Chapter 26: Graveyard Duel

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Voldemort turned to talk with various death eaters around him, before making his way back to (Y/n).

"Now you don't know how much I want to kill you, however I promised your brother I would not kill you."

(Y/n) felt a wave of relief flood over him.

"However" Voldemort continued. "I did not say anything about my death eaters." He motion to the crowd of people behind him.

"I think they would very much like to have some fun with the son of that traitor" he waved to one of the death eaters.

"He's all yours" Voldemort said releasing
(Y/n)'s bindings. The death eater grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off his feet.

(Y/n) did the first thing that came to mind. He pulled out his wand and stuck it into the eye hole of the death eater's mask. He pushed it in as hard as he could, until he heard a disgusting, spine chilling squelching noise.

The death eater dropped him to the ground letting out a scream of pain, and (Y/n) quickly pulled his wand out of his eye and held it up.

The death eater had placed his hands over his eye hole, continuing to scream.

"That all you got Tommy boy?" (Y/n) yelled at Voldemort, taunting him.

He point his wand at (Y/n), and said "Crucio" in a very bored voice.

(Y/n) dropped his wand, as pain coursed through his body. All he could think about was how much it hurt.

He fell to the ground and started to writhe, which aggravated his back causing more pain. The only things he could hear were his own screams of pain, and the laughter of the death eaters.

"Enough!" Harry shouted.

"Ah he speaks" Voldemort said raising his wand, and the pain stopped.

"The boy who lived finally speaks" Voldemort then turned his attention towards Harry, leaving (Y/n) to the death eaters.

They levitated him and spun him around in the air, similarly to what they did to the muggles at the World Cup.

They would spin him around like a top, and then drop him to the ground. At this point he had lost track of Harry, and prayed that he would pass out.

This kept on for a while before they seemed to get bored with him, and they dropped him to the ground. He attempted to sit up despite the pain, but one of the death eaters shot a silvery arrow like spell at him.

(Y/n), not having his wand in his hand, and unable to dodge the spell simply stuck his left arm in front of his face to try and protect himself.

He was blown back from the forced of the spell, and smacked the back of his head on a grave. Large white spots exploded into his vision, and his head started to spin.

(Y/n) could no longer see straight and was seeing double. He felt a strange tingly warmth just below his left elbow, however above it he felt a burning stabbing pain.

After this (Y/n) wasn't quite sure what happened as he fell in and out of consciousness.

He remembered seeing Harry duel with Voldemort, and then intense flashing lights, as their spells appeared to connect.

The next thing he remembered was Harry dragging his body and Cedric's back to the cup. He then the cheers of the crowd.

At some point after that someone grabbed his arm and pulled his to the side.

"You're still alive? You were supposed to die! You slimy little weasel!" A voice snarled at him.

(Y/n)'s vision cleared for a second and he made out the scarred and disfigured face of Moody.

"Dolovoh told me about you while in Azkaban. He told me about how much he enjoyed kill your mother.

"He told me how weak and useless you were. He said that you weren't worth killing."

Moody pulled out his wand. "Well if you insist on living I'll make sure this is something you wont get back"

He waved his wand and a sharp pain shot from (Y/n)'s left elbow up to his shoulder, although everything below his elbow still felt warm and tingly.

"Your father pay for his treachery, and so will you (L/n). Constant vigilance! Because now that the dark lord is back, we'll be watching you. Following you.

"We will make you pay! Always watch your back (L/n), you'll never know when we'll come for you, or who we'll kill next" He snarled in (Y/n)'s ear.

His demeanor and voice then suddenly changed, "over here!" He called and he handed (Y/n) off to another person.

"He needs to go to the hospital wing immediately" Moody said.

The other person then helped him up to the castle. (Y/n) turned around as he was going and saw Moody walk over to Harry.

"H—h—Harry" (Y/n) called weakly trying to warm him, trying to tell him that something was wrong with Moody.

"It's okay (Y/n)" a voice next to him said "Harry's okay and you will be too"

(Y/n) turned his head towards the voice, and could just make out a lot of brown bushy hair.

"Her—" (Y/n) stammered our slowly, pain still radiating through his body, weirdly though everything below his left elbow still felt warm and tingly.

"I'm right here (Y/n)!" She said, her voice shaking and sounding as if she was crying.

"Her...mi...o...nne... I... I...lo... ve..." (Y/n) finally succumbed to his pain, and darkness engulfed his vision.  

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