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5th July 1976

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5th July 1976

Dear lovely Rogerina


Ok I'll stop now. Seriously though, how did you know that Can't Help Falling In Love With You was my favourite song? You read my mind literally. I'm treasuring this mixtape, like I'm going to listen to it everyday. I can't believe despite everything going on in your life you took so much time to make such a beautiful thing for me. You are - ugh I am speechless. You're the greatest friend a girl could ask for.

Your voice is stunning. It's so raspy and well hot. It's very hot. It got me feeling those ways again y'know *we're back with the awkward winking*

I have some news for you as well.....KEVIN IS GONNA BE A DADDY! (ayyy)

The zoo keepers decided that it was time for our little munchkin to have some sexy time, and when I went to visit yesterday, one of his partners tested positive to be pregnant.

I can't wait to meet it, baby koalas are the definition of adorable.

How are things with you? Are they getting better? You seemed to be in a better mood in your last letter.

I also have to ask something - as a British person, do you like tea? I've had that question on my mind for a while ha!

I'm going to have to cut this short, Charlotte is getting her wisdom teeth out today, and guess who's in charge? This bitch.

Thank you for everything sweet thing
Ava xx

12th July 1976

To my Ava Angel


It's your favourite song? That was a lucky guess! It's one of mine too. In fact, most of the songs on the mixtapes are ones I love, so I hope you like them just as much.

No need to thank me, I'd do anything for you angel.

You really think my voice is stunning? It just sounds like a dodgey car exhaust to me, and you know how much I hate a bad exhaust. Massive turn off.

NO WAY IS KEVIN HAVING A BABY! THAT'S SO EXCITING! How long are koala pregnancies? How far along is his partner? Can you send me pictures when the baby is born? Sorry for so many questions, I'm just genuinely thrilled.

Things are bearable here. Just about. I always feel in a better mood when I know a response from my friend down under will be on its way, so that certainly helps.

Yes, I love tea. Who doesn't? I am a bit fussy with it though - 1 and 3/7 sugars or it's just not right. Tea is a British delicacy, like baked beans and crumpets. What sort of delicacies do you have over there?

Speak soon lovely
Rogerina xx

Roger and his tea tho

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