Chapter 18: Stupid Eggs

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"What were you doing" Krum said as he dragged him out of the hall.

It was now (Y/n)'s turn to smirk at Krum. "Jealous Krummy?"

Anger was painted over Krum's face and he looked as though he was about to hit him.

"She was mine! I asked her first!" Krum snarled at him.

"Yours?" (Y/n) scoffed. "She's not an object, she doesn't belong to you. She chose to dance with me, she chose to kiss me, not you" (Y/n) said laughing in his face.

"You're done (L/n)" he snarled at him reeling his fist back.

(Y/n) once again laughed at him, despite the fear welling up inside of him. "Go on the Krummy, hit me, beat me up. Show Hermione who you really are."

Krum stopped his fist still raised, and his other hand still gripping (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"What's wrong Krum too chicken?" (Y/n) knew he was walking a dangerous line, he knew Krum was close to beating him up, but at this point it was a win either way.

If he beat him up, Hermione would know who Krum really was, the thick headed git. And if he didn't hit him, he would've won anyway, Hermione kissed him not Krum.

"Viktor What are you doing!" A voice cried from behind them. Igor Karkaroff was walking with Snape, and had just caught sight of the two of them.

Krum quickly put down his fist, but kept his hand firmly pressed into (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I'm just having a talk Headmaster" he said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah I was just sharing some good news with him" (Y/n) said still smirking at Krum.

"Come on now Viktor" Igor said beckoning him. "If you are done here let's head back to the ship."

Krum gave (Y/n) one last death stare, before letting go of his shoulder and walking to Igor.

"Hey Vikki you've got a beetle on your shoulder" (Y/n) said to him. Krum brushed it off, still glaring at (Y/n) and walked off.

"You better be careful (Y/n)" Snape said to him.

"I'm not scared of that egg looking bald Bulgarian bitch"

"Language (L/n). I'm not talking about him, I'm talking about Karkaroff, be careful around him"

Snape made to walk off, but stopped and gave (Y/n) a strange fatherly pat on the shoulder.

(Y/n) reentered the hall, and was greeted by an anxious Hermione.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" She asked him.

(Y/n) debated what to say to her. He didn't want to ruin their night back saying that Krum had pulled him aside with the intent of killing him.

"Course I am, Krum had a few choice words for me and that was that. Besides I could take him any day"

Hermione let out a giggle. "Come on then there's still a few songs left" she held out her hand for him and he graciously took it.

They spent the last hour of the ball dancing together, and enjoying their time. Finally when the ball ended at midnight they headed back to Gryffindor tower hand in hand.

He bade her goodnight and walked up the stairs to the dormitory. When he got there everyone was already asleep.

He pulled off his dress robes, and changed into his pajamas. There was a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach as he drifted off to sleep, still thinking about Hermione.

It had been a few weeks since the Ball and things between (Y/n) and Hermione were slightly weird. There was something between them, they each liked the other, but they weren't exactly dating.

They existed in a sort of purgatory, they spent a ton of time together, and would occasionally hold hands through the halls, yet they weren't exactly dating.

(Y/n) had been spending a lot of time in the astrology tower lately, as people were hardly ever up there, except during lessons.

It was a quite place where (Y/n) could think about the egg. He couldn't find any creatures that laid eggs, and made an earsplitting scream, and he assumed that it was indeed a red herring.

"God this stupid egg!" (Y/n) shouted suddenly.
"What the hell are you!" He opened it only to be met with the familiar screech.

(Y/n) dropped the egg from his hands, and it closed on the ground.

"Stupid bloody egg!" (Y/n) scooped it up, and then without thinking he chucked off of the tower.

"Damn it!" He shouted "such an idiot" he said to himself running down the stairs and through the castle, pushing students out of the way.

He finally came out of the castle and onto the grounds, panting and out of breath.

"Has anyone seen a golden egg around? Anyone at all?" He called out to the few people who were around.

They all shook their heads. He spent at least an hour searching around the grounds trying to find it. Then a horrible thought came into his head.

"The lake!" He shouted. He jumped into the lake, and quickly paddles around underwater, however as he was unable to breath down there he couldn't search very far.

"Bugger if it went into the lake it'll have sunk by now" (Y/n) thought. "And if it's at the bottom of the lake..."

He climbed out of the lake and grudgingly made his way back towards the common room.

"(Y/n) are you alright?" Hermione said running over to him as he entered the common room, his clothes sopping wet.

"Yeah I'm fine" (Y/n) replied downtrodden. Hermione pulled out her wand, and a hot stream of air came out of the top of it, drying his robes.

"Thanks 'Mione. Hey Harry have you figure out the egg yet?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Not quite"

"You think I could borrow yours?"

"What why?"

"I uhh might've lost mine. In the lake."

"What! How'd that happen?"

"Well I may have thrown it off the astronomy tower" (Y/n) said rubbing the back of his neck.

Harry laughed. "Well if that's the case I'm not lending you mine, you'll probably lose it too"

"Cheers mate" (Y/n) said sarcastically "just tell me when you figure it out alright?"

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