Chapter 16: Dates

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"(Y/n)! What did you do!" Hermione scowled him as he entered the great Hall the next day.

"W-what?" He said still not fully awake. She handed him a copy of the Daily Prophet, which had a large picture of him on the cover with a a title that read "Psycho Champion"

"Well I may have slightly possible attacked her" (Y/n) said feebly. "What it's not like she didn't deserve it!" He added at their horrified faces.

"But (Y/n) this is serious! You could get in real trouble for this!" Hermione said worried.

"Eh I'll be fine, plus if I go to Azkaban I'll be out of this bloody tournament"

"Anyway you two found dates yet?" (Y/n) said changing the subject.


"No one"

"Well then you guys better hurry up" Fred said.

"What have you already got a date?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Angelina" replied Fred, without a moment of hesitation.

"What" Ron said through a mouthful of food. "You've already asked?"

"Good point" he balled up a piece of parchment and threw it at Angelina. He then pointed to her then himself, then mimed dancing.

She laughed, nodded and gave him the thumbs up.

"Well then that's settled." Fred said he got to his feet.

"Well come on George we've got an owl to send" and the twins left.

"God we've got days left!" Ron exclaimed as they were sitting in the common room.

"Just ask someone already" (Y/n) said to him annoyed.

"Why don't you ask someone?" Ron said.

"Because I'm fine going by myself. Plus I've always got Neville" (Y/n) said pointing to him.

"Umm (Y/n) I'm going with Ginny" Neville informed him.

(Y/n) jumped to his feet "Wait What? Nev you're ditching me? I'm hurt" (Y/n) put his hand over his heart and fell back into the chair.

"Stop being such a prat" Harry told him.

"Wait a sec, Hermione you're a girl!" Ron said sitting up in his chair.

"No shit Sherlock, is the sky blue too?" (Y/n) said with a laugh. Ron just glared at him.

"That means you can go with one of us!"

"I can't" Hermione Said.

"Oh come on Hermione think about it we need partners, you're a girl..." he trailed off.

"Ron please just shut up" (Y/n) said feeling embarrassed for him.

"I can't because I've already going with someone" she said getting up from her chair and walking towards the girl's dorm.

"My god Ron no wonder you haven't got a date yet, you probably couldn't tell the boys from the girls"

Harry then quickly blurted to Parvati asking if she wants to go with him. She also said that she's ask her sister if she would go with Ron.

"Great so I'm the only one without a date. He Harry can I borrow your fire bolt for the dance?" (Y/n) said sighing.

"Did you say you're free (Y/n)?" Parvati asked him.

"Yeah why do you know someone?"

"I might have someone, wait here" she said and she ran off to the dorms.

(Y/n) looked at Harry and Ron and they just shrugged at him. Parvati then came back down the stairs with Lavender Brown.

"Here you go (Y/n)" Parvati said. (Y/n) sat down at a table with Lavender.

"So you actually want to go with me?" (Y/n) asked him.

"Of course (Y/n)" she said batting her eyelids.

"I though you were going with Don"

"Don? Who's Don?"

"You know Don about yea tall." He said sticking his hand up. "He's got brownish hair. Oh come on you know Don. He's in our year, I've shared a dorm with him for three and a half years now."

Realization washed over Lavender's face and she burst out laughing. "(Y/n) do you mean Dean?"

"What no Don. He's in my dorm I think I know his name"

Lavender started laughing harder. "His name's Dean Thomas, not Don."

"Oh" (Y/n) said defeated. "No wonder he doesn't like me"

It was almost time for the Yule Ball and (Y/n), Harry and Ron were in their dorm getting ready.

"Hey Dean" (Y/n) called as he entered emphasizing his name, as he finally knew it.

"Finally learned my name eh?" He said back to him.

"Yeah I'm really sorry about that mate, I didn't know." (Y/n) told him sticking out his hand.

"That's alright" he replied taking his hand.

"God I look hideous" Ron said standing in front of a mirror.

"Here let me help" (Y/n) said pulling out his wand and cut off some of the frills on his sleeves.

"Thanks mate" he said glumly, still not too happy with them.

"Looking good Harry!" (Y/n) told him. His dress robes looked similar to the usual school uniform, however there were in green.

"Hey you've got no frills or lace on yours" Ron said jealous.

"Chin up Ron, just try to enjoy yourself alright?" (Y/n) told him. Ron just grunted.

"Well are you guys ready?" (Y/n) asked them and they all nodded and walked down into the common room.

"Hey Lavender, you look nice" (Y/n) said to her giving her his arm.

"So do you (Y/n)" she told him taking his arm.

"Hey Parvati" Harry said awkwardly not taking offering her his arm.

"Hey Harry" she said sounding slightly down trodden. "Oh and Padma will meet you in the hall" she told Ron.

They all made their way down to the hall together. (Y/n) saw Hermione looking stunning standing with Krum, who smirked at him as he pasted.

(Y/n) felt a pang of sorrow in his stomach, but quickly pushed it aside. He was determined to have a good time.

McGonagall then lined up the champions and explained that we would preform the first dance. After we were all ready she opened the doors to the Great Hall...

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