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6th September 1976

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6th September 1976

My wonderful Angel Ava

You truly are an angel, there is no doubt about it. This is so so kind, you honestly reduced me to tears. I can't accept your own money, especially as you worked so hard to earn it!

Two hours? Wow, two whole hours listening to my guardian angel. Can I call you that now? Even though you're half the world away, you're always with me, looking out for me.

If you're sure about me using this money (though I really don't want too) can we call as soon as you receive this letter? So about a week from now?

I'm going to mark it on my calendar, god I'm so excited!

Things still aren't great here again at the moment, so you'll be a welcome distraction.

Again, going to have to cut this short, but next time I hear from you will be your voice!
You are the best thing to ever happen to me, thank you angel
Love and hugs
Rogerina xx


13th September 1976

This was finally the day, after almost 6 months of letters, Ava was going to call Roger.
His last letter had her all in jitters. There was something about the way he said "the best thing to ever happen to him" that got her heart all fluttery.

She sat nervously twiddling her thumbs, laid on her bed next to the telephone. Though they never agreed a time, she knew her night was his day, so she chose to stay up so he didn't have too. He was already starving, she didn't want him sleep deprived.

Ava waited until Charlotte was definitely sound asleep, before grabbing the phone with her shaking hands. She rang the number and waited.

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ri-

"Hello?" The breath hitched in her throat. Oh god that voice. That heavenly voice, everything she had expected it to be.

"Um is anyone there?" He sounded weary and impatient.

"Y-yes sorry, is this Roger?" He hesitated before replying.

"Yep, who is this?" Ava inhaled sharply, bracing herself for the reveal.

"It's me Rogerina, it's Ava." Roger gasped and then let out a tiny excited squeal.

"Oh my god angel, it's really you!" She let out a watery laugh.,

"Yeah it's really me!"

"Fucking hell, sorry, my hands are physically shaking right now." Ava looked at her own hands and laughed.

"Don't worry, so are mine." Roger let out a contented sigh.

"God Ava, your voice is every bit as hot as I thought it'd be." She giggled like some lovestruck school girl.

"Says you, I thought I had called an angel or something!"

"No no, I'm the one who called an angel. My guardian angel." Ava cooed softly, her heart literally melting.

"Oh Roggie, you're adorable." He chuckled.

"Roggie? That's a new one!"

"Sorry it just slipped!"

"No no, I like it. It's sweet just like you." She could tell he was smirking, and there was no doubt that thought erupted a volcano of butterflies in her stomach. What is going on? Am I like falling for him or something?

"Smooth Mr Taylor, very smooth."

"What can I say? Only for my angel." God he was too much. Before she could get anymore flustered, Ava changed the subject.

"So how are you? Have you eaten today?" He hesitated.

"I'm fine, Fred brought us back some takeaway leftovers his boss gave him for lunch. I only woke up an hour ago though."

"What time is it there right now?"

"It's 5pm- hang on, isn't Sydney like 9 hours ahead?" She stopped herself laughing at how high pitched his voice had gotten with indignation.

"Yes it is, why?"

"You stayed up until 2am just to talk to me?"

"Of course, you're already starving, I don't need you sleep deprived as well, especially just for me!" Roger immediately felt guilty, but her kindness also warmed his heart.

"Oh Ava, you know I'd do anything for you though right. You're my only real friend. I don't care how sleep deprived I got if I could talk to you."

"Ditto. You know my sister is many many things but I am so grateful that she decided to sign us up for this pen pal thing. She got me my best friend." She had said it before she could stop herself and immediately cringed.

"Best friend?" No way out now.

"Yeah Rog, you are."

"You're mine too. You're the only person who has ever understood me." She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling content at having a best friend for the first time in her entire life.

1 hour 50 minutes passed, the two pals talking non stop about Kevin, music and chicken parmigiana.

"Oh bollocks!" Ava frowned worriedly.

"What's wrong?"

"We only have 10 minutes left." He sounded so genuinely dejected, and her heart shattered.

"Aw that's ok, we can call again soon." Roger sighed sadly.

"I'd probably only be able to afford a 20 minute chat."

"Well then I'll send some more money-"

"Ava darling no I can't ask that of you-"

"You didn't ask, I offered, and you will take it!" He tutted playfully.

"We'll see, we'll see." At his words, a delicate yawn escaped the Aussies lips.

"Aw my little angel is all sleepy."

"Fuck off, it's almost 4 am here."

"Would you like me to sing you a lullaby?"

"Aw Roggie, I'd love that." Roger cleared his throat, letting Ava get properly under the covers.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you
Should I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you"

"That's my favourite song." Roger smiled fondly to himself, the Aussie's words barely a whisper. She was clearly falling asleep.

"I know it is. It makes me think of you." He didn't get a response from that, and as the clock ticked over to 7 pm, he whispered.

"Night night sweet angel." He hung up the phone, for the first time in a very long time, feeling happy.

Am I like falling for her or something?

My heart
This chapter made me feel so fuzzy
Rogava own my heart.

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