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18th October 1976

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18th October 1976

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring

Ring ring


"Hello, Freddie Mercury speaking?" Ava frowned.

"Oh um, hello, is Roger there?" Freddie let out a small chuckle.

"He's having a shit at the moment, do you want to call back in a minute?"

"No no, I'll wait. I'm um Ava, angel Ava?" She heard him gasp slightly and then gush.

"Oh it's you! Sweet little angel Ava! How are you darling?" Her heart melted. Roger called her an angel to his roommate?

"I'm fine thank you, how are you?"

"I'm alright thank you. I'm afraid I can't say the same for Rog." She swallowed nervously, stomach twinging in concern.

"Really? What's wrong?" Freddie hesitated, sighing loudly. This only made Ava feel kore sick.

"Well long story short, his d- oh he's here now, I'll pass you over, lovely speaking darling." His d? Like, his dad maybe?

"Ello o'divine one!" The butterflies fluttered in her stomach hearing his beautiful voice.

"Divine? Really?" She could almost see the smirk on his face.

"Yes really, I told you I'd remind you!"

"You're sweet, but have you seen yourself? You're absolutely gorgeous!" He scoffed, albeit half heartedly, and Ava knew something was up.

"Fuck off."

"No, it's true. You're beautiful. Like, your eyes, they're like the ocean, I could feel them staring into the deep depths of my soul!"

"Um..thank you? I think." She giggled.

"Oh yes, that was a compliment. I can't believe I got so lucky." She heard him whimper quietly, probably hoping she didn't hear it.

"Ditto my lovely, ditto." His voice had gone flat, and she guessed he was holding back tears.

"Hey, are you alright? You sound really flat."

"I'm fine, I'm just really tired." That was a probably a lie, but Ava felt bad for wanting to dig.

"If this is a bad time then-"

"No no please, I um - really need you, right now." Now a part of her heart completely shattered at the vulnerability of his tone.

"Has something happened? Freddie was about to tell me-"

"Don't listen to him! I'm fine, I swear." She bit her lip.

"Roggie, it's ok not to be ok. I'm here for you." He sighed shakily.

"I know, I know, but it's honestly nothing. Can we stop talking about this please?" Ava didn't want too, but also didn't want to fall out with her best friend, so decided to listen.

"Of course, I'm sorry, I just worry about you."

"I've never had someone worry about me before you know." She smiled sadly.

"Neither have I. There's a first time for everything." He paused for a while, and it sounded like he was blowing his nose.

"What time is it there right now?"

"Um its 12 am." Roger gasped.

"Ava! It was my turn to stay up late!" He sounded like a spoilt child, making Ava chuckle heartedly.

"Haha you snooze you lose, if you'll pardon the pun."

"I hate the fact you're losing sleep for me. I've already taken your money!" She scoffed.

"I don't mind, I'd rather talk to you than sleep. Sleeping is boring, not to mention lonely."

"That's true I suppose."

The pair talked some more, revelling in the knowledge of each other's faces.

"Roger?" He hummed quietly.

"Yes angel?"

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but can you please just promise me something?" When he didn't immediately protest, Ava sighed in relief.

"What is it?"

"Just promise that whatever is going on, you'll prioritise yourself over writing to me?" He whimpered again.


"Rog. Your wellbeing is more important than I am. I'll wait as long as I need." After a while, he begrudgingly replied.

"I guess I'll try, for you."

"Thank you, and plus, I'll always be right there. You know why?" He laughed, sort of bitterly.

"Not really no."

"Go to your nearest window you can see the sun right?" He gave a little 'u-hum' in acknowledgement.

"Yes, I can." Satisfied, Ava went to her own bedroom window, and put the moon in her sights.

"Good, I'm looking at the moon right now, but that same moon will be above you in a few hours, and your sun will be above me. We've looked at the same thing, it's been over both our heads. When you see the moon tonight, you'll know I'm always with you." He cooed softly, hiccuping to cover a sob.

"Oh Ava, that's, incredibly beautiful. Listen, I have to go. I'll try and write as soon as I can. If you get worried, call me. Freddie will pick up if I don't." She was sad to let him go , not knowing how long it'd be until they spoke again.

"Alright then. Take care of yourself, yeah?"

"I will. You too. I-I love you Ava." She breath hitched in her throat. Could he possibly harbour the same feelings she had for him?

"E-excuse me?"

"Oh no I um didn't mean like that, I meant, you know, as a friend." Her sunk slightly, trying to swallow down her pride.

"Right, of course, silly me! I love you too!" He laughed nervously, and Ava still felt a swell of hope about his feelings.

"Goodnight angel."

"Night Rog." He hung up straight after, leaving Ava confused and sad.

Of course he doesn't feel the same way Ava, who would ever like your ugly, fat ass?
No one, no one ever, especially not a guy half the world away.
Little did she know, oh little did she know.

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