Chapter 10: Lies

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When (Y/n) arrived he was indeed late as all the other champions were already there, along with Mr Ollivander and a blonde haired lady he didn't know.

First Ollivander weighed and examined their wands. His wand was the last to be examined, and when Ollivander told them the wood type and the length, (Y/n) mouthed to Krum. "Mine's bigger Kram" which left Krum look very bewildered.

Next there were a few photos, and it was plain to see the interviewer, whose name was Rita Skeeter, favored Harry as she placed him in the center of every photo.

"Now then if like to do an interview with each of the champions, let's start with the youngest one" she grabbed Harry's arm and practically dragged him into a small broom closet before he had a chance to protest.

(Y/n) spent an awkward time trying to make small talk with Krum and the other champions.

"Sooo how'd you like Hogwarts kram?"

"It's Krum" was all he said ignoring his question.

"Oh okay well what do think of the tournament?"

Hey only grunted in return.

"Oh really that's interesting, I personally think it'll be entertaining, although I don't really want to be in it."

This kept on for a few minutes, and by the time it was (Y/n)'s turn to be interviewed he had had a full conversation... with himself.

"Now then Mr (L/n), do you have anything to say about this tournament? And about how you got in?"

"I didn't put my name in the cup if that's what you're suggesting"

"Yes yes of course not dear" she said with a wink.

"No I'm serious"

"Yes well I'm sure you are. Now then what do you have to say about your mum's murder?"

"What does this have to do with the tournament?" (Y/n) said angrily.

"Just a bit of background on it."

"I'd rather not talk about it"

"Alright alright, well that's about all of my questions-"

"That's all?"

"Yes yes I think I have quite enough, now then I'll see you later Mr. (L/n)"

She showed him out of the cupboard and he went back to the Gryffindor common room.

The next day as (Y/n), Harry and Hermione made their way towards the Great Hall, people seemed to be looking at (Y/n) as if they were scared.

"What's gotten into them?" (Y/n) asked after a group of first years ran away screaming.

"Who knows" Harry said yawning "they get weirder and weirder each year"

Once (Y/n) had settled down for breakfast, Neville came up to him holding a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"I think you might want to read this (Y/n)" he said simply handing him the paper.

(Y/n) unfolded it and saw a large picture of Harry. "No surprises there" he said.

They read through the article. "Well that was complete rubbish" Harry said.

"She took all of that out of context, and I didn't even say most of it"

"I think you should turn the page (Y/n)" Neville's timid voice came from over his shoulder.

On the next page, much to (Y/n)'s surprise was a large picture of himself.

"Well at least they picked a good picture" (Y/n) laughed, but his laughter stopped as soon as he started to read.

"Mr (Y/n) (L/n) is a young boy who is traumatized by his mother's tragic demise. But he is also a dangerous boy.

"His father has kept hidden for many years, that he is not an only child-"

"This is rubbish, course my dad's an only child"  (Y/n) said scoffing at the article.

"- His father, Mr Steven (L/n), is in fact the youngest of three boys. And I have it from a reliable source that both of his brother's were death eaters, who are missing and presumed to be dead

"Perhaps Mr Steven (L/n) killed the two of them to keep his secret"

(Y/n) was stunned, how could this be true, his dad was an only child, and there was no way his uncles, if he had any, would be feather eaters. And who was this source.

"New information has also come to light that suggests Mr Steven (L/n) may in fact have been a part of his wife's murder"

"That's not true!" (Y/n) shouted in outrage.

"It is true that the (L/n) family has been in Slytherin for as long as anyone can remember, would it be that far of a leap to assume there were followers of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

"When asked about this young Mr (L/n) replied by say that he 'Would rather not talk about that'"

"That's taken completely out of context!"

"It can also be seen that the young (L/n) may be more like his uncles than others know. One student, a Mr Draco Malfoy, told me that in his third year at Hogwarts, Mr (L/n) light Honeydukes on fire"

"That was an accident!"

"And that in their second year Mr (L/n) tried to light him on fire"

"I wasn't actually going to, I was just scaring him!"

"All of these look to be signs of an arsonist. Today he his setting fires. Tomorrow, perhaps he will be setting muggle borns on fire to fulfill the work of his missing master."

(Y/n) slammed his fist into the table. "I'm going to kill her" he said in a low voice, close to a growl.

"(Y/n) calm down" Hermione said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That lying bitch! She made all of this up! And who the hell is her 'reliable source'!"

"Don't worry about it (Y/n), no one who actually knows you will believe this" Hermione said.

"Yeah mate we know you're not a psycho" Harry said.

(Y/n) looked up at Neville "you believe me right Nev?"

"Of course I do (Y/n), you don't have to worry about me, I'll always be on your side"

"Thanks Nev, you guys are true friends" (Y/n) said pulling them into a group hug.

Others were not as understanding though, as many people were whispering behind his back and pointing at him, and a few people even tried to jinx him.

Worse of all was what happened that night in the dormitory.

"Kept that quiet didn't you (Y/n)?" Ron shouted to him as he entered.

"Ron you have to know that was all fake" said (Y/n) exasperatedly.

"Why didn't you tell me your uncles were death eaters? Oh wait I forgot you and Harry find it so easy to leave me out of the loop. Have you two been talking all about this without me then?"

"Ron stop being such a stupid git! You've got to know that was all fake."

"Oh so I'm a stupid git am I! At least my dad didn't off my mu-"

(Y/n) felt anger rise in his body, he clenched his fist and suddenly his trunk burst into flame, which was next to Ron.

Ron jumped backwards in fright and ran out of then room. (Y/n) made to chase him but Harry caught him by the shoulder.

"Ignore him, he's not himself right now"

(Y/n) stopped fighting Harry, pulled out his wand and put out the fire in his trunk. He then went over to it and checked it.

"Bugger" he said pulling out the burnt remains of his dark green dress robes, and a few singed books.

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