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24th May 1976

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24th May 1976

Hey Rogerina!

Don't worry about the length of your letters, I appreciate anything I receive from you!

I hope everything is ok with you right now. Stay strong for me yeah? I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

In other news, remember how both Charlotte and I signed up to get a pen pal? Well turns out her's is someone called Freddie Mercury and he's been mentioning a roommate called Roger Taylor in a few of his letters. That's you isn't it?

If it is, how crazy is that! Based on what she's been saying, Freddie sounds like lovely bloke, and thinks very highly of you. He's not the only one.

No rush on responding, but I hope I hear from you sooner rather than later. Your letters have become part of my mental wallpaper you know.

Sending you my hugs and best wishes
Angel Ava xx


"Ava, you're staring at the door again!" She turned with a huff to her sisters indignant voice.

"I'm not, I was just sort of staring into space." Charlotte raised her eyebrow, unconvinced.

"It's Roger isn't it?" Ava just nodded slowly, that worry she'd felt coming to the forefront of her mind like a tsunami.

"Still haven't heard anything?"

"I know I'm not the number one priority in his life, but his last letter worried me. I just want him to be ok." Charlotte rubbed her sisters arm in an effort to comfort her, smiling sadly.

"Well, I'm expecting a letter from Freddie today. Maybe he'll say something in there?" Ava just shrugged, going off to her room to begin drafting another letter just in case.


14th June 1976

To my angel Ava

First of all, actually I don't know where to start. I guess I just need to apologise, my life has sort of fallen apart. Don't worry about me though, I'm fine, I'm used dealing with shit.

You know I had a feeling Charlotte may have been your sister! Freddie really likes her, although he said she seems a bit full of herself. Is that true?

Based off the letters I've read from her, it's hard to believe you're actually related by blood. She's obviously nice, but Ava you're special. Like I said, my golden girl.

How did your exams go? It's been so long I bet they're over! I'm also betting you did amazing, just like you are.

I really do need to thank you though. Although I haven't been able to find time to actually respond, reading back your old letters and listening to that beautiful cover have really helped me cope with the changes in my life. I will tell you everything soon, you're just going to have bear with me a little longer.

I will try and respond on schedule next time, but the drum demo will have to wait. I smashed them up again. Oops.

Speak soon my lovely friend
Rogerina xx

I ship this


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