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20th September 1976

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20th September 1976

Hello again sweet one

I just realised I hadn't responded to your last letter! I suppose the call was like my response but still, how rude of me!

God I loved that call. It really made my..well life. Your voice was just as lovely as I suspected as well. I am sending more money with this letter because I really want to do that again.

You sounded quite cheerful on the phone, are things looking better now you've actually got food in the house? I hope that if they aren't you'd still feel comfortable to vent to me.

I know we said we wouldn't do face reveals..but now I know your voice I'd love to know what you looked like. Would you be up for exchanging pictures of ourselves?

Remember I mentioned the Salazar Throwdowm a few letters ago? Well, this years is happening on Friday, and I'm really excited. We have a huge family, so we rent out the whole town hall and it's gardens for the event. I haven't had a barbecue in what seems like forever!

I know I said to you that getting shit faced wouldn't solve any problems, so I'm gonna stay sober this year, just for you.

I'll be thinking of you the whole time. Next year you're coming with me for sure.
Angel Ava xxx


27th September 1976

Hey Ava!

Don't worry about it, as long as I get to hear from you it doesn't matter.

That call really meant a lot to me. You really mean a lot to me. I don't want to accept the money but I suppose it's the only way we can talk for longer. I could honestly sit and listen to you all day. This time though we're calling when it's night for me, it's only fair that way.

It's been good having some food in the house yes, especially food that isn't expired! I am so grateful for the money honestly, so is Fred. He says hello btw, and thank you. He thinks you're an angel too. You're my angel though so don't get any ideas.

I'd love to have a picture of you..but I'm not sure you'll want one of me. I look like a girl, a very ugly girl at that. If it makes you happy though I'll do it.

Hope you had a great time at the Throwdown! Do you have a theme to go with it? Do you dress up? I wish I could come, I really do.

Thank you for staying sober for me. That's really thoughtful.
Looking forward to hearing that sexy voice again
Your Roggie xx


Ava blushes viscously, noted by her older sister, who just smirks knowingly.

"You like him don't you?" She scoffs, but Charlotte was unconvinced.

"What! No - I mean - that would never work."

"It might not work but you didn't deny it! Aw my baby sister has her first ever crush!" She squeezes her cheeks obnoxiously.

"Oh fuck off. I hate you."

"What? You hate the person who actually brought you and Roger together? Well, I am offended!"

"Ok you make a good point. But I still hate you, you stole the chicken I was gonna make parmigiana with!

The two girls just laugh, but Ava's head was filled with doubt. Did she really have feelings for Roger? I mean, was that even possible through letters and a phone call?


Meanwhile half the world away, Roger was being indecisive. What picture should I send Ava?
He was sat on the floor of his shared apartment, milling over a few options.

This one? No, I look possessed.

What about this one? No way Roger, she'll definitely think you're a girl.

This one might be alright - actually oh god no was I constipated or something?

"I think Ava will like this one darling." Roger jumped at his roommates voice, and turned to see him holding out an unfamilar picture. He took it uncertaintly.

"Fred, are you serious, she's going to think I'm gay!"

"Why would that matter? She's your friend isn't she?" He hesitated. Why did that matter so much? It's not like he was trying to impress her. Or was he?

"Yes, but-" Freddie gasped, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh I see what it is. Little Rogerina has a crush!" He blushed a deep shade of red.

"What! No - I mean - that would never work."

"It might not work but you didn't deny it!"

"Oh fuck off, I hate you!"

"Love you too dear. What's for dinner tonight then?" They shared a knowing glance.

"Let's see, anything that's not expired?"

"You'll be fucking lucky." The two boys chuckled, but Roger's head was too filled with doubt. Did he really have feelings for Ava? I mean, was that even possible through letters and a phonecall?

Little did they know, their feelings were exactly the same.

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