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"Ava get your pretty ass in here I wanna show you something!" The blonde let out a groan, ready to answer her sisters plea

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"Ava get your pretty ass in here I wanna show you something!" The blonde let out a groan, ready to answer her sisters plea.

"What is it?" She grinned.

"Don't kill me but I signed us up for this new thing-"

"Seriously? Again?" Last time Charlotte had signed them up for "a thing" Ava got tied up in the back of a van. The guy, Paul Prenter his name was, tried to deport her to China.

"Yes again! Don't worry its nothing like last time-" Ava raised an eyebrow.

"No, but I don't think we would have guessed I was gonna be packed up in a car to Beijing at the start of last time did we?"

"Ava, it's ok, take a breath and loosen up a little bit. I've signed us up to get pen pals!" Her eyes softened.

"Pen pals?" Charlotte clapped excitedly.

"Yeah, you know when two people exchange letters-"

"I know what they are, but why?"

"Because you my love have absolutely no friends, and I will not have my own sister making me look like a useless nobody." Her heart stung a bit at those words, but Ava was used to her sister putting her down, so brushed it off.

"Fine then, what are their names?"

"Not sure yet, their addresses will be sent to us in the post tomorrow."

This could be interesting, she thought to herself.


"Freddie get your pretty ass in here I wanna show you something!" The brunette groaned, ready to answer his roommates plea.

"What is it?" Roger grinned excitedly.

"Look look, I signed us up to get pen pals!" Freddie's eyes saddened.

"Oh dear are you really that lonely?" He scoffed.

"It's not for that, I just thought it'd be interesting to meet someone from another country-"

"So what? You can fall in love with them?" Roger blushed viscously.

"When did I say anything about love?"

"You better not have, you can't possibly fall in love with someone if they aren't in the same country darling!" Roger thought he was wrong, but chose to brush it off.

"Alright then sorry dad!"

Well this could be interesting he thought to himself


"Fuck me Charlotte, my pen pal is a male!" She squealed.

"Ooh you're gonna get some foreign action!" Ava hit her sisters arm playfully.

"Sod off, his name is Roger Taylor."

"How awfully posh. Where's he from?"

"England I'm guessing." Charlotte nodded and pushed some paper into her hand.

"Well, get your ass upstairs and start writing then!"

"Yes mum!"


"Fuck me Fred-" His eyes twinkled mischievously.

"I never thought you'd ask!" Roger groaned, swatting his roommate on the head.

"No, I mean, look, my pen pal is a female!" He sighed.

"Roger what did I say about foreign love?"

"That it can't possibly happen."

"Exactly. What's her name?" He squinted to read the small print.

"Ava Salazar." Pretty name he thought.

"Sounds very Australian."

"I think she is, well, I'll be upstairs writing if you need me."

Somehow even though he told him not too, Freddie had a feeling his friend was going to end up falling for this Ava Salazar. To him, this seemed absurd

After all, she was literally half the world away.

Hey y'all
This is the first official chapter of HTWA!
I have all the chapters pre written so I will try not to overly update, but I thought this one should go up today!
I'm really excited for everyone to read this!
Lots of love xxx

𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆 [ 𝚁𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now