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24 hours later, Ava touched down at Heathrow

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24 hours later, Ava touched down at Heathrow.

Wanting to keep her sister safe, Charlotte had agreed to come, though Ava was slightly regretting that after hours of teasing and sexual innuendos. The first thing she noticed when she got off the plane was the temperature difference. Roger had been right - she was going to freeze her tits off!

After getting their suitcases, they headed to the taxi rank outside. The driver seemed to sense their discombobulation and chuckled.

"Where would you like to go?" The sisters look to each warily.

"Um, here." Ava points at Roger's address that she'd had since March.

"Right, well, from how much cash you've got, I'd have to drop you about a 20 minute walk away from there. Is that ok?" They just nodded, paying the driver before clambering into the car.

"Fuck I am so jet lagged." Ava groaned wearily, agreeing with her sister.

"So am I. God, whose terrible idea was this?" A smirk played on Charlotte's lips.

"Yours darling, cos you're a sucker for loveeee." She was too tired to hit her, so just shook her head.

"It's not love, I'm his - friend. This is what friends do for each other." Charlotte scoffed, unconvinced.

"No, this is what lovers do. You'd don't just travel halfway across the world for any old friend!" At her words, Ava's tiredness sent a wave of uncontrollable giggles, being reminded of who was waiting for her an hour away.

"Aw half the world away, that's our song."

"See, you even have a song, wow, you really are smitten with this guy aren't you?" This time, she didn't argue.

"When you meet him you'll see why. He's an angel."

"So are you, that's why you're good for each other." Ava was surprised to say the least, having never got such a compliment off her sister. She gave her a tired but warm smile, leaning her head on her shoulder contently. For once, Ava was glad to have her sister by her side.


What seemed like days later, the girls were prodded awake. They met the alarming eyes of the taxi driver.

"You um, missed your stop." Their eyes widened, and Ava almost let out a cry.

"Fuck, oh my god, where are we-"

"It's alright, I didn't want to wake you, I recognise jet lag when I see it." He seemed genuine, and it was mildly comforting despite their situation.

"So, we're at the depo or what?"

"Nope, I dropped you outside the address you showed me. This is my last shift so I figured that'd be ok-"

𝗛𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗔𝘄𝗮𝘆 [ 𝚁𝚘𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚘𝚛 ]Where stories live. Discover now