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Warning ⚠️ This chapter contains mentions of suicide and domestic abuseIf these are issues that affect u or trigger u in any way, pls don't read! My PM's are always open ❤️

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Warning ⚠️
This chapter contains mentions of suicide and domestic abuse
If these are issues that affect u or trigger u in any way, pls don't read!
My PM's are always open ❤️

29th November 1976

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ri-

"Hello, Salazar residency speaking." Freddie was shocked to hear a different voice on the reciever.

"Um, hello dear, is Ava home?" Charlotte too was quite surprised.

"She's out shopping, why, who is this?"

"I'm Freddie, I'm Roger's roommate, she'll know who that is-" She gasped sharply, a wave of guilt washing over her.

"Wait Freddie? Freddie Mercury?" He hesitated confusedly.

"You know me?"

"Yeah, I'm um Charlotte, Ava's sister." Freddie's thoughts cleared in understanding.

"Charlotte Salazar?"

"That's me, um hi there. Never thought I'd get to hear your voice." He didn't particularly want to speak to this homophobic girl, but bit back a rude remark for the sake of Roger, whom this call was for.

"Ditto. Um, how are you?" She laughed quietly.

"I'm alright how are you?" He sighed sadly.

"Not great. Things are very stressful here at the moment."

"Oh god it's about Roger isn't it? Ava's worried sick, but she's too scared to call because-"

"Yes, it's Roger. I was actually phoning to talk to her about him. Will she be long?" He hated hearing the concern in her voice, as knowing her it was all fake.

"No, she's just getting some groceries."

"Ok, good, I'll wait on the line if you don't mind." Charlotte was intimidated by his bluntness, but then she should have expected it after her words. She didn't want to stay on the line either, but she had to for her sister.

"Um yeah sure that's fine." It was silent for a while, until she decided to ask.

"Is Roger ok?"

"To be totally honest Charlotte, I have no idea." As if on cue, Ava burst through the door, hands filled with paper bags. She took one look at her sisters worried expression, and her heart dropped.

"She's just got back, I'll hand you over. It was nice talking to you Freddie, I'm sorry for-"

"Don't. We'll talk about that another time just please hand me over." Charlotte handed the phone to Ava, scurrying away with a sad smile.

𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆 [ 𝚁𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now