Chapter 7: Goblet of Fire

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Time flew by and before (Y/n) knew it, it was October and the other school were arriving at Hogwarts.

First came the students from Beauxbaton, who arrived in a flying carriage. Leading them was a giant lady.

"I'm gonna say this now, but whoever that is I ship em with Hagrid" (Y/n) whisper to the other three.

Next came Durmstrang, who arrived in a giant ship.

"Oh my god it's him!" Ron whisper shouted to the others point at one of the students.

"Bloody hell its kram!" (Y/n) said louder than he need, which caused Viktor Krum to turn and look at him.

"It's Krum! Not Kram!" Ron corrected (Y/n) hotly.

"Look at my face Ron, is this the face of someone who cares?"

Once the students had arrived they all made their way into the Great Hall. After the Hogwarts students had settled down, the new students made their way into the hall.

The Beauxbaton students sat with the Ravenclaws, and Durmstrang with the Slytherin.

The large lady from Beauxbaton and an old sketchy looking man from Durmstrang made their ways towards the staff table.

(Y/n) assumed these were the respective headmistress and headmaster of the other schools.

As the large lady, who Dumbledore addresses as Madame Maxime, sat down at the table, Hagrid stabbed a fork into Flitwick's hand, much to (Y/n)'s amusement.

After everyone was settled Dumbledore welcomed the guests and pulled a sheet of a large goblet that appeared to be full of blue fire.

(Y/n) nearly fell out of his seat. "Are you alright?" Hermione asked him after helping him up.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, just uhh lost my balance that's all" (Y/n) lied to her. He had been startled because of who familiar the goblet look.

He had seen it before, a year ago in a small crystal ball. It was exactly the same, down to the blue fire, and strange way that it moved.

"It's just a coincidence" (Y/n) thought to himself to reassure him.

"But what if it's not" a voice in his head said. "What if you really can see the future? What then? You won't be able to stop it."

(Y/n) shook his head to shut that voice up. In his haze he had missed everything that Dumbledore said, and had to have Ron fill him in, who surprisingly had listened to every word.

"So that cup thing is going to choose the best candidates?" (Y/n) asked Ron.

"Yeah, and I think we all know who Durmstrang's will be!" Ron replied to him.

"Too bad there's an age line though" Harry threw in.

"It's a good thing" Hermione Said "this way there's a lower chance of people getting hurt"

"Yeah but thing about all the glory, not to mention the reward" Ron said daydreaming.

"I'm with Hermione on this. I mean yeah it sounds cool, but would it really be that great" (Y/n) said.

Later that week (Y/n) was sitting with Hermione in the Great Hall, watching the different people put their names into the goblet.

"Who do ya think will be our champion?" (Y/n) asked Hermione.

She didn't even look up from her book. "Dunno. No way of telling really"

"Guess you're right. Ten galleons it some how turns out to be Harry"

Hermione looked up from her book at this. "How? Dumbledore put an age restriction on it."

(Y/n) shrugged. "Dunno I've just got a feeling about it. Harry always seems to find trouble."

Just then the twins burst into the Great Hall.

"We've done it" Said Fred.

"Brewed it just this morning" said George

There were cheers from the others in the room.

"It's not going to work" Hermione Said, her face back in here book.

"And why's that?" Fred asked her.

"You see that" she said pointing to a line around the cup.

"That's an age line, Dumbledore cast it himself, and it won't be tricked by you two"

"Ah but we've got this" George said pulling out two small vials.

"Age potions" Fred said.

"Should make us just old enough" said George.

"Well bottoms up" the twins said in unison, linking arms and drinking the potions.

They jumped into the age ring and... nothing happened, there was a cheer from the crowd.

"See Hermione" (Y/n) said sticking his hand out to her "pay up"

"Just wait" Hermione Said.

As Fred and George put their names into the cup and walked out of the ring, the pieces of paper shot out of the cup and threw them into the crowd.

When they sat up they were sporting long white beards, similar to Dumbledore's. The two of them looked at each other, started arguing and then they started to wrestle.

The whole hall burst into laughter. And while they were distracted Krum walked up to the cup and put his name in it.

"Told you" Hermione said, her face still in her book. "Now I believe you owe me some galleons"

(Y/n) grudgingly stuck his hand into his robe pocket and pulled out a handful of galleons and gave them to Hermione.

"Damn I really thought they'd do it"

Hermione let out a laugh "really (Y/n)? You know you can be really stupid sometimes"

(Y/n) pouted and crossed him arms. This only made Hermione laugh more.

"Come on then." (Y/n) said standing up and sticking a hold out for her. The two of them made their way to the common room. Hermione however made a b-line to the library, promising to meet up with (Y/n) later.

So (Y/n) wandered around the halls, not wanting to deal with Ron drooling over either the tournament or Krum without Hermione.

Eventually he crossed paths with Richie. "How's it Richie?" (Y/n) said walking up behind him

"Can you believe Krum is here! At Hogwarts!" Richie said excitedly.

"Not you too Richie! I already have to deal with Ron drooling over him."

Richie laughed. "What'd you think about the tournament?"

"Ehh seems like it'll be entertaining. I'd hate to be in it though, too much work if you ask me."

"Yeah I guess I can see that. Hey have you heard from Ben lately? He didn't come to say goodbye at the station. I hope he's alright"

"So dad hadn't told him" (Y/n) thought. "Nah haven't" (Y/n) replied to Richie.

"Hmm I hope he's alright. I mean he hasn't gone this long without writing to us. Do you even know where he is?"

"Not sure. Do you suppose he's gotten a job?"

"Maybe, but we would've heard about it. He'd have bragged about it to us."

"I just hope he's not hurt." (Y/n) said thinking back to the fight he had overheard. "Well no use worrying about it now."

Book 4: Harry Potter male reader insertWhere stories live. Discover now