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2nd August 1976

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2nd August 1976

Hey Rogerina

Sorry for my late reply, Charlotte reacted pretty badly to losing her wisdom teeth, and has been out of it for like 3 weeks now. To be honest, I know my sister, she's been faking  it since about a week after, but because my parents will lynch me if I ever dare oppose their golden child, I have to take care of her. I'm literally doing everything for her, so I haven't had time to write to you. I wonder if her and Freddie are still talking?

I love all the songs on the mixtape. I have it on the background while I attend to Charlotte's every whim. It makes me think of you, and then I smile again. Just like you told me too.

Yes your voice is stunning don't even question that. If that's what a dodgey exhaust sounds like, then I might deliberately destroy my car.

Koala pregnancies are 30 - 36 days long according to Mark. If you're wondering, Mark is the head zoo keeper. He's said that I'm allowed to name the baby. I wanted to ask what you would want to call it as it's English grandad. Kathryn (Kevin's girl) is around 21 days now, so we've a little longer to wait. Of course I will send pictures you nut!

The national dish of Australia is actually roast lamb, which I know you british folk like as well. We also do a mean barbecue. If you ever come visit one day, I'll have to take you to the annual Salazar throw down, where we basically just barbecue the hell out of a lot of meat and get completely shit faced. It's really fun.

I'm glad to hear you are coping. Don't forget that you're not alone. I know we're really far away, half the world away in fact, but I'm right there with you, always.

Love and hugs
Angel Ava xx


9th August 1976

Hello angel!

I have to admit I was a little worried, you've never taken that long to reply before! Ugh, this is why I hate siblings. Freddie has actually stopped sending her letters, she was really rude to him about his sexuality in her last one. Sorry you had to hear that, but I thought I should be honest. I'm glad you are remembering to smile though.

By now Kathryn should be about 28 days (if I know basic maths)! I'm honestly really excited to be a grandad, even if we're the youngest grandparents in history. The baby's name should definitely begin with K, it wouldn't be right otherwise. Here's list of options:

Karen (if you actually say yes to this one though-)


I secretly hope it's a boy, because I really like the name Keith. It's iconic like his father!

I'd kill for roast lamb. Fred and I are pretty skint right now, we can barely afford 3 meals a day. You know what I had for dinner last night? A tin of expired pickled eggs. They are as disgusting as they sound, even in date. I'm paying for it today though, my stomach hurts like a bitch. Still, at least I didn't starve.

I wish I could come to the Salazar throw down. Getting shitfaced would help me forget all my problems, plus we'd be together. One day though angel, one day.

Good luck with your needy sister
Love and hugs
Rogerina xx

What's this double update??
Tbh this chapter was quite bad
But, after this, (hopefully) it's about to get a bit more interesting in terms of Rogava (no spoilers doe)

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