.

"You don't have to worry about me sir, I'm 'armless" he said waving his left stump in the air. He wasn't sure, but he could've sworn that he saw Mr Granger give him a small smile.

(Y/n) saw his dad a bit away and waved him over. He then introduced him to Mr and Mrs Granger.

After they talk for a while, and after they said their goodbyes, they left.

"So how was your year (N/n)?" His dad asked him.

"It wasn't too bad, 'cept the tournament, that cost me an arm. Oh and snake face, god was he hideous"

His dad put his arm around (Y/n) and pulled him close to his side. (Y/n) knew things were going to be different now, things were going to change. But as long as he had Hermione and his friends with him, he'd be able to deal with anything.

Yay another book finished, definitely my favorite by far, for certain reasons wink wink. Hope you enjoyed this book and now moving onto Order of The Phoenix, I am going to have a lot of fun writing our "conversations" with Umbitch, I mean Umbridge. I can't wait to get started! Anyway see you soon :)

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